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Clean Out


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I've been playing with decently large toys for a little over a year now and I love it. I would do it every morning and evening. The only thing I feel I haven't figured out is a good clean out routine as it can take me anywhere from an hour and half to two hours to prepare.


Any advice to help speed this along such diet, the amount of water, etc that might help expedite this? Or is it just the nature of the beast? 

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Metamucil is a good start.   You want fiber  but not necessarily insoluble fiber in high amounts.  You maybe once a week can do a big fiber cleanse sort of thing with a high insoluble fiber diet on one day to sort of push anything out.  Otherwise a lean and low fat/low sugar diet with probiotics (either spored capsules or in things fermented like Yogurt, Kefir, Pickles, etc.). Will speed up digestion and help regulate when you go naturally.  Some people find success doing OMAD diets (one meal a day) where the goal is to eat whatever you want really but a very high calorie intake all within a 1 hour period every 24 hours.  It's been studied as a safe diet with actual benefits to the metabolism and insulin levels but it's not for everyone as certain conditions can be exacerbated by the diet like if you are type 1 diabetic or if you have issues regulating blood pressure..


Also how deep are you going?  I feel most people aren't going like 20" deep but clean out as though they are and that's part of their problem.


My trick for cleaning out for toys/fisting (unless it's like past the elbow or extremely extended sessions) is to use cold water so it doesn't trigger/stimulate your GI tract.  Assuming your using a shower douche, only hold it in you for 4 seconds max, only have it just high enough pressure to not sputter but not so high it's going to get water trapped. 


You can also try taking 2 immodium at the start of a clean out, this stops a majority of the activity in the GI tract that would make it moving things down from your colon.  30 min to work for gel, 45-60 for standard pills, usually lines up nicely and never lets me down.

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