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The Rules



I’ll try to list of rules that were present in every single private room, as I can remember them. Please remember that this was the  mid to late 90s and the following did NOT exist:

— No mobile internet. The best thing at the time were beepers, even though shortly after, cell phones with numeric keyboards showed up, where you had to press the number “1” twice for “A”, thrice for “B”, and four times for “C”. Pressing the number “2” twice gave you a “D”, thrice an “E” and so on. 

— Needless to say, there was no phones with cameras. People did bring in video cams, those portable ones, but that was explicitly forbidden, and listed on the little framed paper “HOUSE RULES”.

— No GPS, or any sort of navigation systems that would help people find the bathhouse. Yahoo was the next best thing if you wanted to print or write down directions, before leaving your home.

Alright. Let me list rules as I am best remember them, but I’m sure to miss a few. I think there were 10 or 12, and there is no way I could put them in the right order.



# — Smoking in hallways was explicitly forbidden. Since Clubhouse 2 had no open areas, you could only smoke in your private room.

# — Taking photographs was forbidden as well, and I already explained that a little earlier. I’m sure people did it anyways, behind closed doors.

# — It was highly forbidden to bring in colored plastic papers (cellophane or other materials to wrap around your light bulb), in order to create a colored “atmosphere” in your room, other than the regular light bulb, hanging overhead. Made sense —fire hazard!

# — Drugs of ANY KIND were pretty much banned, and boy! they did enforce that! Poppers were allowed.

# — Defecating in the little plastic garbage bin, located next to the black or red leather mattress, would get you fined and banned. I remember laughing my ass off at that rule, but in fact, it did happen once to one guy, right next to my room. OMG! The entire “neighborhood” smelled like— well, crap, for hours.

# — Bringing in devices to create loud music was not allowed. iPads existed but I don’t remember seeing them anywhere inside. Besides, the techno music overhead was more than enough to give you a headache or to prevent you from sleeping an hour or so.

# — Candles were ABSOLUTELY forbidden!

Alright, if someone can remember any other rule from those times, please gimme a hand here. This was obviously yesteryear…


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