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About this blog

I'm going to try and regularly chronicle my six weeks of being a whore. I've relocated to Las Vegas for a new job - yea the economy sucks doesn't it ? - and my family can't come out here until the second week of June. So for that short time - I'm goi

Entries in this blog

uh oh, could be becoming a home wrecker .......

I get a reply from a post from a couple.... great.... but it turns out they want to play together, but only the one guy is going to fuck me. They want to talk dirty and kiss and do whatever while he is inside me... works for me. I don't care. I'm all about helping those in love right ? I'm all about discretion so I'll call the non fucking partner bob, and the guy who is going to fuck me bill - not thier names. So we meet, all is going ok, and they lay down ground rules ... they only play toget



so its starts to get more interesting....

it is almost impossible to schedule folks ... so many people flat out lie. People email you 20 times... hello, I post my phone number ? whatever. Now i'm running into guys who want to text all fucking day. Really... I bought one of those cheapo pre paid cricket phones... it is a bitch to text. If you want to fuck,, just call me. New rule, if your not agreeing to fucking me raw in 5 texts or less were moving on. On the brighter side.... tonight has been quite the wild ride. 3 solid fuck



slow weekend ......

it has started to slow down... after Wednesday I only have one fuck. Starting to get way fewer responses on craigslist, and keep getting flagged / removed for sneaking in my phone number. Man, the endless e-mails are still annoying. I just dont get that - i place an ad, you answer it, I send phone number, address, pics, stats ... two phone numbers.... and I still get 20 more e-mails with questions and narrative about what he wants to happen. Its pretty simple.... fuck or not, that is the ques



quick note .....

have a couple tough days at work but wanted to do a couple updates... Thank you for the comments. I can't tell if anyone iis reading this or not. It helps to know folks are out there. The late night casino guy was a bust , came by one time.... came like 2 drops and said " Oh I was jacking off all night thinking about you " wrong answer buddy. He hasn't come back. A giant dicked black dude looked promising, until he starting asking me to cash his sons checks in my bank account .... uh, no



One week down - not too bad ....

Btw I had a post that I must not have saved becasue its gone... bummer. Anyway .... its been one week of the journey, and the truth is I have alot to be thankful for I guess. It hasn't been all sex 24 / 7 but that just isn't real life, especially if your not 22 and with a perfect body and sweet little butt hole. I'm 47 and chubby. I'm not writing it down or anything but i"ve been fucked about 10 times ... and have about 4 or so who have called back. I get texts from about two new folks a day,



oh well, the ride is over .......

well, family plans changed and I have to go somewhere for work, then family is coming out early ... so my little journy ends early. All good... it wasn't all great, but it was pretty great overall. I'm glad I did it.... but back to the vanilla married man straight husband life.... at Least I did it..... good luck folks. try not to be an asshole .... its just as easy to be nice...



a quick note ...

again, a tough couple of days at work so not a lot of time... but FINALLY... last night I got fucked 4 times in about 3 hours and all 4 guys came inside me... the last two fucks were AWESOME... it was warm sloppy creamy .... they loved it... I loved it .... it was unbelievably fulfilling. My mind was in a different place ... it was that good. For the first time in my life, I was a fucking cum slut, and I didn't apologize, I wasn't ashamed... I loved it. It's hard to explain... but it



A guy who fucked me saw me at Kohl's.......

I'm losing weight - alot of weight - had surgury - ... and I went to kohls to get some new clothes for work. Well well well ... a dude who has fucked me was there with his wife. I'm cool, I would never to anything to risk someones discretion, thats a big no no. So I don't look or stare and I act like nothing - nope, never seen this before. Well, the dude is getting pissed off , like - dont pretend you dont know me - has attitude and all that. Really ? Then he starts to like look really heavy



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