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Was It A Dream Or Was It Real

I went to the Dr for a cold, I had a 104 temperature,  The Dr said I need to go to the hospital because 104 temperature
was dangerous, I was not feeling well, I went to the emergency room  And said I'm not feel well, I started to throw up,
And The next thing I knew I went into a coma, I spend 22 days in a coma, When a woke up from the coma, I saw all this equipment around me There was a hose in my mouth to make me breathe, There was IV hoses in both arms,To bring me fluids and nutrients, My arms and legs had heavy leather restrains on them making any movement impossible,  There was a Catheter hose in my dick, There was a long hose that was in my anus,  I had hoses in every hole, I did not know where I was, The Black Doctors came in wearing protective gear, And a face mask,
I tried to speak, But I couldn't, They were talking between them, Saying we could try this and that, Than the male nurse came in, He said I know your scared and frightened, The Black Doctors are the best here , I have to check all your hoses, He grabbed my dick, And I started to struggle, The male nurse said calm down, I going to give you something to calm you down, And took a hypodermic needle and added it to my IV lines, I immediately felt high, And did not care what the male nurse was doing,  He checked my  Catheter, And He then unhooked the restrains that were on my legs,  He pushed a button on the bed and it started to move my legs up in the air, Exposing my anus, He checked the hose that was going into my ass, He moved it around and then I felt a buzzing deep in my gut, And I was asleep, That night I had a night mare, I was being Fucked by Black Cocks, One right after another, When I woke up, All I could feel was my ass buzzing,  The next day the Black Doctors took the breathing hoses out of my mouth, And took the restraints off of me,  They checked the urine bag for out put, And the Black Doctor said something about the white fluid that was floating in the urine bag, And smiled,  He told the Black Male nurse to repeat the procedure again tonight, I asked what the procedure was for, The Male nurse said The doctors well tell you about procedure, That night the Black nurse came in and said are you ready for your procedure ?   And took another hypodermic needle and added it to my IV , I'm giving you a double dose tonight,  I immediately felt high again, 
The Machine pulled my leg in the air, And my anus was exposed, The buzzing started in my anus, As the Male nurse started to increase the speed, Then I went into a deep sleep, I started to dream again,  About Black Cock again! 
The psychological impact that these Black Cocks have on the whites are ingrained so deep within their brains, That they don’t even realize they are being changed, I dreamed I was be dominated by a Black Guy subconsciously, And led down the path to my true purpose.  Little by little the thought of these black guys and their superior manhood fucking me,  Deep down inside, Slowly changing this white guy in ways I never thought possible, I was confronted with the Dominance of Black Guys, And slowly letting go of the lie I’ve been taught by society, The lie that I'm a male, 
I awoke to the night mare, I was screaming, Pulling at my Catheter, The Male nurse called for help, And More Black nurse's came in, And restrained me once again, They gave me another Shot, And I went out like a light, 
The next day I awoke, The Doctor came back in, And said My body is going through changes, And fighting the changes,  He said they where going to transfer me to another hospital, And gave me another shot,  I awoke in a new hospital,  They still kept me restrained But I no longer had the Catheter in my dick, Or the Machine that they had with a long hose in my anus, My ass felt empty, When it out it, The new place was okay,
This Black male orderly came in and said His name was Tyrone,  And said He was in charge of my rehab, He would Tell me when to eat, And when to shower, When to wake up and when to go to sleep,  So started the first day, 
I was restrained at all times, Except when Tyrone was around, Or I eat food, When I would be allowed to take a shower Tyrone was all ways around watching me  taking a shower , All way making sure I cleaned my anus well, When I didn't Tyrone was there with a bush and cleaned my anus, right And then back to bed and restrains were put back on, Than Tyrone started to put porn on the TV, Tyrone put interracial videos on, I started to watch  more and more interracial videos, I was becoming obsessed with Black Cock. Tyrone would take the restrains off of my hands, And allow me to masturbate,  So much so that I begin to masturbate at the thought of a black man fucking a white men. Soon this white man was looking at the Black Dicks,  I wanted interracial sex. I was exposed to porn 3 times a day,   And after only a short time, I found myself mesmerized by these superior Black Men and their beautiful Black Cocks.  Your doing just fine whitey Tyrone, He gave me a shot, And I went to sleep,
When i was asleep, Tyrone fitted me with a Cock Cage and put the Lock on it,  When I woke up the next day,
I asked what it was, Tyrone said The Doctor came in and order it,, Said I was no longer allowed to masturbate, 
The next night Tyrone told me to lay on my stomach, And Gave me a shot in my butt, I started to get drowsy,  Tyrone said He wanted to check my anus out, And do a full exam of my rectum,  He put the restraints on me, And spread my legs a part and put the restraints on my hand and legs, I was spread eagle on the bed, He put some lube on my anus,  And put a thermometer in my anus, He remove His scrubs in front of me, His body was lean and muscular body, And had a nice big uncut Black Dick,  
My anus started open and close, And the thermometer popped out of my anus,  He then replaced it with His Finger, Tyrone got on top of me, And Sled  His Black Dick in my hole, When He was balls deep, I moaned, He slowly began to pumping  His uncut Black Dick in and out of my hole, I was slowly letting go of my fake so called manhood, And being pulled uncontrollably into becoming the Black Cock Sissies that they wanted me to be,
 How does that feel, My anus was now His pussy I was being feminized, Towards their ultimate goal of becoming a Black Guys white Bitch.  Tyrone said most whites will try and fight this progression in any way they can,  Unfortunately they will only be humiliated further once they get the procedure done,  The Black race is superior, He pulled His Black Dick From the Hole,  And than jammed it back in, I moaned,  He started to Fuck me harder, His Black Dick got Harder and Bigger, It seemed to grow longer,   I screamed Fuck Me,, Fuck Me Hard,, Give Me That Black Seed,, 
Tyrone Black Dick started to pulsate in my Hole,   Yes Fuck My Pussy,, I felt Him Cumming ,, Deep in my Pussy,,
I started to shake, I was have a ass orgasm, 
He slid His Black Dick out of my pussy,
He took the restraints off of me, And put some cream on my ass pussy,
Tyrone said your going to get Fucked in ways they never dreamed, He had me turn over, And examined my clit, 
There was cum dripping from the Cock Cage,  
He said I would actually experiencing a orgasm from being fucked ! 
The next day a had to see head Black Doctor,  He told me to stand, He examined my body well, And then knell down on this machine My hands and legs were strapped in,  Than the machine, Raised and tilted forward, Giving the Doctor full access to my ass pussy My hole was exposed,  He than used Collin Speculum device, And he was looking in my ass pussy, He removed the device, And replace it with his fingers, How That feel? Good I guess, He pulled His scrubs down, And revealed a nice Black Cock, And pushed it into my hole, Nice it could be tighter,  But being that you when thru reconstructive surgery, It could be better. The Doctor put His load in my ass pussy , How's that feeling ? Can you have ass orgasm ? Tyrone gave me one I said,  He order me to have electric shock intensive therapy, 
The next day started my therapy session, I was taking to a room and restrained in a position in the bed,
There was a machine they hooked wires up to my head and body , they put pic of white guys on the TV, If my body would react, I would be shocked, if i saw pics of black Guy  and i reacted , I would not be shocked,  
During shock therapy I was given a seizure-inducing electrical shock that can change your sexuality, It reboots your system, Like turning a computer off and when it comes back on they are not the same sexuality The seizure may restore some neuro connections or reconnect nerves that are "short-circuited." The procedure also may change the levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, which play a role in your sexuality,
That night i realized,          I was a patient in a Psychiatric Hospital,  
I begged Tyrone to stop the machine, Finely I was taking off the machine, My brain was not functioning right,
What was Real,  And What was Not,  Did I have Sex With Tyrone ?  Or was that a figment of my imagination,
That night I made a choice, I was going to seduce  Tyrone When he came in a feed me and than my nightly shower,
When I was in the shower I rubbed my hands all over my body Very seductive as possible, Tyrone was looking , 
When Tyrone was putting me in the bed, I gabbed His hand and put it on my ass, I said my ass hurt,
He than put some ointment on my rectum, gabbed His finger and pushed it in my ass,  And moaned, I grabbed His other hand and put it on my Tits , He reacted by fingering my ass, I spread my legs wild, To gave Him Better access to my hole, I reached down and felt the bulge in His blue scrubs and began to rub His Black Dick, I pulled His scrubs down , He had a Nice Black Dick, I said Please Fuck me, He put His Black Dick against my hole, And I backed up into it . And it slid in my hole, He began to Fuck me Long Deep strokes, He pick up the pace And then started to Fuck me fast, He said He was going to Cum,   Cum Cum in my ass,  I felt Him cumming in my ass, He pulled out, And I fell to my knees and sucked Him clean, I pulled His scrubs back up, And when to bed Tyrone did not restrain me, 
That night I dreamed of His Black Dick, When I woke up the next day Tyrone came in and said your getting out of here today,   Here some scrubs for you to wear, Put them on , And you can leave, I put them on
He handed me a key, He gave me a paper,  It had His name and address and His phone number on it ,
You need a place to stay at ,, Make your self at home,  And He said I had Fun with you last night ! 


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