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sex with the homeless is the last [banned word]


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Sex with homeless is considered the last [banned word] Every other sex is at the least known about But throughout North America few details are available  about this sexual pursuit. You may have had sex with  a homeless  person but  it's all I do it's all I've been doing for 30 years I only go with homeless men I have hobophilia Because of the depth and seriousness of my 'interest' I have not had a lover outside of a regular homeless person.  In fact if my regular person were to become less homeless  i.e . apt etc my interest in that person would wain. Why do I focus on homeless ?  Most likely at the least a psychiatric paper could be written as to why I/we pursue this oddity.I will give one of my reasons and there are a number of reasons as to why:   It's back to basics there's no tinder there's no club there's no manscape None of that garb in fact in homeless sex  shampoo underarms soap all of ir are frowned upon Many who peruse homeless do so because of the absence of the shampoos the chaps the harness the skinny jeans  the shaved chest the prison copy tats etc etc To succeed in this pursuit is far more planned than typing your stats and sending some pictures with a few clicks We're back  to the basics you got to get out you've got to get down to where they are  Talk to them  And it can go very quickly Hot guy holding a sign downtown 4 lane city street.  I knew what was up before I pulled up As I was stopped at he light I said "sup I know what you need its.... right? Yep "Im not a cop lets go talk a deal It all went down in 15 min in a mcd's parking lot space adjacent to where he was holding his sign.

The master is on  the prowl.  Cruisy walking park with woods where ppl have sex and homeless at times camp.   This last summer was a madhouse of sex there   Texted one of my homeless regulars asked him to go down to the park with me having another homeless person with can be an advantage or  disadvantage when pursuing homeless.  After picking him up he stated to me "You are the master of this This is what you do It is the most basic of cruising yet dangerous cruising A side note:In smaller/medium or even larger cities or anywhere its best to not be a regular To be blunt not only do the homeless know me in a particular area I have frequented so does the local precinct.  My homeless friend reminded me he wants a homeless twink Thats NOT something he will  broadcast.

This park is rectangular so its long walk. As we enter the a young man was leaving the park and my homeless buddy said damn he's nice and he sort  of started to walk towards him. Stop  I stated. He may be homeless but nothing is going to happen Hes white and hes walking  fast. White guys move very fast during a mission they've completed or a mission they want to get to  His jeans just a l bit too clean hair was nice. With anyone look at their shoes it tells a lot about the persons economy.   His were  nice  not pricey at all  and I knew they weren't jail giveaways or homeless shelter giveaways. I said let's walk farther, forget him; we walked and met head on  a small guy I would guess 19ish   longish hair nice face features possibly hungover drunk high dont know. Very plain bordering on raggish clothing He walked up and asked for a cigarette This is an important item to remember Always carry a pack of cigs and a lighter offer a cig /light talk and keep talking to hopefully keep him there and if he stays chat and feel him out over  the homo question The small guy 19ish with the 6 pack  stood around and we chatted and I could see  my homeless buddy loosing it as he was ready to take this guy in the woods . Damn the family on the bikes going by.  And that is an aspect that does occur with hobophelia He was dazed he was so intently focused on this young man he literally did not see anything or anyone else around him.  When desire is so obscure so weird and dangerous (his  case possibly severe condemnation exile form the camp) and you are finally face to face with what you have desired (his homeless twink) he for lack of a better word  froze.  He did not see nor hear anything else around him other than this country sounding homeless young man.  Em brassily i  had that frozen moment many years ago  at an entrance ramp to a highway he was there OMG I talked to him for multiple minutes.  He knew what was up (duh) and he  broke my frozen gaze  when he informed me " the cars are beeping"


I did take the 'temperature' of the park that day; see if any of the homeless stuff in the woods is fresh , recently used items, as that may elicit a return visit form me

I did hook up my buddy with the shaggy 19yo homeless twink

My buddy later in the week sent me this as a thank you


To follow the path:

    look to the master,

    follow the master,

    walk with the master,

    see through the master,

    become the master.


A number of psychiatrists psychologist social workers call this sexual variant the most dangerous sexual pursuit in North America.  Yes in younger days  I have followed that man to the back of the building to just chat a bit more . Locally  just recently two men on separate occasions  were  beaten to a pulp behind the local  Ikea The homeless in the are knew who did  it and the perpetrator was long gone


Back in the 80's 90's the homeless were old  bag ladies; there were hobos.  The mantra  is /was how dare you talk about having sex with homeless men you're using them ,you're abusing them, you're using your power your money to have influence over them in order to have sex with them.

I was frequently barred  by a number of  chat/forum  groups. Always seemed ironic/hypocritical  that in any number of chats/forums persons are  discussing having sex with animals and preschoolers and shitting on each other giving getting viruses and yet I talk about a consensual agreement between two men one is homeless one is not and I am banned and branded

However times  are changing The closet door is opening ever so slowly

I believe  the obvious answer for this tepid acceptance is that there are more homeless people now A hell of a lot more. And personally the ones that are more than the car sex are the hottest sex you could ever imagine having Its true many homeless men do got get attentive excellent sex even if they have an ole lady. Talked to a 29yo on reddit last month traveling form Chicago to Springfield MO to get a bus to AZ to do legit work.  Homeless he skateboarded from Chicago IL to Springfield MO Yes you read that right he skateboarded! I met him in Rolla MO His backpack complex must have weighted 100+ lbs He said people just handed money to him along the route just to hear about his  journey. I bought him breakfast  and gave his 9in the pron  bj he so severely wanted.

And yes you have to get our of your car  get  down where they are,l  You remind your brain where you parked your car. You're alone and yes you can feel it that's part of the turn on too the raw adrenaline of being on that street  say at 1:00 a.m. with homeless people around you and you're looking for a hookup

Twice ,once under  an underpass along highway 44  in Arkansas and another behind a strip mall in Bradenton FL I lived with homeless.  Here is the shopping mall and the woods I lived in for just under two weeks with Hot Brett and his ppl [think before following links] https://imgur.com/a/uXa8eWu


"Enumerable times I have walked in various cities at all hours talking to myself be careful watch your back don't walk that way God my jeans are overdressed right now for where I'm at fuck!!"

Is it dirty? Yes it can be I have stepped in shit piss dead animals all of it it's part of their world and is part of mine. However other camps are rather well kept

Are there crazies out there? Yes but there are crazies on kik Facebook grindr The benefit on the street you know who the obvious ones are. Enter that townhouse of the person you met on Scruff he may not the stable Mable you thought you were chatting with online

Yes some homeless are  dirty with viruses and open sarcoma and all that To me its a  comical subject on this website I've at least mentioned twice that  if you want to get viruses go hang out with homeless people!  If you really want to get infected they have the paperwork and they're more than eager for a Ben Franklin or more to supply what you want However over the years I have  conjectured  that there is a lot of " I wish I could" on the internet


Because I only go with homeless persons I really know very little about this site and the other sites/apps I build my  porn in my head  from my personal collection and also  many times including homeless men  that I just chatted  such as in the park

I do have a most private photo video collection of material I have amassed over the years.

It's not easy getting videos of real homeless persons you keep that fear that unless its consensual and even than your subject might change his mind that you could be hurt or killed if you were to just flip that  iPhone out  You wouldn't do that anyway you don't carry a newish  iPhone  or whatever you carry an old flip phone or an old Android phone because that's what the rest of the homeless people carry if you carry anything better you may be forced to hand it over

And now it's time that I give a big shout out to Adam. Adam is located in Canada he is a pioneer in homeless pornography I've chatted with Adam Here is his  Twitter page I do invite you to visit his Twitter page and his home page please subscribe  He is doing real porn with real homeless persons around the country he has the time money and staff to do this project Again thank you Adam we need more persons like Adam persons that will take homeless porn to the next level in their camps in the wood et,  I recall a number of members on this website know of Adams  work. twitter.com/benevolentbjs

Also it must be noted here that women are also into homeless men they seem to be more attracted to their smell than guys are attracted to other aspects of homeless men but finally they are also coming out of the closet

 An explanation as to  why I don't do not do well on these sites and others is because I want to chat with other men that have had sex with real homeless men not the fantasy ones But fantasy is fine and suffices for some.

Be prepared to give something up you in your pursuit of homeless and by giving up not just your ass.You are dealing with the lowest poorest mentally ill thrown away forgotten ostracized most struggling  persons in the United States They're going to want something from you in order to have sex many times that was the angst that chat rooms and the general public would call  us out claiming Its Prostitution!!

Is it? You want to rehash that reasoning? We have been there.  For in the past if two known homosexuals went out for dinner and one paid the bill they could and were charged with solicitation.

Not to say that aren't homeless persons out there that will have sex with you just to have the fucking sex absolutely true but in the majority of the ones even the ones that initially freely want the sex  be prepared or have that pre agreement on how you will help the person you have hooked  up with. They may request  a pack of cigarettes from you some will want more

Talk even if brief  about what's going to transpire between you and this person well before you're in the woods behind the dumpster in your car or wherever.


Met this train hopper this last summer Hard real sex in a rail car better than any of that staged porn your fed

Hooked up with a few train hoppers He was one of the best. Where did I meet him? In a city park as he was walking from one train track to the big train complex on the northern side of the city.  I gave him a ride to that boxcar then he gave me one hell of a ride . Hint hoppers are some of the best sex Hell ya they are they fucking jump on/off moving trains!

[think before following links] https://imgur.com/a/1x5CmhD


Till next time! Say wassup to me Im under that highway overpass!


post note I apologize to the aficionados on my grammar errors

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