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[Billy Twee] Gas Prices and Getting Laid


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Has anybody else had a trick tell him that he didn't have enough money for gas? Therefore, he couldn't make it over to your place. And when you offered to help him pay for gas, he responded that the offer wasn't enough...I assume, to fill the tank of his SUV? And he doesn't host...ever. OK, no problem with that, I understand and respect the desire to keep things anonymous, a lot of guys don't want tricks to know where they live. I used to be like that, until I started hosting last year...mostly because I wanted to be comfortable and I couldn't have sex in the some of the bedrooms I traveled to, they were too goddamned tacky and by the way, not sexy...they were anti-sexy. Enough of that. I hope this gas issue isn't a trend, especially in oliocentric places like LA, Dallas, Houston and Atlanta. Hooking up was made a lot easier through the internet, but now high gas prices are keeping guys home, as guys have to worry about wasting gas on a flake, or worse yet, having to worry about having enough gas to get to work tomorrow. Who would have thought that gas prices would have to be factored into your plans for a slutty evening?3922053678647687689-7741154305197756176?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


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Guest pozpig46

I totally agree on that issue. If the trick is debating and weighing the facts. It is a constant battle between the heads and the big head always wins and siad trick does not follow his johnson to greener pastures

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