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Been awhile...



Been awhile since I posted anything here. Been busy with moving across town, left one job for another one, had a car accident, and work. Despite all that, I had a hell of a time the other night.

I had been hanging out with a friend of mine, smoking and sTroking, geTTing nice and high, but for whatever reason, play just wasn't happening. He started to come down, and knowing I still had enough to a small slam, I headed out to the bathhouse. I hadn't been to this particular bathhouse in a while, so I was quite surprised at how much better the place had gotten. The last time I'd stopped in, the place was boring...the attendants weren't very friendly, the place was dirty, and the only place you were allowed to fuck was in the "rooms". I use quotes there because the rooms were, and still are, tiny. But it's enough space to get au naturale with another man and swap seed.

But I digress. I walked around for a few minutes, admiring the new maze, complete with several glory holes, a sling, and a "sort of dark" room. I caught the eye of one or two guys, both had "the look". One of them followed me into the sauna. He was a good looking guy in his early to mid 40s, lean build, and totally smooth. I had sat down on the lower bench in the sauna in anticipation, but when he sat down and coyly undid his towel, I had to struggle to stop from gasping. This guys cock was easily 10 inches long, and a good 3 inches around. I played with it for a few minutes before I turned around on the bench and took as much of it as I could into my throat. He turned the both of us around again, standing on the lower bench facing the wall as I sat on the lower bench, the seat of the upper bench keeping my head in place as he fucked my throat.

After a few minutes of that, we headed to my room, neither of us even bothering to rewrap our towels, instead just draping them over our shoulders and walking nude. It did give me a good chance to get a better look at his body outside the dimly lit sauna. I noticed a tribal looking tattoo on his hip. As I turned on the light in my room, I recognized it as a sort of tribal biohazard symbol. "Nice tattoo," I commented casually, slowly sort of steering the conversation where I wanted it to go. "Thanks. You cool fucking bare?" he asked innocently, "Only way I ever do," I said with a smile, licking my lips as he pushed me to my knees and began fucking my throat again. He kept it up for a few minutes then told me he had to get something from his locker, that he'd be right back. He came back in and asked me if I was ok with him doing recreational things, sort of hinting, or alluding to what he had in his bag he'd come back with. While he was trying to explain, I reached up and pulled my rig out from under my pillow, all set and ready to go. He just stopped and smiled as he brought out his own.

I remember feeling the excitement as I lined up with the vein and injected myself, but from that point to about an hour later is all a hazy cum stained blur. It was a perfect slam, just enough to bring you to the point of reverting to your primal self without being too much. I remember at one point, I was still high as a kite, and my top needed a break. He just sat back on the bed, while I stayed on all fours with the door open. By the end of the night, he told me that between him and the other people in the bathhouse, I probably had 10-15 loads. I smiled and asked him if he thought his toxic seed would do the trick. He just smiled and told me to bend over.


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