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Chapter 5

“Somebody is eager there, hm? You´re sexy when you let your slutty self take control baby!” said Jamal from beside me. I hadn´t even realized he had already sat down beside Taron again. I looked towards him and my eyes caught on his thick tool, sticking up from his thigh towards the ceiling, getting even thicker each second. I just noticed I was staring (again!), when Taron´s dick dropped out of my mouth. I blinked in surprise, took it in my hand and put it back in my mouth, before I realized both Taron and Jamal were having trouble holding back their laughter. “Fuck man!” Taron suddenly burst out “He´s such a perfect little slut!” Cupping my cheek he was looking down on me and saying “Aren´t you my fucking subby little slutboy?” I might have taken offense by that comment had I been in my right mind, but… oh well, I don´t need to tell you, do I? So I just nodded, grinning as far as his cock allowed me and went further down on it, while wriggling my togue in his piss slit. I loved this dick! Had it been this delicious a minute ago?

Before I could answer this question, Taron´s hand pulled me up and Jamal put his lips on mine, making out with me while pushing another dense cloud down my lungs. I exhaled while I hungrily made out with him and loved the feeling of his short beard scraping my lips and his tongue invading my mouth that his friend´s cock had just been in mere seconds ago. Before I could lose myself in the sensation even more, he pulled back, pressing the stem of the pipe between my lips and lighting the bowl. “Deep hit now, boy. I´m gonna show you something amazing to give to your tops!” I was curious and took a long and slow drag from the pipe. “Hold it in! Very nice! And now go down on my cock… No exhaling!” I furrowed my brows at him, but did what I was told and gave my best to keep the smoke in me while sucking his dick into my mouth full of chemsmoke. He pressed his cock further into my mouth, opening up my throat and slowly snaking down back there. I was so glad in that moment for my lung capacity from swimming as a teenager!

“Goood boy! Feel my cock blocking the smoke from exiting your lungs? Now my cock decides how much of that stuff you´re gonna have, hmmm?” he chuckled, while I grew a little restless about what he was doing. This was so hot, but I would need to get some air rather sooner than later, so I tried to withdraw without letting his dick fully slide out of my mouth.

“None of that baby!” he shouted suddenly. I was surprised and looked up at his eyes, who had gone to slits while his hands grabbed my head in a vicelike grip, yanking me the few centimeters down his cock again that I had just gone up on my way to oxygen. “You´re gonna fucking breathe when I allow it, do you understand me?” he shouted down at me. I could just look at him, wide eyed and terrified. He saw that and a thin smile curled his lips. “Don´t look at me like this. You just need to learn who´s in charge here sweety. And I tell you something important: it´s nobody with an average white cock straining in their pants!” I was taken aback in that moment, because I realized three things: First, I was still clothed. Second, my cock WAS straining in my pants.

And third: He was simply right.

I fucking needed some air. But I also needed his cock down my throat and he was the one deciding in which order these things were happening.

“Fuck yes! Now you´re giving in and relaxing this throat, don’t you?” I could just nod, my eyes watering, my lungs burning, still filled with t, my mind struggling to catch up on the events.

“Tell you what, bitch: I´ll pull out the head now and you´ll breathe that smoke down my shaft as slowly as you can, got it?” I would have done everything in that moment, so I just followed suit. I enveloped his shaft and my head in a dense could of that smoke in the best tempo I could, before sucking in the air I so badly needed.

“Goood boy! Such a good boy!” Taron growled from the side, while starting to rub my hair with his meaty hand. Jamal just smiled at me, proud like a father. Or an owner, teaching his dog a new trick.

“Now, let´s get your sweet body out of this shirt and shorts and show us what´s underneath!” I wanted to please them and show off my ass in the blue and red jock I had chosen this morning in case I would get laid today. I loved the way it framed my butt and I was sure they would love it, too! So I stood up and almost fell out of my clothes before going back to my knees before these tow broadly grinning men. I just wanted to share my body and my holes and… fuck, what was happening to me?

“Very nice boy! You put on a jock so you could show off your sweet butt and your hole, hm?” I just nodded before taking Taron´s dick back into my mouth and Jamal´s into my hand. I was losing all of my inhibitions, just doing what I wanted to do and being a slut for these two fuckers. And as a fortunate incident, these two things aligned perfectly well right now.

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Chapter 6

Feeling the pulsing cock in my one hand while impaling my face and throat again and again on the second one, I was in love with these two beautiful dicks and couldn´t get enough. Then Jamal tapped me on the head and withdrew his cock while standing up and so did Taron. I looked up at these beautiful black gods above me, their seeing their cocks from underneath, seeing them from this angle hang just over my head. Then suddenly Jamal slapped his cock down at my lips and Taron grinned and joined him. I was confused for a second, but then laughed and put out my tongue to lap at their cocks when they came swinging down at my face. Then they stopped with their cockheads both right at the corners of my mouth and I started alternating between slurping at their cockheads. I felt really slutty, but these men seemed to like it and I did, too! I put a hand down to jerk my cock and was surprised to find it soft, despite my intense horniness. The guys noticed my confusion (well, it probably wasn´t that hard to nice, because my mouth went down, away from their cocks. “No worries sweety, it happens to some cocks when smoking.” “But not to the ones, that are supposed to be used…” Taron chimed in and nodded towards their still rock hard dicks. I kind of blushed a little, but understood the underlying request and continued, this time going down further on his dick and trying to get it in as deep as possible.

Jamal used this moment to walk behind me and kneel down. He casually slapped my but cheeks and said “Up!” I got into a kneeling position to push my ass towards him. Apprehensive, but excited that he would finally take care of my ass, while at the same time a bit sad that Taron´s cock went out of the reach of my mouth with that, me just being able to wrap a hand around it and jerk it from below.

Jamal´s big hands pressed onto my but cheeks and spread them and he dove with his tongue at my hole. “Ughhh!” I could just moan, surprised from the sudden assault. Usually guys took their time with fingers first, right?

I had closed my eyes for a second, when I felt something at my lips. While opening my eyes I also opened my mouth, feeling the stem of the glas pipe being slightly pressed against my lower lip, while Taron handled the lighter. “Suck it, baby…” he murmured. Surprised again I registered, that the smoke was already coming out of the pipe. In my joy I must have missed the click of the lighter.

So obediently I sucked in the smoke that would surely make me tinge again and… free me?

“Very good. A little more… that´s it. Hold it in. You know what to do, right boy?” He stated this more than really asked, while swinging his hips slightly, his knees a bit bent, so his cock was swinging right before my eyes. Of course I knew! So I sucked his cock into me with force, choking myself a little and freely blocking my path for air, giving him and his cock control over my breath. My head. And somehow, of my life.

I tried to give Taron the kind of feeling Jamal was giving me through my hole. Fuck, I think never had a rimjob felt this good! So I tried to go back and forth on the beauty in my mouth, getting more and more of it down my throat, massaging the head with my throat muscles and the underside with my tongue to the best of my ability. And that´s when it happened: Jamals suddenly pierced my hole with his tongue and my yelp (that of course was barely any noise at all to anyone but me) seemed to give Taron the opportunity to do his stab and really burying his cock in my throat, bringing my head into his pubes. My eyes bulged and I struggled for a second, feeling overwhelmed by so much cock in me. But Taron quickly held my head firmly in his hands, while caressing my face and telling me how good it felt, to relax my throat, stay there for just another moment and what not. And I actually managed just that for a couple of seconds, feeling a sense of pride starting to rise in me. Accomplishment, mixed with this feeling of utter sexual euphoria from feeling the pubes of this hot fucking black god scratching ma face and… well, maybe it was also the smoke that made my lungs scream for release and my head tingle. Probably all of it?

Finally Taron released his grip and I quickly breathed out and taking a raspy breath in quickly afterwards, to get some oxygen into my system, before breathing out again, some smoke still coming out. Fuck, that was hot, but I can´t do this more often or I would pass out, I thought.

That´s when I registered, that both Jamal and Taron had stopped their action and stood on their feet, sternly looking down at me, not moving a muscle, suddenly looking intimidating. My eyes widened. Fuck!

Taron finally spoke up: “You know what you were supposed to do, right?” I meekly nodded. “Say it, boy. What were you supposed to do?” asked Jamal in a hard voice.

“I, hmm…” My voice cracked, but then I quickly added “I was supposed to hold in the air for long, which I did! But I think I should have blown it down the cock slowly…” “You think?” “I WAS supposed to blow it out slowly, around the cock.” I said, more strongly. While looking down. What situation had I brought myself into here?!

“Right boy.” Taron said, nodding. “You didn´t do what you knew you were supposed to. So there will be a punishment.” My head jerked up. What the fuck?!

“Don´t worry, Jakey. Since it’s the first time, we will find something suitable to help you not disobey us again, but not too harsh. In fact, you might come to like it.” Jamal´s lips went into a curl, before he turned around and got something out of a drawer. Then he came back and knelt down before me, hiding whatever he held in his hand. “Eyes up! And keep them there!” I felt anxiety kick in, but obeyed. They wouldn´t harm me, would they?

I felt Jamal´s big hands working my ballsack and something cold slide along my cock, but kept my eyes up. After like ten or fifteen seconds I heard something turn and click and Jamal stood up again, a small key in his hand, grinning widely down at me now. “It suits you perfectly! Now have a look!” I did and when my eyes saw the small (very small!) band of circular metal rings that encased my cock, I´m sure they also widened in shock. My hand flew to my cock and just felt cool metal. There was also a ring going around my balls, preventing the other rings from just being taken off. “What the…?” “Fuck baby, this is a little punishment, but it also looks so fitting to see you cock caged and kept in that small stage! I wouldn´t be used anytime soon anyway, right?” Taron said, while jerking his big dick, as if for comparison. “I´m, uh, I… what is that?” I was completely dumbfolded. “It´s a cock cage baby, to make sure you´re not trying to use that little dick while there are so much better dicks around. And so much better ways to use your body…” Jamal trailed off. I looked down again and couldn´t believe how tiny this thing seemed. My cock was a grower, but If you had asked me before if it would fit into that cage, I would have laughed at you. But there it was, securely held around my cock. An unfamiliar weight between my legs, like my cock was as big as theirs and filled with blood, ready to go. Was that how having a huge dick like theirs felt, when you had it swinging between your legs?

And why the fuck was I thinking about their cocks instead of mine, when they had just literally locked it up?

I wanted to rise to my feet, demanding the key, but Taron´s hand on my shoulder stopped me firmly, while immediately starting to knead my flesh with a strong, but wonderful grip. I sighed and looked up.

“Don´t you worry baby. This is just the start, no need to stand up. Let´s get back to where we were before and try that again, huh?”

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Being caged is hot! Cannot wait to see where this story goes next!  Maybe a slam and booty bumps are in Jakey’ future 😈🐷😈🐷🦯🦯


Well @Baresubthis is building into a fantastic story and I hope you find time to continue and get me and other followers hard and horny. Bring it on


Chapter 7

And that´s what we did. Once for Taron again, once for Jamal. And my head was flying. Fuck was I high! I felt invincible enough to take on these two guys and their cocks! But something bothered me…

“Guys, I think that was enough of that… smoke. I´m really high and I think it´s good like that… Okay?” I was looking at Jamal pleadingly, who was sitting before me on the sofa. I had just serviced his cock some more and he had told me to keep my hands on his feet, wrapped in those enigmatically white socks, so only my moth would touch his cock. I found that weird at first but… after a while, it turned out to be really fucking hot! It gave him even more control over me and I loved that after a while. He was treating my mouth well with his cock, which I was hyperaware of while it was gliding over my lips and…

“Hmm okay Jakey, we can stop the smoking I guess. Right Taron?”

Taron came up from working my hole with his tongue and a finger, relaxing me bit by bit for what would be the biggest treat my hole had ever had.

“Sure thing! I´m sure you´ll take us, right baby?”

“Yes… I mumbled, already licking Jamal´s cockhead again. I withdrew slightly. “Thanks guys. I Mean, you can go on of course, I just guess am not used to it and so…” Taron´s hand pushed my head from behind down on Jamal´s cock again. “Don´t you worry too much Jakey, we´re gonna take really good care of ourselves, each other and your sweet hole right here!” With that, he pushed a finger in to the knuckle and made me flinch around the cock in my mouth, but I made sure not to hurt it. Who knew what would happen then, I thought…

I was just relieved, really, that they didn´t want to pump me full of more drugs.


“By the way Baby, you wouldn´t make us cover up, would you?” Taron asked casually, while working his finger in and out of my hole.

“Cover up…? Oh, you mean condoms?”

“Yeah, right… Wouldn´t that be a waste of intimacy? Our cocks sliding into your pussy, flesh on flesh. Not even to mention you wouldn´t get our cum into you!”

I was a bit baffled. I actually had a condom with me. But it definitely wouldn´t fit these guys.

“I mean… do you have some?” I asked, nervously. Having their cum in me probably would be really hot, but I just met them! And… what we were doing didn’t exactly prove to me that they were a safe crowd.

Jamal interrupted “No baby, of course not! You have seen our cocks, they barely fit into any condom anyway. And an entry without a condom is so much smoother, it´s essential for us to being able to properly fuck a hole without hurting the poor owner. Just imagine the friction our cocks would cause on your sphincter with a rubber…” He was shaking his head with a sad expression. “We wouldn´t want to do that to anybody. Sex should be about pleasure, right?” he said, and was staring deeply into my eyes.

“Yeah… I guess…” I answered meekly. I really wanted them, I couldn’t just leave here like that, but…

 Taron suddenly withdrew his finger and I was pulled out of my thoughts and yelped a little.

Then I felt something small but hard slightly entering me and then something else… A liquid? “What are you doing?” “Just a little important work in helping you reach your full potential sweety…” Taron murmured. That´s when a burning started to form in my hole. “What the…?!” I tried to look back, but Jamal put his hands on my head and made sure I was looking at him. “Don´t worry baby, this will just help you relax your hole. Or something like that.” he added with an evil grin. “Anyway, to prepare you for the events about to come!” Taron snickered. How could this make me relax? Maybe it was some kind of numbing cream? It certainly doesn´t feel very relaxing right now, but maybe it needs some time to work, I thought.

And well, I was at least right about that part!

“Oh don´t you worry Baby! I see it in your eyes, you´re thinking so much again, right? Don´t. Just go with the flow! We made you feel really good so far, haven’t we? We gave you our wonderful cocks and you want to give us your beauftiful hole! It´s only natural! So we should do it. And since we know how to handle a sweet boy like you, we´re doing everything we need to, to ensure we´re all having a really good time, okay?” “I was looking up at him with wide eyes and nodded after a second. This was so fucked up, so kinky, nasty and risky, but it´s a fucksession I never dreamed of and I didn’t want it to end.

“Okay?” Jamal said this time, more sternly. “Uh, yes!” I answered instinctively. “Good boy!” Jamal again caressed my head with his fingertips and I felt electricity shooting through me. “You´re feeling it, don´t you baby?” “Yes… I feel something… the burning is gone and it feels electric and good and…” I hesitated to go on, but then I figured that all modesty was lost here anyway. “It feels like my hole is empty!” Jamal grinned and threw Taron a gaze, who had rustled with his equipment behind me and now spoke up. “Good, that means, that it´s working! It makes a hole wonderfully hot! It´s gonna get a bit more intense even and then you´ll be ready…” he made a pause, while leaning down, his finger gracing the outside of my hole, while his head appeared beside my ear and he whispered the rest straight into it “…to take both of our big, black dicks after each other into that wonderful, sweet white hole. And you will feel amazing, stretched to your limits. And never wanting something else again than big cocks, pounding your pussy, making your whole body feel good with it and taking the cum they offer you as a reward, when you did your job well.” He withdrew and focused on my hole again, pushing first one and then two fingers in easily, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

They didn´t even await a response from me. For them, everything was settled. They got me high, on my knees, naked, cages and booty bumped.

And I didn´t offer any resistance anymore whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, Baresub said:

Chapter 7

And that´s what we did. Once for Taron again, once for Jamal. And my head was flying. Fuck was I high! I felt invincible enough to take on these two guys and their cocks! But something bothered me…

“Guys, I think that was enough of that… smoke. I´m really high and I think it´s good like that… Okay?” I was looking at Jamal pleadingly, who was sitting before me on the sofa. I had just serviced his cock some more and he had told me to keep my hands on his feet, wrapped in those enigmatically white socks, so only my moth would touch his cock. I found that weird at first but… after a while, it turned out to be really fucking hot! It gave him even more control over me and I loved that after a while. He was treating my mouth well with his cock, which I was hyperaware of while it was gliding over my lips and…

“Hmm okay Jakey, we can stop the smoking I guess. Right Taron?”

Taron came up from working my hole with his tongue and a finger, relaxing me bit by bit for what would be the biggest treat my hole had ever had.

“Sure thing! I´m sure you´ll take us, right baby?”

“Yes… I mumbled, already licking Jamal´s cockhead again. I withdrew slightly. “Thanks guys. I Mean, you can go on of course, I just guess am not used to it and so…” Taron´s hand pushed my head from behind down on Jamal´s cock again. “Don´t you worry too much Jakey, we´re gonna take really good care of ourselves, each other and your sweet hole right here!” With that, he pushed a finger in to the knuckle and made me flinch around the cock in my mouth, but I made sure not to hurt it. Who knew what would happen then, I thought…

I was just relieved, really, that they didn´t want to pump me full of more drugs.


“By the way Baby, you wouldn´t make us cover up, would you?” Taron asked casually, while working his finger in and out of my hole.

“Cover up…? Oh, you mean condoms?”

“Yeah, right… Wouldn´t that be a waste of intimacy? Our cocks sliding into your pussy, flesh on flesh. Not even to mention you wouldn´t get our cum into you!”

I was a bit baffled. I actually had a condom with me. But it definitely wouldn´t fit these guys.

“I mean… do you have some?” I asked, nervously. Having their cum in me probably would be really hot, but I just met them! And… what we were doing didn’t exactly prove to me that they were a safe crowd.

Jamal interrupted “No baby, of course not! You have seen our cocks, they barely fit into any condom anyway. And an entry without a condom is so much smoother, it´s essential for us to being able to properly fuck a hole without hurting the poor owner. Just imagine the friction our cocks would cause on your sphincter with a rubber…” He was shaking his head with a sad expression. “We wouldn´t want to do that to anybody. Sex should be about pleasure, right?” he said, and was staring deeply into my eyes.

“Yeah… I guess…” I answered meekly. I really wanted them, I couldn’t just leave here like that, but…

 Taron suddenly withdrew his finger and I was pulled out of my thoughts and yelped a little.

Then I felt something small but hard slightly entering me and then something else… A liquid? “What are you doing?” “Just a little important work in helping you reach your full potential sweety…” Taron murmured. That´s when a burning started to form in my hole. “What the…?!” I tried to look back, but Jamal put his hands on my head and made sure I was looking at him. “Don´t worry baby, this will just help you relax your hole. Or something like that.” he added with an evil grin. “Anyway, to prepare you for the events about to come!” Taron snickered. How could this make me relax? Maybe it was some kind of numbing cream? It certainly doesn´t feel very relaxing right now, but maybe it needs some time to work, I thought.

And well, I was at least right about that part!

“Oh don´t you worry Baby! I see it in your eyes, you´re thinking so much again, right? Don´t. Just go with the flow! We made you feel really good so far, haven’t we? We gave you our wonderful cocks and you want to give us your beauftiful hole! It´s only natural! So we should do it. And since we know how to handle a sweet boy like you, we´re doing everything we need to, to ensure we´re all having a really good time, okay?” “I was looking up at him with wide eyes and nodded after a second. This was so fucked up, so kinky, nasty and risky, but it´s a fucksession I never dreamed of and I didn’t want it to end.

“Okay?” Jamal said this time, more sternly. “Uh, yes!” I answered instinctively. “Good boy!” Jamal again caressed my head with his fingertips and I felt electricity shooting through me. “You´re feeling it, don´t you baby?” “Yes… I feel something… the burning is gone and it feels electric and good and…” I hesitated to go on, but then I figured that all modesty was lost here anyway. “It feels like my hole is empty!” Jamal grinned and threw Taron a gaze, who had rustled with his equipment behind me and now spoke up. “Good, that means, that it´s working! It makes a hole wonderfully hot! It´s gonna get a bit more intense even and then you´ll be ready…” he made a pause, while leaning down, his finger gracing the outside of my hole, while his head appeared beside my ear and he whispered the rest straight into it “…to take both of our big, black dicks after each other into that wonderful, sweet white hole. And you will feel amazing, stretched to your limits. And never wanting something else again than big cocks, pounding your pussy, making your whole body feel good with it and taking the cum they offer you as a reward, when you did your job well.” He withdrew and focused on my hole again, pushing first one and then two fingers in easily, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

They didn´t even await a response from me. For them, everything was settled. They got me high, on my knees, naked, cages and booty bumped.

And I didn´t offer any resistance anymore whatsoever.

So badly want black men to dominate me. Fill me chems & manhandle for their desires. Feeling BBC filling my cunt, their chem piss dribbling out of my hole & their cocks breeding me like starved stallions & exploding their cum deep into my guts & ppushing it further with their fists & arms. I so want a dirty BBC fuelled breeding & seeding orgy. 

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