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One thing I’ll never forget. The very first time I drove to the place. I had it bookmarked, written on a paper, heck— I even printed a map of Oakland Park Blvd!

Reminder to readers— there were no navigation apps at the time, and iPhone 1 was still a few years from being invented.


I was driving up and down the boulevard, not being able to find 2536…

I guess I drove one too many times because— honest to God, a cop stopped me right after crossing the railroad tracks going east. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him I was having trouble finding that number, but I was too ashamed or scared to tell him it was a bathhouse.

He smiled. He knew the number and I guess he read my nerves. He simply told me “it’s right there, Sir,” pointing at the door right to my right side. I was literally there, and I didn’t see it!

He added “Have fun!” and left.

I remember later, that he was oh-so-good-looking, but at that moment my nerves played a trick on me.

I would find myself going back to Clubhouse II, hundreds of times, in the next 10 years… 


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