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About this blog

A brief recount of ten years of my life of visiting a rather old bathhouse in Fort Lauderdale, South Florida, as best as I can remember. 

While memory is not an exact science, I’ll try to be as truthful as possible. 

Entries in this blog

The Thick Redneck

It was my second or third visit to the CH2. The attendant gave me room 8. I can remember it clearly. I went ahead with my already habitual steps. Lock the door. Place the key on the tiny nightstand, and fish out my flask of lube from my duffle bag. Get my newly purchased bottle of Rush open, which I always did oh-so-carefully in the semi-darkness of the room. Next, I would undress and methodically fold my clothes into my bag. Naked, I would turn around, looking at the black walls


Barebacked in Bathhouse

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