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One week down - not too bad ....

Btw I had a post that I must not have saved becasue its gone... bummer.

Anyway .... its been one week of the journey, and the truth is I have alot to be thankful for I guess. It hasn't been all sex 24 / 7 but that just isn't real life, especially if your not 22 and with a perfect body and sweet little butt hole. I'm 47 and chubby. I'm not writing it down or anything but i"ve been fucked about 10 times ... and have about 4 or so who have called back. I get texts from about two new folks a day, but most of the time those texting aren't serious. One of the guys wears a condom, but cums on my ass ...better than not getting fucked at all.

Went to Hawks friday night ... kinda slow. I was almost asleep in my little room when I see a shadow and a guy peeking in ... I casually turn away and arch my back a bit..."here's my ass" ... you know, throw the bait in the water. They either run away - or they pause... if they pause, I'm getting fucked. Sometimes they pause, but then leave. No matter. I leave the room, walk past them and stick out my butt - 99% of the time they show up at my room in about 5 to 10 minutes. So this guy pauses , but then just walks in. Bingo, A black guy with a big dick and apparently I must have been mean to him in a previous life because this dude fucks me angry. It was actually kinda of funny becasue he was trying to trick me into going bare... he opened the condom and everything , but when he went in I could feel he wasn't wearing it. Not my first time to that rodeo buddy. Anyway, this guy gets it done, and man, is he a good fuck. He pulls out and cums on my hole, then goes back in and finishes with the last couple squirts.... a nice little change of pace for sure.

Turns out the guys says - Hey, I've fucked you before. When I was interviewing for the job I stayed at a hotel and threw up and ad. This guys plowed me. I tell him the story about being here alone for 6 weeks and we exchange cell numbers. Pretty cool. I tell him I have this fantasy about being a black mans cum whore. Would he ever consider going bare and cumming inside me - our little secrete ? He says he would like that. I was soooo surprised to hear that.

Not much action then so I'm tired and decide to go home and throw up a CL ad - I'm feeling horny - just sleepy - maybe I'll get some drunk fuck looking to unload. I get about 5 calls between 1 am and 3 am, but no one comes over. It breaks a girls heart you know ?

I'm starting to get busted by CL - to many posts. I opened another yahoo account so it doesn't match e-mails, but I'm still having to provide a phone number for verification.... if I stop posting for a few days I can start over... but without the posts I dont get as much action. Honestly, Squirt and Adam4Adam have been a bust... well - a couple things from Adam but not what I had hoped for.

I'm actually starting of thinking of going in another direction. I met a dom - you know the drill, but it turns out... I like bondage and spanking. Dont get me wrong - I still want the cock, but this is an interesting twist for sure.

Is anyone reading this ? Send me a note or something please .... feeling kinda lost in space.... any ideas or comments - or any visits to Vegas ... shoot me a load .... I mean a line.


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