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My Uncle Cliff Part 2

“How much further is it Uncle Cliff, “I asked. The sweat was pouring off my face, had coated the lenses of my Oakley’s , and ran onto my chest. Even though it wasn’t quite noon, the Greek sun was powerful overhead. Uncle Cliff on the other hand, strode a few steps ahead of me, just as happy as a lark. I guess his choice to wear just his Speedo to make the trek to his favorite stretch of beach was a wise one. For me, the bonus was getting to watch his big firm ass fight against the confinement of the spandex in his suit. From my vantage point, Uncle Cliff’s juicy ass was winning the battle.

“Not too much further kid,” he called back to me over his right shoulder. “Don’t tell me that jock body is all worn out from taking a ‘widdle walk’ with your Uncle Cliff?”

He knew I hated it when he switched into baby talk mode. Even though I couldn’t see his face I just knew he was wearing the same shit-eating grin he always did when he teased me. When I hit my teens, I declared a moratorium on the baby talk with everyone in the family. Most had obliged, except Uncle Cliff. He would pull out the exaggerated inflection when he thought I was behaving badly. As I got older, I realized he mainly did it to get a rise out of me. Maybe it was his teasing tone, coupled with the front row view of his luscious backside, but the most surprising rise I was experiencing was in my crotch. I was grateful I had opted to wear baggy board shorts for our trek, even though the circus tent I was pitching would grab as much attention as I would have in a Speedo like Uncle Cliff/ I shook my head to disband the thoughts I was having about my uncle, and in doing so shook a few beads of salty sweat into my eyes. That sensation would shake anyone back to reality.

“So, from here, it gets a little dicey,” Uncle Cliff said as me made an abrupt turn off the small cobblestone road we had be walking on. “There is a narrow trail down the side of this cliff. It’s not very wide, so I recommend small steps, and staying away from the edge. Otherwise, you should be fine.”

And with that, he leapt over the curb of the road and began to traverse down the cliffside like a mountain goat. Nerdy as I was, I wasn’t about to back down from a challenge, and so I took a similar tact as my uncle.

Big mistake.

Two steps and I was down, sliding off the trail to the next level below me. Uncle Cliff wasn’t kidding abut the trail being marrow. Clearly my size 13’s weren’t what the original engineer of this trail had in mind. The drop was about 5 feet or so, as I made my slip just before the first switchback on the trail. And where to you think I was to land? Right in front of good old Uncle Cliff. His surprise at my suddenly “dropping in” was erased by another of his snarky comments.

“Man, it’s a good thing you weren’t born with a nose as big as those banana boats you walk on, He started saying. “If it was, you’d have another foot on your hands!”

He grinned at his own implied burn. I felt the blood rush to my face, but I fought the urge to engage with a comeback. So, I too the smallest of small steps away from the cliff and let Uncle Cliff back into lead position. I fell in close behind, trying to literally walk in the footsteps of my uncle. This leg of our journey tohis oasis of a beach was the most treacherous, but it was also the quickest. In no time I saw Uncle Cliff suddenly hop down on a flatter sandy surface. I had been paying suck close attention to the trail I had scarcely noticed we were reaching the bottom. When I did, my eyes trailed up, and the scene literally took my breath away.

Uncle Cliff’s little oasis as he called it, was one of the most breathtaking spots I had ever seen. The sun had reached its pinnacle point in the sky and was lighting up the Mediterranean blue like nothing I had ever seen, let alone imagined. Even the sand seemed illuminated, giving it a warm, pinkish hue rather than the typical sandy beige. My mouth was agape as I took in the beauty. It was as if we were in an uncharted inlet of land. The stretch of beach itself wasn’t that long, but it had a broad expanse between the shore and the sea. On both sides there were some rock formations that had been worn somewhat smooth by the lapping waves that came up and over them. The sound of these crashing waves was incredible…so relaxing.

“So, can I assume by your slack-jawed expression that the journey was worth it,” Uncle Cliff asked. All I could do was nod as my head was still trying to wrap my brain around the beauty I was witnessing. Uncle Cliff smiled, gave my sweat dampened hair a tussle and turned towards the rocky area to our left.

“C’mon kid, let’s go over this way,” said Uncle Cliff. “It’s one of my favorite spots anywhere.”

The beach itself was surprisingly empty of other people. Just a few random scatterings of guys; guys alone, guys in pairs, and a couple of trios. It was this moment I began to make note of the fact that all the inhabitants of this beach were guys. There wasn’t a female in sight, not that I minded. I loved the ladies, for gab fests, shoe shopping, brunch and the like. But being here, in this amazing place, with nothing but other men, just somehow felt right…and natural. I even imagined that the air had suddenly taken on a scent of something like man musk. I took a deep inhale, and as we walked along the sand I exhaled and felt completely at peace for the first time in quite some time. It was then as we strolled past a couple of the sun worshipers stretched out in the sand that I took note of another important detail that I had somehow overlooked.

Every guy we passed was completely, unabashedly, and quite provocatively…nude.

I felt my eyes stretch to the size of dinner plates, and the chubbing of my cock begin to pop a tent once again. Apparently, a lot of the guys had similar stirrings, as I made note of more that one guy gently fondling their own cock and balls. As we got closer to the rocky formation Uncle Cliff was headed for, there were other guys giving their junk a more serious polishing. One guy, whom I probably stared at a bit longer than I should have, was jacking his ample cock with gusto. I was mesmerized by his huge balls bouncing in tandem beneath his hardened dick. The natural hair on his chest was slick by what I imagined to be a combo of sweat and sea water. He was as beautiful as one of the carved statues I had seen in most any museum I had ever been to. His pecs, his abs, his tree trunk like thighs…this was what a man looked like.

My Adonis was laying between the equally impressive legs of yet another muscled god of a man. Though smoother above the waist that his counterpart, his legs were covered in a lush carpet of dark black hair. His jacking friend lay his head against the man’s chest, and that man was massaging his ample pecs and tweaked his meaty nipples. His technique seemed to have the right effect, because in short order the jacking stud shot a huge stream of cum. The trajectory took that first rope high above him and came to land on his cushioning buddy’s chest. He quickly moved a finger to the spot, scooped up the semen bounty with his fingers, and shoved them into his mouth. I shuddered at the sight, trying to imagine how the inner essence of this stud would taste. It was a short reverie, as my attention to the two studs prevented me from seeing that Uncle Cliff had stopped ahead of me. Impact, and we were down in the sand, me on top of my humpy uncle.

“Damn kid, “Uncle Cliff started to say, “usually I make a guy buy me a drink at least before this happens.”

He seemed to purr those words, and he had inadvertently brushed a hand across my now stiff cock. His eyes caught mine, even through the dark lenses of my Oakley Oil Can shades, and I blushed. His hand wrapped itself around my thick shaft, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. He smiled that wicked smile once again, and then pulled himself from beneath me. I managed to pull myself up on my knees and sat back on my haunches. So many feelings and emotions swirling inside me from the stimuli. I glanced back over my shoulder and noticed my two statue-like gods laughing and mockingly applauding out pratfall. To say I was mortified would be understating the obvious.

“So, what do you think,” Uncle Cliff inquired, trying to make the situation less embarrassing. I took off my glasses and once again took inventory of our surroundings. I couldn’t imagine any place more idyllic than where we were at that moment.

“It’s breathtaking Uncle Cliff, “I replied. “It’s amazing that a place with such natural beauty seems to be so, natural!” I blanched at my choice of words, but Uncle Cliff just gave a slight chuckle and nodded his agreement.

“And I see you’ve made not of the other type of ‘natural’ beauty that inhabits this beach.” Uncle Cliff’s smile took on that devilish look once again. “Those two you were enjoying. They only scratch the surface...you are gonna see guys hotter than those two. I choose this spot every time I come here.”

He gave me a wink I didn’t fully understand. II guessed the reason would become known to me in short order. I looked at my uncle with a quizzical yet blank expression on my face. His penchant for the cryptic was another slightly annoying characteristic he possessed. No one enjoyed a mystery more than he did…especially if it was of his own creation. I just shook my head at him and began digging in my backpack for the beach supplies I had toted along. Uncle Cliff was way ahead of me, having laid out a bright pink beach towel that despite its audacious color, nicely complimented the sands pinkish hues. His suntan oil, a small spritzer bottle with water he had filled in our room, and a couple of gossip rags were set neatly to one side. But most noticeable was the large pump bottle of silicone lube and its dildo companion. I didn’t remember seeing it when we unpacked upon our arrival. Hell, I didn’t even notice him packing it before we left New York. Yet here it was, propped up in the shimmering sand just a couple of inches taller that the accompanying bottle of lube. He seemed to notice my shock and replied without prompting.

“Oh, give it a rest ‘Judge Judegerson.’ “he quipped. Let me give you the lowdown; this is clearly a nude beach, right? That’s a given. But there is more to it than just that. A lot of hot action goes down here…and I mean A LOT! So, by previous trips I have learned that its best to come early, get a good spot, and be prepared for almost anything. Thus ‘Mr. Belvedere’ here.”

I wanted to ash the obvious question, but I was distracted by the appearance of a man so physical perfect, he put the two I had watched before to shame. His body was nothing but rock-hard slabs of muscle. Bark hair, dark eyes, just a hint of facial hair stubble, and thick layers of muscle clearly visible beneath the carpet of jet-black hair that covered his frame. Probably early 40’s, over six feet tall, and with an uncut cock that demanded attention as it swung back and forth like a pendulum. He walked with a confident, yet unassuming stride, and as he got closer, it almost appeared that he would walk right into my uncle and me. At the last moment, he did a graceful veering to his left, and at that moment seemed to lock eyes with Uncle Cliff. Unlike myself Uncle Cliff met his gaze and held on to it. The two if them seemed to forget that there was anyone else around. The eye-fucking they were giving each other caused the man’s cock to begin to harden without being touched. I quickly glanced at my uncle’s crotch and noted his similar reaction. As if in slow motion, Uncle Cliff stood up, and shucked his Speedo down to his ankles in one quick but graceful motion. His thick cock was expanding to it’s full glory like the guy he was eye fucking. No words were uttered, just an exchange of primal energy between to rutting beasts.

I had already been imagining them rutting together. I had to wonder if he was the one outside out room early this morning when I woke up. It didn’t matter, seeing this deity in the flesh was better than anyone I could have imagined. As he passed, within just a couple of feet of our chosen spot, he stopped, and took a series of deep breaths and stretched his muscled arms over his head. His body was amazing, matched only by the beauty of his face. His gentle tugs on his still swelling cock didn’t register as the absent-minded action he must have hoped. Uncle Cliff’s smile confirmed this, and the man just gave him a shy wink, and then turned to give a VIP view of his backside. He bent over at the waist and grabbed his ankles, giving an insider’s view of his slightly hairy manhole. Clearly it had been trimmed, but I marveled and how natural it all looked. He stood back upright, turned towards us and did a couple more deep breathing exercises, turned a strolled off towards the rocks.

“Fuck, “was all I could manage to say about what I had just witnessed. I thought the first two we had encountered would send me over the edge, but this man…wow. However, it was clear that his interest was in my hunky uncle. I was still sitting with my heels wedged into my butt cheeks and realized suddenly that I was at a prefect eye level with Uncle Cliff’s cock. Up close, it was truly another amazing creation. It’s sinew, its vascularity, it seemed all of Uncle Cliff’s blood had decided to convene in his cock. I licked my lips unconsciously, and to my dismay Uncle Cliff noticed.

“Like what you see, huh, “Uncle Cliff said in a deep baritone voice. Clearly his throat had become dry from hunger and lust for the stud that passed by. But he wasn’t wrong, as I did like what I saw. But he was my uncle, my family. I was sure to go to hell by just the nature and detail of thoughts I’d had about him over the years. Yet here he was, naked and exposed, his rock-hard cock jutting straight out from his body. I tried to swallow, and realized I was as dry mouthed as my uncle. I wanted to respond, but no words would come. I rolled to my side and collapsed onto my back. Uncle Cliff just smiled, shook his head and asked when I was going to adhere to the dress code of the beach.

“C’mon kid, what is there to be shy about, “Uncle Cliff asked. “You know what they say…when in Rome? Well, quite sure the same applies when in Greece too.”

I looked up at my uncle, and then quickly looked away. Even though I had spent a great deal of time honing the hard-bodied physique I had built in the gym, I was still the same shy introvert I had been since childhood. How I longed to shed this persona, and try to become man, no the stud, I was sure dwelled within. It was hard for me, and Uncle Cliff had always known it. Over the years, he had always been a source of support and encouragement. I never felt pressured or forced with him. Yet here I sat on a nude gay beach, clearly standing at a crossroad paved previously by my uncle. I didn’t know how to feel about it…

Uncle Cliff just sat down directly opposite from where I sat on the sand, his legs crossed at the ankles, and his huge schlong jutting out from his crotch. His proximity left me few places to avert my eyes, so I just looked into his sweet reassuring eyes.

“Look kid, there is no timeline when we come into our own. “he began. “Ever since you were a little boy, I knew there was something special in you. I could see it.”

I once again began to blush. His kind words were making me melt, and I didn’t want that to happen. We had to have boundaries. Expressions of love, beyond the familial kind, were a society no-no. In this moment, I wasn’t even sure if anything he was saying was relatable to the lust-filled thoughts I was having at that moment. I saw his lips moving, but the bulk of his words escaped my comprehension. All I could think of was the cock pointing skyward just inches from where I lay on the sand.

“I brought you here, because I thought you would enjoy it, “he continued, “and I meant it when I said I had never brought anyone else here before you. And I meant it. Sure, I’ve been here lots, and let me tell you, it can be intoxicating to say the least. Yet, when it’s all said and done, the reality is that this…all this isn’t real. Still, this was the place I finally took stock of the man I was, and the man I wanted to be. It was here, in this spectacular place that I found my real, true, and authentic Cliff. And I brought you here hoping that the magic of this place would be able to do the same for you.”

Through the tears that had begun to well up in my eyes, I saw a look of sincerity on my uncle’s face I hadn’t seen before. It made him even more beautiful, and me to feel more special, that either of us had ever been before. The emotions welling up in me took my ability to speak this time. All I could manage to say was a soft, raspy “thank you Uncle Cliff.” He smiled and once again tussled my hair. He then stood up, grabbed the bottle of jube from the sand leaving the dildo to fall over like a drunken sailor. From his bag he pulled a small hand towel and looked to be heading off towards the rocks. Suddenly he turned back towards me. I could tell he was choosing his words carefully before he spoke.

“I found myself here in this place as I said. What I didn’t say was how big part a part I discovered in a cave just over there among those rocks. Each time since the first I come back here to get…realigned I guess you might say. I don’t want you to think your old uncle is a sex fiend or anything…” His words trailed off...

“That stud that walked by a bit ago, I think he might be just the thing to help my ‘relignment.’ But I don’t want to leave you alone if you aren’t comfortable. Just say the word, and I will stay right here”

I managed a chuckle, and Uncle Cliff softened his stern expression.

“I’m gonna be fine uncle, “I said. “More important are you gonna be okay…yourself?” I returned the devilish grin Uncle Cliff had given me so often. He replied, smiling his trademark smile right back at me.

“Worry not nephew, “he said over his shoulder as he headed off. “I hope to not be ‘by myself’ for very long.”

I imagined he was winking at me again as he walked away. I also hoped he would have details he would be willing to share when he returned, which was making my shorts tent once again.


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