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Busier Monday than I expected


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I was out for my morning walk/jog/run and mindlessly on an ap to see if I could line up something for after I was done. I got messaged by a hunky looking mid-20s latino that maybe I'd hooked up with before, but maybe not. I wasn't sure. If I had he didn't seem to remember but I loved his cock pick and he was nearby working on a home renovation and said he was horny and needed release. I told him I was down and he wanted it ASAP. I headed back to my home to drive to were he was, which was close by. He didn't mind that I hadn't showered and would be a little sweaty, he made it pretty clear he wanted to dump his loads in me and didn't care. He made it clear he wasn't going to reciprocate and I was cool with that. I would be heading to campus later and might get action there and if not would head to the gym.

I got to the house and the front door was unlocked, but I knocked first because you never know and I don't want to get shot or charged with breaking in. I called out his name (Javi) and said mine and it was clear the place was getting renovated as it was all new sheetrock. I heard Javi call from somewhere down a hallway and so I headed down. The windows were all open and it was a nice cool morning so far. Javi was in jeans and a t-shirt and smiled at me, every bit as handsome as his picture. He reassured me it was cool, no one else was there but us and he took me in like the piece of meat he saw me as. He started undoing his jeans and told me in Spanish to get down and suck it and I obliged, stroking his thick meaty cock as I worked his foreskin back with my mouth and tongue. He was groaning with delight as I sucked his cock, telling me how good I was at it. I loved that I knew nothing about this guy, whether he was gay, straight, bi, married, GF, BF, or what. Right now I was focused on giving him the pleasure he wanted, and which I wanted from him. 

He was throwing off a nice thick steady stream of precum and tasted tangy and salty. "You ready for this" I heard him say and I stood up saying I was. He bent me over what looked like a bathroom counter top and pulled my shorts down and started spitting on my ass. I could feel his big thick cock head straining my ass open, gasping loudly and letting out loud "oh god"s. He steadily kept forcing more of his cock in me, his girth stretching my ass more and more until finally he was all in me and slowly started stroking. Long slow strokes to get me used to his cock as he asked me how I liked it. I was telling him in Spanish how hot his dick was, how great a fuck he is, how much I wanted his load, and he laughed saying he could tell how bad I wanted it. His stroking had picked up in intensity and I could barely breathe as his fucking was so deep and intense. Its the kind of fucking you fantasize about and once he's done using me I'm pretty much done as nothing can match it. Out of nowhere he lets out a loud groan and I can feel the spasm inside me as he cums, short quick thrusts as he's panting and it feels like my ass is flooding. He stays in me groaning, saying "fuck" and how bad he needed it. He stays in me and collapses down on my back and I can feel his sweat dripping on my back. He dick slowly softens and I can feel it slowly slide out of me, cum slowly dribbling down onto my balls and down my leg. Part of me really wants to get off now, but I know he isn't interested in getting fucked, but this is a guy who really should be a top all the time. He gets off me and quickly pulls his jeans back up and says he really enjoyed it. It's kind of a "I'm through with you and you need to get going" moment, which I'm fine with. 

I pull my shorts back on and he says he's going to be working on the house for a couple weeks and we could do this again if I want. I say I do and that I'm close by and just to message me when he wants it. He probably has other guys like me he uses as an outlet. I still don't know his story and honestly don't care. If I can hook up with him a few more times its totally worth it. I head back out to my truck and put a cleanup towel on my seat just in case I leak more of his load out as I drive home. As I drive home past the trail I see a familiar car parked there and know its a guy I sometimes hook up with in the mornings out on my run. He's usually sitting in his car shirtless and more often then not playing with his cock looking other guys. He's a white guy, kinda chubby, mid 20s, dark hair, pale, smooth, and a nice thick cock. I've never fucked him, only gone somewhere and blown him or ridden his cock until be busts inside me. I'm hating myself for doing it, but I pull into the parking lot, even though I've already been fucked and probably the best fuck I'm gonna get this week. I pull up next to him and from up where I'm sitting I can see he's jerking his fat cock. I ask him if he wants it and he says he does. I shut off my truck and get in the passenger side of his car. I don't even have to tell him where to go. We've done this often enough that we both know the drill, where to park, do it in the back seat, me bent over, ass out door as he fucks me from behind. He never says much, not that I care. It's just a load. Maybe two if he's really worked up. And today he is. Maybe it's that my ass is already loaded. He never says anything about it but it doesn't seem to bother him either. He adds two loads to my ass and once done smacks me on the ass and says he needs to get going. He drops me back at my truck and off he goes, having got what he wanted.

I barely have time for a quick shower when I get home and head off to campus hoping I can find someone there after class. Once class is over I'm off to the cruisy bathroom and already notice a guy hanging outside the one bathroom who follows me in. Hot guy, maybe late teens, early 20s, skinny, about my height, mixed race, not all white, but not all black or latino either. He's at the urinal next to me checking out my cock and I'm stroking it hard now giving him a clear view. He's showing his off too, a nice slender dark cock with a bright pink head once he pulls back his foreskin. "You want it?" I ask him and he silently nods yes and I motion to the stalls, quickly stuffing my cock back in my shorts. He follows and we both go into the big handicap stall and he's quickly fishing my cock back out and stroking it as I do the same with his. He quietly asks if I have condoms and I say I don't, not even asking if he does. "I'm cool without" I add and he says OK and pulls his shorts down, clearly wanting me to fuck him first. I'm frantically spitting on his ass and working my cock in his tight hole, which slowly gives way. As bold as he is I expected he wouldn't be so tight, but enjoy it as his ass is milking my raw cock After taking three loads I'm fully worked up and gonna flood this kid's guts with my seed. I'm not stroking long before I blast inside him and can hear him softly say "dude that's so hot" and "I wanted that so bad". I keep stroking and telling him there's more for him. I love that he easily gave up wanting wrapped to take me raw, never asking my status. He must have really wanted it bad and I'm giving it to him. I'm stroking his cock and he's admitting how getting fucked makes him super horny and how bad he wants to fuck me. I'm tempted to get into nastier talk but don't want to scare him off. I'm hoping maybe we can hook up again. I blast load number two inside him and again he says how fucking hot it feel and that he loves guys cumming in his ass. Yeah...Mr..."do you have any condoms"...any excuse you need to tell yourself.

I slide out and I'm ready for his cock, fantasizing about that bright pink cock head forcing my ass open and that dark shaft stroking in me. Those dark balls pumping their seed deep in me. He did the spit and stick and entered me, not like he needed the spit as my ass was giving no resistance. I was hoping he wasn't judging me to be a loose sloppy bottom but its not like he has room to talk after getting drilled raw by a total stranger in a bathroom. After getting fucked by two majorly thick cocks there wasn't much to feel from skinny boy, especially as his cock had no girth to it. He seemed to be enjoying it. I was telling him how hot his cock was and he was asking how bad I wanted it and played into to, saying how bad I wanted his load and not to pull out. He laughed and said "no chance of that". Not long after I could hear him muffle a groan and feel his hips buck and guessed he'd cum inside me. I still delighted that I'd got off inside him getting what I wanted and could hear him say "fuck yeah I needed that" as he slid out telling me to suck him clean. I loved getting a close up look at the beautiful perfect cock of his and gleefully started sucking it while also fingering his ass. I quickly told him I wanted to suck him off and he muttered "keep doing what you're doing" to me. His precum was sweet and tasty and he was moaning even more as I slipped a second and then third finger into his ass as I sucked him. I could only hope it would get him horny and wanting to get fucked by another guy, hopefully taking his seed raw too. He was throwing off more precum now and I could feel his breathing shift as I waited patiently and with expectation for him to pump his seed in my mouth. I wanted to swallow every drop and lick that beautiful cock clean. He had his hands on either side of my head and was now fucking my mouth like a pro. I could barely breathe as he blasted a huge load in my mouth as I eagerly swallowed it, some leaking out the corners of my mouth, dribbling down to my chin and on my chest. I grabbed his ass cheeks to press him to me so none would leak out and loved the taste and volume he pumped. I had to come up for air and once I caught my breath began to lick his cock clean and he looked down at me a softly laughed, apologizing, saying he'd made a bit of a mess. I said it was cool and finished cleaning his cock and standing back up. He leaned in and licked his cum off my chin, neck, and chest, which was super hot that eats his own fuck. 

He handed me some paper towels and we started to clean up as best we could, awkwardly smiling at each other. He introduced himself as Drew and asked if I had classes on Monday. I said I did and Wednesday as well and he said we should do this again. I said I was down and we switched contact info as we dressed, but then there was more awkward silence. I always suck at this, and so I went out on a limb and suggested we go get some coffee and talk if he wanted. Part of me dreaded it almost immediately, worried he'd ask about what I do sexually and other scary questions. To my surprise he said sure and so we finished dressing and went to go get coffee and talk. To my surprise it was actually nice and Drew seemed like a genuinely nice guy. We talked about ourselves and where we were at university and it was funny as it didn't get awkward at all. He didn't pry too much into my sex life and I avoided his, but we did talk about our lives, likes, and dislikes. I made it a little weird at the end saying we would hook up for sex again on Wednesday and he deflected joking we could do it sooner, but if not then Wednesday. I took it as a hint he likes sex and wants it as much as I do. We left it as Wednesday definitely, maybe sooner and went out seperate ways. I'm not looking to date but maybe this could be a regular thing.

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