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Morning Cum Collection

Today I will be processing two newcomers, Alex and Gordon. I can't remember much about them, but I know my student assistant Bradley will have studied their file carefully and will be able to fill me in on the details. Bradley is always on top of things.   When I enter my office, I find Bradley in fact already on top of my desk, stripped, on all fours, his belly pushed down, his ass raised, his legs spread; underneath his junk, the vinyl sleeve of the cum collector lies floppily on the desk.



Introduction To The Department Of Discipline At St. Androphil's

I am the Vice Principal of Discipline at St. Androphil's School for Businessmen of the Future. The parents of the young men sent to St. Androphil's are typically well-to-do and well educated and are concerned that their sons are so openly homophobic that they won't fit in to the more progressive work force needed in today's economy. This is why, as you probably already know, St. Androphil's has an innovative zero-tolerance policy toward homophobia, and why the parents of the young men sent to St



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