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releasing the in freak in me to perfection. part 3

me and the penn rat go to a room and he waves on another taller black guy. he looks at me, and says , a no fuck way are you gonna fuck me until you get a nutt up my boiz azz. i am mad as shit but i spread his boiz azz on the bed doggie style nad just start nailing the fuck out of his boi. i notice on his boiz are the initialls USMC. I AM THINKING fuck now i am fucking some one out my own background. hot and twised at the same time. about mid stroke and raw the pen rat starts lapping my azz like a dog laps water and before i can back out. oh you did not think i was gonna play fair bitch. and he goes nuttz deep in me. that hist is like fire with no lube just spit. is say to his boi you man is that tat real was you in the corp or is it just a bulshit azz tat. he looks back and says it is the genuine article. i do this wild shit just cause i can. hey we need to turn the table on your man just cause i am a former tufel hunden. he looks at me with a glare and then with out any notice stands up and grabs the penn ratt and just begins to nail the fuck out of him doggie style, the penn rat has no wordz and the tall brotha looks at me and say his azz is kinda sloppy we need to nail him both side ways doggie so we can share and tight this bitch up. the penn rat tries to say something but the tall black guys hand overs the penn rats mouth completely. the tall black guy pulls the penn rat in so that he and the penn rat are face to face and gives him that look and says if you so much as say a damn thing i m fuck you the fuck up and hommie gonna get in your azz with me cause you love it when your azz get took right you shit bird azz muthafucka. the penn rat answered with a sir yes sir ( now in my mind that says opps the penn rat is an exmarine, what a trip) so i get behind the penn rat on the side and me and the tall black man who is actually , and i do not mean this in a bad way is as dark as a crayola. the contrast of my skin and his skin almost made me nutt.) then we me and the tall brotha nail the penn rat super hard. and the penn rat nuttz quick. the dark brotha says oh no we not stopping till all the nutt in my ballz is up in your guttz, you would like dat shit wouldn't you and the pen ratt says sir yes sir and the tall black brotha looks at me and for just a tenth of a second bust a smile then he fuck till we both nutt up in the penn ratz azz. then the darker brotha tellz the penn rat go down to the bunk room so i can whore your azz out cause that is what you want is to get your azz fucked till it can be fisted. all that talk got my freshly nutted dick starting to ooz precum and then the dark brotha says and leave your gotdam towel here and us marines gonna watch you boot camp drop out get fucked proper bitch. and the pen rat says sir yes sir. so the pen rat goes to the bunkroom and the dark brotha says to me yeah you guested that is my lover but he can be an as hole and he acks like that untill he finds some one who will treat him like a bitch and then he gets to be submissive. he loves it when some one else is in the drivers seat. so i will go down and get him gang banged and then maybe we can meet in the future for another hot scene. i had a million questions but by giving him my number i ill get a chance to find that out in the future i lhope. so we , me and the tall black guy went down and the penn rat was getting nailed by to white guys with swastikas one on either end. time for a shower and i bounced.


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