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[Breeder] Sunday Morning Questions: The Itch Edition


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Many of you guys have been concerned about my health, since I had to take off a few days, week before last. Thank you for your kind emails. Those of you who've written have been so solicitous and so discreet, in fact, that I gather from the way you handle me with kid gloves that you're all worried I have something fatal, and that I am slowly expiring by degrees on a fainting couch.

No, I don't have anything wasting. Nor do I have anything sexually transmitted, thank you. The truth is much more mundane. Ever since I moved to my new home, I've been breaking out in an itchy, blotchy rash that is intolerable enough during the daytime, but has been absolute torture by dark. Until I visited my doctor, I was averaging about three and a half hours of sleep a night. I visited the doctor after a particularly bad weekend in which I didn't sleep at all. He helpfully determined, as I've said, that I didn't have leprosy or scabies, and that I probably was having an allergy or a sensitivity to something in the environment—though he couldn't determine what.

So there you have it. No fainting couch. Just me and my new ultimate sexual fantasy of meeting a man with nicely-manicured fingernails who has a desire to do no more than crook his digits and just rrrrrrake them over my skin, starting with my feet and scrrrrrraaaaaatching his way up me, inch by vigorous inch. Oh yeah. The idea is giving me a hard-on, right now.

Let's get to some questions from formspring.me. (And if you have any, please visit the site and submit yours. You can do it anonymously!)

So, how are you adjusting to your new surroundings?

Slowly, but surely. I don't feel quite as homesick as I did last week, or the week before. I've managed to drive places without feeling totally lost. And I can navigate my way into the city on my own. Baby steps, right?

have u ever opened the bathroom door accidentally, while someone being naked inside or peeing?

No. Mostly because both in my current household, and in the household in which I grew up, no one ever shut the bathroom door unless we had company.

How do/would you handle being in social situations with an ex trick or fuck buddy that you're on good terms with but you have a new boyfriend who's not comfortable with your friendship?

In a situation like this, it's the new boyfriend who has the issue—not you or your former lover. Be cordial and let him work out his own issues.

Any chance of seeing more videos of your sexcapades sometime?

Very likely. When I find some willing partners to make them with me. And a camera person.

Are you still doing cam shows on cam4?

I do, but not with any particularly predictable schedule.

Thoughts on Edmund White and his work?

White is a highly influential artist and rightly one of the most venerated gay writers out there. His prose is often beautiful stuff.

Gay life has changed so much in the last thirty-five years, though, that a lot of his works seems awfully dated today. It's not just him—most gay writers of the era look antiquated, with the accelerated rate of change over our landscape in that time period. That doesn't make his books any the less interesting or beautiful, but their relevance to the modern reader is going to vary.

If the men's room isn't available (and it's a 1-seater), do you use the women's?

No, because the women get mightily upset at the notion a penis has invaded their territory. The only situation in which I'd even consider such a thing would be at a gay bar frequented primarily by men, in which the women's room was a mere formality.

Not to be rude, honestly: What's the most offensive question you've ever received?

The questions that I've received that have barely been able to veil their hostility have all been uniformly offensive to me. Usually they come in two forms: either they accuse me or heavily imply that I lie about my health and serostatus, or else they come laden with judgmental words like 'adulterer.'

It's a shame that people have to use anonymity in order to take jabs at people whom they've never met and who have no direct relation to their life. Sad, really.12316001024335229-7506799450938756615?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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