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Well, it was Monday at one of my favourite spots: Splash on Dundas Street in Toronto.  Now Splash is an "intimate" sauna: pre-Covid it would max out at 40 or so, now, during the Covid restrictions in Canada it's likely to be half that number, but that's life in today's time. But there's a gang on Monday that shows up -- never the same group, of course, but you can always count on a familiar face or two.


I came early enough to get a room and settled in. One of the things about this place is that it skews towards more "seasoned" men.  Most on tap most days will be between 35 and 55 with some outliers to the north and south.  In fact, I have been consistently amazed at the 20-something guys who show up.  Of course, some 20-somethings show up expecting to have a ccrowd of similar folk; largely, I fear they are disapointed and go home.   For those who are in the mood for some Daddy-dick -- they're the one who hit paydirt.

So after a shower and walk around I notice a guy coming in dressed in a body suit that covers him entirely: face to feet.  I seen a lot of stuff, but I have to admit I haven't seen that. I admired the guy and his comfort in his own skin (and body suit) and basically said to myself: if ever there's a place where you can be you 'boo, this is it: Congrats.

Walked around for a bit and sucked off an amazing guy. I'm 6'2" but this guy had several inches on me in height, and well, I don't want to try to estimate how many inches more in dick he had.  I'm not exactly small, but fitting this guys erect piece in my mouth was a challenge.  Nice blow job, but he didn't come.  Eventually, I got up, said thanks, and kept on going.  In the back room (which is set up with a giant mattress than can hold 4-5) there ws an interesting porn flick playing.  The room was empty, but I stretched out on the mattress and started to watch.

Quite soon, the man in the body stocking came in.  The stocking must have been guaze-y enough to let him see since his head was covered and it appeared he could still see what he was doing.  He came in, saw me, and slid onto the couch just out of reach.  "Okay" I thought, he's either trying to decide whether to play, or he likes this particular porn movie as mcuh as I do.  Either way, no harm in me scooting my towel aside, and stroking my already hard dick.

He moved closer, I moved closer.  No used to this kind of cat-and-mouse in a bath house, guys either are interested and or they're not. But hey, stretched out I could see he was slim and taut, maybe a couple inches shorter than me.  And if I wasn't mistaken, there was a swelling in his groin.

So I slid a little closer and began gently tracing the outline of his cock through the body suit.  He moaned for sure, and if I'm not mistaken sscooted closer to me.  That was all the inventation I needed and I bent my head toward his crotch and blew warm breath through the gauze.  More moaning, and I could see him getting harder.  At this point he unzipped from the crotch to the belly button.  I still couldn't see his body or face, but the cock was now exposed. (to be continued)


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