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has anyone every wanted to be a male porn star or is one or was one at one time. i want to be one really bad but every where i apply at turns me down but want to here ur storys with it or anything really

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I've done it. It's reasonably fun, but absolutely nowhere near as glamorous as you would think. Soft-core stuff is relatively relaxing and no-pressure, but hard-core films are serious work. Long hours, and lots of pretending like you're having the time of your life, even when you're tired and horny and not allowed to cum (but under massive pressure to show hard if you want the paycheck). At it's best, porn work can be monotonous, waiting around for hours while the other models get their still shots taken. At its worst, the sex scenes themselves are usually up to you, but heavily scripted and posed. You need to learn to ignore your partner and perform for the camera instead.

What SHOULD be the most fun part, the cumshot, is extremely scripted, scrutinized, and directed. After five hours of filming, getting to cum is honestly the least rewarding moment of the entire day.

I'm not at all complaining about the people I've filmed with. They will go massively out of their way to make the difficulties of a day shoot as bearable as possible. But the fact remains, porn is the hardest paycheck you will EVER work for.

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  • 1 year later...

I've done it and had a great time too. But like Deaner said, it's not glamorous at all. It is a lot of work. What may look like a 30 minute fuck scene has probably taken HOURS to shoot. The set is usually crowded and hot. Depending on the studio that you film with, there's always the chance that you could get paired up with someone that you're NOT attracted to. There's usually one model that's hungover or coming off a binge and can't perform. One model can single-handedly ruin hours of work. It's not the camera in your face that's annoying, but rather that bright, bright light--ugh!

Often times, you're just sitting around the set, waiting until the director needs you. Your body is coated with so much oil and lotion. There's always some douchebag that forgets to turn their cellphone ringer off--and THAT alone can ruin a whole scene, causing everything to turn into chaos.

I've been on some pretty lousy porn sets and I've been on some really awesome ones. It depends on the studio, the director and the other actors.

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has anyone every wanted to be a male porn star or is one or was one at one time. i want to be one really bad but every where i apply at turns me down but want to here ur storys with it or anything really

I've posted this a few times about guys trying to get into porn. Porn studios have TONS of bottom guys that are willing to get fucked on film, so much so that they really don't need bottoms--unless your ass is FUCKING AMAZING! To be a bottom in porn, you really have to be top notch! You have to be that guy that EVERYBODY would want to fuck. Same goes with being a top in porn: Your dick and body has to be FUCKING AMAZING!

Anything less than that, and studios will hire someone else.

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but i'd like to add a caveat to my previous statement the porn i did was right when the aids epedemic blew up and if anyone remembers the porn from those days it took a huge turn away from raunchy,lots of mutual jacking off and condoms

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