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Does Size Matter?

Often I face the strange question - "What's the biggest one you have taken?"

No offense meant to the ones who do that, but why is that important? Is it like some kind of a credibility check? The bigger I can take, the better or more comfortable I am... or uncomfortable !!!

It seems that some guys have this opinion that the bigger and harder bottoms have taken, the more "adjustable" (OMG) he would be ... and then there are some who plainly rejects such kinds - as they turn out to be "not so tight".

Of course its both ways. I often see my counterparts in the chat room asking big and MORE BIG ones .... And I wonder how much big would finally satisfy them.

Undoubtedly the size of the male genitals have been the focal point of attraction. In fact some body once told me, gays have big dicks (frankly I have my doubts). But the best part in the whole deal is, even if you have the right size, do you know how to use it?

Now don't hit the reply button filing your protests :) . Its not just the fucking act that is its use in bed. The way you do it, is what matters. One bottom friend of mine was sharing his sexcapades with his latest boyfriend, who seemingly has a small dick. Just like Samantha of Sex and the City, my friend has huge attraction towards bigger organs (and he rarely settles for anything below 7)... but going around with a guy with 5.5 (though he is good looking) was something I found unbelievable. So I asked him what made him make an exception. And he said, well he has substitutes...

So when Enrique had announced his endorsement of X-Small Condoms, a large part of the female fan base had to re-dream... and I thought, huh! Does it make any difference? He was still Enrique ... the biggest substitute...

Well ! I may sound foolish, as of course we would like to get banged by the biggest and hardest of tools, but then again, in this world where we seem to have a substitute for everything, does size really matters?


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