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slow weekend ......



it has started to slow down... after Wednesday I only have one fuck. Starting to get way fewer responses on craigslist, and keep getting flagged / removed for sneaking in my phone number. Man, the endless e-mails are still annoying. I just dont get that - i place an ad, you answer it, I send phone number, address, pics, stats ... two phone numbers.... and I still get 20 more e-mails with questions and narrative about what he wants to happen. Its pretty simple.... fuck or not, that is the question.

In all fairness I didn't put any ads up last night.. decided to give my ass a break. I've been getting beat up pretty good. No complaints, but decided to catch up on some sleep... see what Sunday brings.

Found out I really really like bondage, but not so sure I like dom's. The scene was way cool... but I dont know all the rules and this dude is like in 100% "I'm your daddy youre my bitch" mode 24 / 7 . I send an email asking hey whats up and do you wanna go again and I get blasted with my improper respect and blh blah blah... dude, I don't live in that world 24 / 7 nor did I ever committ to doing so. If we agree on boundaries or rules or what we want, GREAT, but without that, I get my say.

Ok, I wanted to come back to this.... I connect with a guy and he is going out with friends and wants to come by after to fuck. He says he is done at 9:00 - 9:30 at the latest. We agreed to meet at my room at 9:30. This is like at 5:30 when we set this up. Well, becasue the universe is a cruel, I get two other calls from guys who want to come over between 9 and 10. Plus I have agreed to meet another person who I have ben fucked before by - and I liked it - at 11. Well, I told the one dude 9:30 so I ask the other two new callers if they can do the next day or whenever. They say they will call back - which they never do - so I lose two new potential fucks. Fast forward, its9:30 and nothing.... 9:45 ... nothing... 10:00 nothing... fucking dude flaked on me. I email the guy 3 or 4 times - he had been emailing me from his iphone so I know he is getting these... at just after 10 he says he is 15 minutes away and on his way - already left an in route. So, ... its now 10:30 and he says ... hey, I'm 7 minutes away... I look and it 10:38 when I get this note. He is over an hour late and I have to bail to meet my 11. I tell they guy, sorry - but you are over an hour late and you have given me two other times you said and have not met either of those - I have to leave now. The Guy finally calls me - no email - and goes ballistic. He calls me every name in the book, says hes going to flag every post - I'm this I'm that... but what one thing he said really struck a nerve. He said "you knew my situation when we started this". Your situation ? Fuck you buddy. since when is your situation more important than my situation ? I tried to work with the guy, I lost out on two other possible fucks, I was trying to keep my word on meeting another guy at 11, but I'm some asshole becasue I dont move everything else in my life around to fit his schedule, which he failed to meet every time ? how on earth is that something about me ?

Was I wrong ?

Damn ... now I want to get fucked .... no idea why that made me horny but I need to get fucked ....


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