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A guy who fucked me saw me at Kohl's.......

I'm losing weight - alot of weight - had surgury - ... and I went to kohls to get some new clothes for work. Well well well ... a dude who has fucked me was there with his wife. I'm cool, I would never to anything to risk someones discretion, thats a big no no. So I don't look or stare and I act like nothing - nope, never seen this before.

Well, the dude is getting pissed off , like - dont pretend you dont know me - has attitude and all that. Really ? Then he starts to like look really heavy with his eyes over by the jeans, and he starts to turn his head - like motioning me to go over to the jeans section. I'm game.

The wife is walking over to the ladies section and he walks over to the jeans. I'm faking looking some jeans - yea, this is nice - and he starts to talk under his breath.... he wants to fuck in the dressing room. How freaking cool is that ? Turns out, I had a visitor this morning, so I was cleaned out and still a bit lubed , but not 100% sure I wasn't dirty - which is disgusting by the way. I can't get fucked without knowing for sure I'm clean. But this guy wants to get in there. Now keep in mind, these are not private rooms, these are dressing rooms with like 3/4 doors, not a lot of privacy. He asks if I can keep quiet and he pulls out his cock and he is raging hard. What the hell, its only getting arrested and risking your whole life right ? Sure, lets do this.

So I'm in the dressing room getting fucked in Kohl's and the dudes wife is like 200 feet away. Nothing could go wrong with this plan. Excellent. He starts to get nervous, and wants to know if he can just finish by jacking off real quick. The guy jacks off in my mouth and puts it away and bails.

No kidding....


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