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shit that fucks with my head but is hot anyway

:concern: to protect the people involved and the locations i'm gonna say this if SHIT IS fiction OKAY.

so living in a military town you know there is always some gay peepz in the military, you know hypermasculine marines ( some one is gay in that bunch) and some times i have lately found some cops that are always heming me up just to fucking frisk me. so i was out and about getting ready to get some poppers so that i could have a fresh batch before i go to the local baths and a single cop in his squad car pulls over and has me to spread me on the hood of his squad car. i had seen his face before but damn i could not place it. well this frisking shit had happened like 3 times in the last week and i have not been caught doing shit. i am feeling like i am being profiled.

so i say yo man why you keep fucking with me, you aint got shit on me, he kicks my legs a wider stance , and moves up to get right behind me, and he wispers in my ear in a angry voice low as if it is comming thur tightly clinched teeth. listen i know you go to the baths and fuck but you are fucking my boifriend and is in the marines who can't resist black dick. i respond yo man i am sure i am not the only one fucking your quote boy friend in the baths, if he is in the baths he is fair game, plus i will fuck who ever i please muthfucka, plus how the fuck you know i am fucking your boi friend shit i didn't know he was in the marines any way, shit a piece of ass is fucking piece of ass in the bathhouse. hell if i see him to nite i gonna fuck him twice as hard and raw just cause you fuckin with me now.

so he says keep talkin shit fucker i know you fucking him cause you the only crazy fucker that sports a AB LIGHTNING Bolt and is black and that's who my boi friend said fucked him. and he is usually tinaed to the fucking max. i don't know if you doing dat shit to him but i will put it this way if you get in his ass nutz deep i will be in your azz like white on rice and yes nuttz the fuck deep. so i say yea yea let me the fuck go you ain't got shit bitch. and he says keep talking shit mothafucka and i will stick this night stick clean up your goddamn azz and don't give a fuck who see me do it. so i respond yea what evea and he lets me go.

i get my poppers and roll to the bathhouse and sure as shit the guy with usmc on his arm is in the bunk room ass lube and ready to get fucked. like i said some shit fucks with my head but it is hot anyway :P so the sight of his muscular white azz make mydick fucking hard as fuck and i just have to fuck him. and i know it was in the back of my mind what if this motherfuckers boifriend cop shows up. but right now my dick is doing the thinking so i am nutz deep. i don't know but this time it is different the other 2 or three times i fucked this guywith the muscular bubble butt my heart was not pounding like it is now and i have not even openned my bottle of poppers.

i go you man your azz is just like i remembered it tight and eager to get fucked. am i the first tonight he says no i got fucked by this guy that coated his dick with tina now all i wanna do is get fucked. so we fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck from position to position. and leave the bunk room and go to an area that is an open hall way. i guess they call it the alley we must be fucking for hours cause we are both dripping sweat like we ran a marathon. i guess his ass had tina all in his anus and in the lube in his ass and it got into my blood stream but damn how much fucking tina was in that muthfuckas ass to get me in that depraived can stop fucking state.

the funny thing is i am really wanting seed this guy azz and i am horny azz fuck but i am like on the very edge of shooting my load but i just can't seem to gett that nut off. as we are fucking i feel a presence behind me then a finger touching my sweat drenched ass lightly. then i feel that finger, it has got to be his middle finger violently enter my azz while i am fucking. i kinda want to look back but i am still too concentrated on getting my nutt and breading the fucker i am fucking now. i feel the guys middle finger twist violently and i am sure i am gonna cum .

then the finger comes out and i hear the voice of the officer that had me hemed up. you can't take advice so i gotta show you the fucking hard way, i am thinking in my head no this shit is not just happening i look back and it is the officer but he is not in his uniform but butt azz naked with huge white dick that is hard as brick wall.

he just puts the head of his dick on the tip of my ass hole and says now i gotta fuck the shit out of you cause i am a man of my word:concern: then all at once he just plows the fuck out of my azz while i am fucking his boy friend, in my mind i am like damn i need to get off of this ride but i am physically unable to get free cause my dick is deep of the marines azz and the cop is up in my azz. then he starts to get real brutal, and starts to talk just shit. now how you like this white hot dick up you goddamn black azz.

there we are a fucking reverse oreo sandwich. the cops dick has a funny twist in it and is starting to beat the fuck out of my prostate. the white marine i am fucking is backing up his ass on my dick almost to the point of being psycotic. at this point i just try to just lay an take it but the cop is not having any of that. yeah you talk shit till i am up your ass , now your ass is mine muthfucka.

at this point i am trying to get out of this fucking cause about 2 hours have gone by then the cop puts me in a wrestling move called a full nelson if you don't know what i am talking about look it up on google it:o then the cop say i got that night stick and i will stick it so far up you azz ... just then my load explodes in the marines azz. and all i can do is say fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!

at this point the marine is throw is ass hard up against my dick doing pushup under and i actualy go directly form one seeding to the next. the cop lets go and holds me in a half nelson and then with his other had starts to back hand my nut sack .and i am thinking damn this muther fucker is crazy yet i cant seem to get my dick to go soft for shit. i finally just push my self back on the cops dick so i can back my dick out of the marines ass and get free of the fucking sandwich.

whne i finally get free the cop just goes and continue to fuck the marine with out loosing a stroke. i am thinking i should fuck that damn cop up his azz while i have the chance but i am literally ready to pass the fuck out so i leave them fucking and go to the bunk room. i have no clue where the fuck my towel is so i just lay on my back on one of the corner bunks in the bunk ro m to catch my breath.

i am hafe asleep when i feel a warm asshole ingulf my hafe hard dick and within second a dick is in my azz as i try to open my eyes and look along black dick goes down my troat to the point of cutting of my air on and off. i can't even see what is going on nor can i get free of it, all i can here is the cop say you wanna fuck a mother fucker when he is fucked up you gonna get raped muthafuckka. i even feel some one licking between the toes of my left foot and and toe fucking my right foot with an ass hole. i cant see most of this shit all i can do is feel it. the bottom that is riding my dick is riding really hard and cause me to shoot my nutt for the third time and th cop that it up my ass says yeah i can feel you as clench as you shot your nut again then he slaps my nutt sack again.

fuck that shit hurts like a motherfucker and i can't even shout out cause my air is cut of by some big black mother fuckers dick that keeps cutting of my air. i am really scared it the motherfucker with the dick down my throat shots his load it will go down my windpipe and i wont be able to breath. fuck.... the black dude pulls his dick out of my mouth and shots on my face. damn if it isnt another cop that keeps pulling me over to frisk me just cause he can.

at this point i am sexually drain and just want to go but i get out of the sanwich and an old fuck start just giveing me some slow deep head but this time i am not going to close my eyes cause fucker will get at you if you play like you trying to sleep or are actually sleeping.. and the thing that is really blowing my mind is . back some 22 years ago when i was in the marines myself in jacksonville n.c. camp lejunne they didn't have bath house but a friend who had a flower shop use to invite active navy and marines to his house and all kindz of shit use to go down.



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