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Cocky military jock gets force-chemmed and gang-banged in NYC

The first time I got force-chemmed and raped was my first visit to NYC. I was barely 21, in the Army, all buffed out and a bit over-confident as I explored the gay-scene for the first time, alone in a strange dangerous city I had no business exploring by myself. I was walking down a dark, narrow, deserted street taking a shortcut on my way to check out a popular gay dance club I had heard about that was rumored to be frequented by gay college jocks my age. This hot Latin guy was leaning against



Continued - Cocky military jock gets force-chemmed and gang-banged in NYC

When the party ended it was still dark. More accurately, I should say it was dark again. The host ordered Gibron to slam another load of tina in my vein and they shoved me out the front door, poured my ass into the back seat of a vehicle, and we sped off. They drove around for a while before the door opened and I was pushed out into the gutter of some street in the city. I was totally high, totally disoriented, and didn't care who or where I was. I was exhausted, feeling sick to my stomach from



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