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Flip Fucking

Used to be a total top. Recently have learned about how much fun it is to get fucked. Why is it so difficult to find guys that are into flip fucking. Most guys that you find online seem to be total bottoms. It's difficult to find bareback porn where the guys take turns fucking each other. Most porn just shows one guy getting fucked by a bunch of top guys. Does anyone really think that these hot guys just ignore each other waiting for there chance to fuck the one bottom? Where are all of



Fucking up a fuck party

What is the deal with guys that decide to fuck up a sex party? My ex and I were going to have a fuck party in Grand Rapids Michigan last weekend. Had several guys that planned on attending. A strange couple from Kalamazoo Michigan wanted to join us. First it was just one, then the other, then the first one wants pics of all of the guys attending. Later he wants to know if his partner can come but stay in another room if he's not into the guys at the party. I wrote back and gently, yes g



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