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Fuck,fuck ,fuck and fuck

i am gonna say this is fiction to protect the guilty lol........ So i had a friend over to show my new apartment and the truth is that when ever we get together we fuck and fuck and fuck. earlier in the day after i got of work in the morning i was at a coffee house getting a coffee taking a piss and he walked in on me at the urinal and say what the fuck wanna fuck, and i'm like here? and he is on his knew and swollows my dick right there. i am like oh shit some one is gonna walk in on us . he s




OKAY theres this white guy i fuck every now and again and our fuck history was kool. it was starting to get alittle old and stuck on sameness and i started to avoid him when he would try to hook up. the other day he called me up and he was a little drunk and pissed off that i had not returned his calls and hooked up with his azz. so i listen to a call that i missed. " all you rat as nigger are all the same. never there to fuck, fuck you you nigger" i returned the call and in turn got his his



releasing the in freak in me to perfection. part 3

me and the penn rat go to a room and he waves on another taller black guy. he looks at me, and says , a no fuck way are you gonna fuck me until you get a nutt up my boiz azz. i am mad as shit but i spread his boiz azz on the bed doggie style nad just start nailing the fuck out of his boi. i notice on his boiz are the initialls USMC. I AM THINKING fuck now i am fucking some one out my own background. hot and twised at the same time. about mid stroke and raw the pen rat starts lapping my azz li



releaseing the inner freak in me to prefection, part 2

okay now before shit gets out of control i stop the action cause i am like " wait i'm a versatile top , not cum dump, " so i get up and roll to the shower by the jacuzzi to make sure i just get a shower. after cleaning up and i start walking to the bunkroom thinkin i am gonna go to an upper bunk to get a little rest i notice this hot you latino dude with a navy tat on is arM "usn" I run my middle finger down his crack and it is lubed and looks like freshly fucked. i shove my finger up is azz




rolled to the local freak club, 4loked out , down for whateva, early in the morning on a sunday, found me a store that sold 4lok and and drank a second outside the store, but knew i needed a little energy, so i got to canz of spike and guzzuled them. so 2 tall canz of 4 loc and 2 cans of spike i was up for anything and . got on the local trolley and and proceed to the freak spot. posted on a number of net spotz down for what ever. like my cholloz, my black gangstaz, and hardcore white boi



In that oh fuck state of mind

so after a longs nights work, a little pissed off and a bit on the angery side. i needed to release some steam. my plan was simple, just get a couple foul lokz, and just stay home and chill. so that was my plan. so there was a special on four lokz in the 3 pack so i went ahead and got a 3 pack and proceed to go home to chill. got home and my frig was on the blink, damn so now i have to drink all three of the lokz cause they taste nasty when they are warm. i really only takes about one to one



Quick fuck

GOT of work and was just cruzing on bbrt. black dude bout my age invites me to nail a white boy at his spot(9am) i respond im up for it, it is a strait shot to his spot on the busline so i get a quick shower put on shoes, shirt, pants no underware and catch local city bus. 945am get to the house and the brotha is standing infron of his house and he gestures me to come on and up in to his spot an the white boy is siting on the bed in the spot. i had not met either of these dudes white or black an



here a fuck there a fuck every where a fuck fuck lol...

okay so i get off work and bounce to the bus stop to go home and get cruze by this guy that is tina spund in a german sports car. he does a uturn and pulls up and says need a ride. i say no i am just on my way home. yo u want you dick sucked. i say how you know i even go that way. he says i seen you fuck at the vulcan come on stop playing hard to get i know you want to fuck this azz. i bust a smile and just get in to the car and think to my self what the fuck am i getting in to but i know



shit that fucks with my head but is hot anyway

to protect the people involved and the locations i'm gonna say this if SHIT IS fiction OKAY. so living in a military town you know there is always some gay peepz in the military, you know hypermasculine marines ( some one is gay in that bunch) and some times i have lately found some cops that are always heming me up just to fucking frisk me. so i was out and about getting ready to get some poppers so that i could have a fresh batch before i go to the local baths and a single cop in his squad




So like the average gay male versatile top i am always looking to get a good nut off. What is funny is that except for few exceptions every time that i have ever gone to a bathhouse i have fucked the hell out of some one. Last sunday was no exception. what seems to work is to go to the bath house of your choosing the same time on the same day every week or every other week. If you act like a bath house whore you will be treated like one lol..what tends to turn me on and want to breed a hot bott



Bath house bangin

I GUESS i dont do as much nailing of azz on a daily basis like i like to other then fuck budz that are down to get nailed raw when ever i text. and that dangerz shit like fucking some one in the the street at 3 in the morning has kinda got a little stale for me. so now i like to kinda take it to another level me being negative meanz i really dont give afuck who i fuck and breed so i kinda like to make it a power trip so to speak , once i get in your azz i am not getting out of it untill you s



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