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About this blog

A weekly blog to tell the tale of how I became a chem-pig slut and to document how far down things go.  My Boss will probably have some suggestions about what to show and tell here. Readers might have directives to supply too. I can’t seem to help it but it’s in my nature to comply. 

**Gentle Reader, please remember that I am likely an unreliable narrator. The events detailed in this blog must be fiction, right?  Who does this kind of stuff?  No one, right?  We just fantasize about this stuff, right?  I lie to everyone.  In fact, I’ve probably already lied to you.**

Entries in this blog

Welcome to Training

Hello. Don’t get confused. You haven’t met me yet, and you are joining this . . . story . . . already in progress. Everyone has an origin story, but this is not mine.  Not yet.    I’m in my 50s. I am married. I have a respectable, rather sensitive job. A lot of people rely on me.  I’m told that I’m a “sexy mutherfuckah.”  Judge for yourself. I’ve added a photo to this post.  I’m a  runner, keep my head shaved and have a 8” dick. Not that it gets used much.  Boss is the name I ga


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