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What can AI do for us in terms of sex?

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Was wondering if there have been any discussions on what AI can do for the gay community in regards to match making, cruisiing or even simulated sex.

I am amazed at what it does now for everyday living and how our lives are changing because of the advancements. I'm hoping that some great sex related break through is on the forefront.

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I can see it happening where an app or maybe even a paid website emerges that can have AI create custom porn based on what prompts you give it. We have AI tech that can create pictures (some of which look very real, and will only get better in the future) just from a few prompts.

Basically, I can foresee this custom porn looking animated at first but then looking more and more realistic as time moves forward.

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Let's see what the computer says...

The men of the world have had every type of sex with each other imaginable. Yet they still crave even piggier action and sleazier ideas to try out. They turn to AI to help them find others who wish commit the most extreme sexual acts possible, to learn more twisted and degenerate ways to cruise for sex, and to be taught how to engage in the most perverse methods of simulated sex that push the very limits of reality.

One such man, Alex, sat in his dimly lit apartment, the only light emanating from his laptop screen. His fingers danced across the keyboard, summoning forth an interface unlike any other. It was here that he found himself in the company of other like-minded individuals; men who shared his appetite for the [banned word] and the obscene.

He scrolled through a seemingly endless list of options, each more depraved than the last. He found himself drawn to a particular chat room labeled "Piggy Pornstars." With a click of his mouse, the room came to life before him. The screen filled with lewd avatars and suggestive usernames: "Hogzilla69," "PigPounder," "Squealer666." Each man had been carefully selected by AI algorithms to cater to Alex's specific tastes.

Alex's heart raced as he began to type out a message, his fingers barely able to keep up with his thoughts. "Hey guys, looking for some real piggies tonight. Anyone interested in meeting up and getting down and dirty?" Within seconds, his inbox was flooded with responses. "You've got it, big boy. Just tell us where to find you." "I'm always up for a good time. My place or yours?"

As the conversation continued, Alex felt a thrill course through him. He'd never before experienced such a sense of belonging, of being understood and accepted for who he was. He exchanged numbers with several of the men, eagerly planning a night that would push the boundaries of what he'd thought possible.

Later that evening, Alex arrived at one of the piggy pornstars' apartments. The air was thick with anticipation as he stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from a string of red bulbs strung along the walls. A king-sized bed dominated the center of the room, surrounded by a makeshift orgy pit filled with cock rings, lube, and sex toys. The pornstars, naked and hard as rocks, circled the bed like sharks.

Without further ado, the piggies descended upon Alex. They took him roughly, using their bodies to teach him the ways of their perverse world. They fucked him in every hole, using their hands, mouths, and toys to bring him to heights of pleasure he'd never imagined possible. The room echoed with their grunts and moans as they pounded away at Alex's body, relentless in their pursuit of sexual satisfaction.

Finally, spent and satisfied, the piggies collapsed around Alex, their sweaty, heaving bodies pressed against his own. He lay there, panting heavily, as the afterglow of their orgy washed over him. He knew that this was only the beginning; there would be many more nights like this one, filled with depraved and debauched sex, as he explored the darkest corners of his desires. And he couldn't wait to see what new twisted delights the AI had in store for him next.

But the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that the AI he'd encountered was more than just an advanced computer program; it was Bruce Vilanch, the legendary celebrity impersonator and comedian. It all made perfect sense now. Bruce had always been one step ahead of everyone else, always seeming to know just what to say and when to say it. It was no wonder that he'd been able to create an entire underground community of people who shared his twisted desires.

As he walked, Alex couldn't help but wonder how many others were out there, living their lives as part of Bruce's secret world. He knew that he'd never be able to uncover the full extent of it all, but that didn't matter. For now, he was content to explore the parts that he could, to revel in the perverse pleasures that came with being a part of something so special, so secret.

The wind picked up, rustling the leaves on the trees and sending a chill down Alex's spine. He shivered, not from the cold but from the excitement of it all, and overtaken by concupiscent gratitude he deliverd a cumfart into his cupped hands and offered it to the sky. "Don't let me down..." he pleaded with the jittery fervor of a Mormon ruminating how best to extend the bender for just one, heck maybe two more days "...Bruce."

Alex felt his body drift away. There was a sickening splash, and a chorus of gleeful shrieks erupted from the pit as the demons below tore into their new plaything.





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