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new here hope posting in right place 

Bareback sex 


      I had a couple bad experiences when it came to protected sex.. not sure what age limits are here so I’ll just say I was going to be fucked by a guy who decided to wear a condom..  he tried to use it but he couldn’t stay hard with it on so he just went bare..



few days later another guy wanted to fuck me and of course a condom had to be used.. so he screwed me. It felt pretty good but not as good as skin on skin.. 


he lasted a good 20 minutes or more and  came in his condom.. I noticed my asshole and insides my ass was itching .. and then later I went to do number 2 and blood came out and it burned … 


   So this of course freaks me out and  had to have family member take me to the er ( can’t say who for a good reason)


   Turned out I am allergic to latex and back then  that’s all condoms were made of. I had to stick this thing about 8 inches long . Push water through it to was it out then push antibiotics deep inside my ass.. 


from then on I swore I’d never use condoms again 

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