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Random thoughts. Untold stories.

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The Right Side

I hated every moment of it. I hated the fact that they knew their ways around my naked body. I hated the way they made it look dirty. I hated the smell of sweat and cum. I hated their purring, their moaning, the hungry look in their eyes. I hated them from the very moment she had placed her hands on my shoulders. And I know I would hate them every time I would come to my boyfriend’s house pretending to meet him. … Lez, my boyfriend for the past 2 years, had rarely mentioned about his f



Does Size Matter?

Often I face the strange question - "What's the biggest one you have taken?" No offense meant to the ones who do that, but why is that important? Is it like some kind of a credibility check? The bigger I can take, the better or more comfortable I am... or uncomfortable !!! It seems that some guys have this opinion that the bigger and harder bottoms have taken, the more "adjustable" (OMG) he would be ... and then there are some who plainly rejects such kinds - as they turn out to




Open Relations … now thats an interesting concept that I am trying to understand off late, especially after meeting someone who is (or claims to be) in one. What exactly is Open Relationship ? 1) There is some degree of commitment, yet no issues if I screw around 2) I live with you, take care of you, and get the same in return… and yet there is no legal binding for the same … so can move out any time … 3) Maybe marriage is silly a term, our relationship is much de



That Kiss...

Why are some men scared of kissing ? Or should I rephrase that to tops… but then again, lets not generalize… inspite of whatever the statistics says … So what is so taboo about kissing a guy ? And by kiss I mean a real one.. not a diplomatic peck … Hmm some theories, 1 ) It is a sign of affection and love, and since most are just there to pump out, kissing is too personal which needs to be shared with the boyfriend, wife or girlfriend… 2 ) Bad Breath



In your eyes...

A dear friend of mine told me that some imposter has put up his picture in PlanetRomeo claiming to be his own… and apparently, this is not the first time. The memory took me back years when my G4M id (anyone remember Guys4Men?) was hacked and several of my work was lost. Surprisingly, taking someone else’s identity is not uncommon, especially, people find it quite an amusement and, thanks to technology, their natural birthright to CTRL+C, CTRL+V someone else’s picture in their BBRT, Planetromeo,



In your eyes...

A dear friend of mine told me that some imposter has put up his picture in PlanetRomeo claiming to be his own… and apparently, this is not the first time. The memory took me back years when my G4M id (anyone remember Guys4Men?) was hacked and several of my work was lost. Surprisingly, taking someone else’s identity is not uncommon, especially, people find it quite an amusement and, thanks to technology, their natural birthright to CTRL+C, CTRL+V someone else’s picture in their BBRT, Planetromeo,



That Song, Long Forgotten...

One of the thoughts that has been going on in my mind is the feeling of meeting someone from the past. Quite recently, a friend turned pale after bumping into his ex, someone who seems to be holding on to a hope… As the party moved on, the ex kept hovering around, stealing words, touch, hugs, even a dance or two, wherever possible… What kept bugging was not the ex’s apparent inability to let go, but my friend who went weak… Later he tried to deny a sudden gush of old feeling, but there it w



How Sex Saved the Day!!!

And no, this aint another raunchy story to sexcite and bring hope. A US national survey of 496 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students under 19 years of age who were affiliated with local youth service organizations found: Two out of five youth (41.7 percent) did not feel safe in their school because they are LGBTQ (n=191) 86.7 percent of LGBTQ youth who felt safe in their schools still reported sometimes or frequently hearing homophobic remarks



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