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From Snowman to Snowbunny

I hope everyone is able to snuggle up with someone while all of this lockdown stuff is going on... Unfortunately, at the moment I am kinda un-attached so it is just me laying in bed watching Snowman oh hulu and letting Tina keep me company tonight... Bored and poking around a little "lurking" on things around here also... I am sure the toys will end up here with me pretty soon....Tina always does that to me

If you haven't seen Snowman yet, its a series from F/X telling their version on the crack epidemic during the 80's and how it began .. I am just about done with series three and it is pretty good. Sucks is that is where it cuts off and will have to wait for series 4 later this year ... But after watching this .. I am wanting to be a snowbunny ... LOL


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