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About this blog

I've never read a blog, so I'll create one...

I've always been a creator and I learn best by doing... usually the hard way

I'm not the young hopeful, star-eyed,  thirst trap some may remember from the old internet days where "slosherboi84" was going to do what he loved for life, by becoming a pornstar!

I disappeared from the internet almost completely with no explanation when I was 26-ish. I just turned 40 six days ago so im officially dead now. This is new life me, but there's SO much to discuss from the "in-between" time. I will talk about every and anything. From growing up strories to my own personal opinion of how to wipe your own ass. Rude, crude, and fully unfiltered... ME

And before anyone asks... YES,  I've tried therapy and counseling already... thank you 

Entries in this blog

First times pt1

FIRST of all ... forgive my spelling, grammar, and poor sentence structure. My "life goal" was to fuck for a living, so I didn't feel it necessary to retain all that jazz. Plus I don't like jazz 😁 THE BIRDS AND BEES: Stupidest fucking title ever for the "sex talk". Sounds more like a national geographic special to me. When my mom first asked me if I could cum. I replied "come where?"  First some background. I was the youngest of 2 children in a divorced household. I have an older


slosherMAN in VHS Porn

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