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About this blog

What happens when  you add Puberty,  Midlife Crisis and  Menopause to a cocktail of Testosterone, Prep and Freedom. You get a ball dropping, asshole opening, heart stuttering free-fall off the deep end. And a mighty fine mess in your pants. 



Entries in this blog

Brick a Bottom: A Bottoms Bottom

The biggest challenge in my gender transition has been learning how to douche my ass. Not the surgeries and the internal bleeding , not the coming out over and over again, not telling my father or my son that I was planning on having a glorious BBC of my own.  No , the hardest thing,  is the mostly mental block to, cleaning the waste out of the trash bin so to speak. The humiliation aspect of being that trash bin for strangers starts right there. I'd be remiss if I did not say that the preparing


UrBoyHenry in Health

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