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uh oh, could be becoming a home wrecker .......

I get a reply from a post from a couple.... great.... but it turns out they want to play together, but only the one guy is going to fuck me. They want to talk dirty and kiss and do whatever while he is inside me... works for me. I don't care. I'm all about helping those in love right ? I'm all about discretion so I'll call the non fucking partner bob, and the guy who is going to fuck me bill - not thier names. So we meet, all is going ok, and they lay down ground rules ... they only play together ( you are guessing where this is going aren't you?) and I dont contact them, they only contact me. Plus he has to wear a condom - he can pull out and take it off to cum, but no full on bareback cumming inside me. Not my first choice, but a couple, and he is going to blow on my ass, I'll take it. I'm fine... Bill has a big dick and he wants to fuck... having his partner there makes him hard and horny. This seems like a pretty good deal for me. So we meet around 8 pm on Sunday... play for a couple hours... the guy does two full on fuck scenes and it is really good sex .. this guy is a really good top. So we finish up and say our good byes and they bail They say they will contact me later in the week - which they won't, they almost never do, but lets hope right ?

Phone rings at 4:50 am in the morning and wakes me up. I have to get up for work at 6:30 .... and guess who it is ? Bill. Seems Bob and him partied after , had a great time, and he has some serious wood... can he come over and fuck me before I have to go to work ? I'm already up (now), so great, give me 30 minutes or so to take a shower then you guys can cruise over. bill is like .... well, don't worry about the shower, bob drank too much and passed out, so its only him. Hmmm. what about the rules.?... oh dont worry, they talked after and had such a good time, he can play with me whenever he assures me. I dont care, but I try to be a good person... oh, and Bill wants to know if he can lose the condom, becasue thats really something he does for Bob... and since he isn't here,,,, is that ok with me ? Yea, that works...

Oh and by the way, he called from the parking lot, he was already here and coming up to my room.

Bill is a naughty boy, and he likes to fuck ... alot. So he gets at me then, before work again on Tuesday, and asks me to come home from work at lunch today - but I couldn't get away. I ask if they both want to come over tonight, I promise I wont tell or speak of anything other than our sunday evening thing.... but they are not sure if they can get out of previous dinner plans. lets try for sometime next week. 10 minutes after I hang up I get a text... "U free at 2 am tonight. Just me Bill"


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