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About this blog

Here is where I lash out. Where I let my anger, sadness, horniness, lust, frustration, shame, guilt, impatience, exasperation, hopes, fears, and compassion run over one another like drunken ants in a terrarium. You might stumble across something insightful or learn what it feels like to hate yourself here. It's just as likely you'll grow bored reading my gift of words and click away in pursuit of something more easily consumed -- empty calories to fuel your cock and rot your heart. I'm down with that. 

Entries in this blog

AIDS-Level Viral Load & Auditioning Tops Who Want It

Here's the deal - I'm not going to make it easy for you. Well, at least no more than I already have by allowing my virus to go unchecked for a year. I'm willing to let top/versatile guys try and take it from me by fucking it out of me. Your load gets mine. Fuck me deep, hard, and long to increase your odds. Bring a buddy along to tag team this toxic hole. Maybe you'll catch it. Maybe he will. Try again.  I'm tired of letting my HIV be something I let goodlooking guys treat me like filt



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