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Dallas Experiance

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Figured since I pulled a 60 hour week and had some unexpected money in my latest paycheck and two days off, I would head up to Dallas and cruise the tubs to get me some loads. I arrived at the hotel at about 10 on Saturday morning and figured it would be way to early to head over, so I got on BBRTs and Manhunt. A few messages back and forth, but as usual, everyone had a grandmother they had to take to the lake to watch the ducks deals. Talk the talk, but never want to meet.

After playing the game online for a while I finally gave up and figured would head out for a few beers and hit the tubs. Met a guy at the bar and we bullshitted and traded BBRTs profile information and showed him Breedingzone. It wasn't going anywhere I dropped in at the Midtowne, cruised a bit and scored two unknown loads. I was then about to head back to the hotel and crash and hit it again the next day when I crossed paths with the guy I met at the bar. He asked how I was scoring, and I told him better than none but overall it was a slow night. He mentioned that neither he nor his partner could get Breedingzone to come up on their computer and offered some beers if I would drop by and see what I thought the issue was. I will do anything for free beer (as many who know me can attest) so I agreed. Actually I was hoping to score yet another load from him, but figured it was wishful thinking.

We arrived at his place and his other half, who was on their laptop, was kinda cold, and weighed-in around 250 pound and quite muscular. He was not really my type as I am mostly attracted to tall thin guys like myself, but whatever. The guys asked me sit and have a beer or two, that the big guy was working on an project that couldn't be interrupted, but that it would only be a couple of minutes until he was done, at which time the laptop would be free for me to look at the set-up.

After three beers and a wait that was more like an hour than 'a couple of minutes', I said I really should be getting back to the hotel and would try to connect with them before I left Dallas to take a gander at the laptop. Next thing I knew was the big partner's arm came around my neck so tightly I could not breathe and started to blackout. He said "Now let's fix this fucker." Thoughts that I was about to be murdered flashed across my mind. I was having a hard time with vision but knew I was being dragged down the hallway into a room where I was unceremoniously stripped of my jeans and thrown in a sling. Only after my wrists and ankles were secured in locking cuffs did he release his death grip.

All while coughing and trying to get some oxygen I kept trying to say that I was willing but I was told to "Shut the fuck up" that I didn't have any say in this matter and a gag was inserted in my mouth. They both stood on each side and the big guy said "Listen, you piece of shit. I read your BBRTs profile and the stuff you'v posted on Breedingzone. If you think you are still going to be negative after this you are sadly mistaken. We both are not on any meds and both are going to dump a toxic load in your ass, and it is guaranteed to take." The smaller guy then slammed his cock into my hole the beefy guy kept smacking me on the face asking "Is this what you want bitch?" The smaller guy followed suggesting "Hey, I have an idea. I'll get a syringe and lets inject each of our blood in his nuts."

I don't think I ever freaked out more in my life. Good thing I don't have a heart condition or else I would not have been here to write this. Both of them gave me two serious loads and I will say that it fucking hurts like fuck to have a needle stuck directly into your ball to be injected with blood. Who knows if it takes, but I scored two known poz loads and have made two new friends out of the deal. Sad you can only experience that level of fright only once. My next visit with them won't be quite the same, but it will happen. Just wish this would have been on a video, but it wasn't planned.

Edited by Hotload84
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