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My Gifting



It was 1990 and I was seeing a guy but we didn't live together (he was in the middle of leaving his partner in a very ugly split). I had a roommate that was a bathhouse whore. Followed his guidance and went to the bathhouse on weekend when I was unable to see my guy. I never told him, but years later when we were actually living together we went to the baths together every chance we got. In fact, he loved me being a whore...he just wanted to control my activities more than I felt was necessary (another story). But, at that time, having just split from a partner with AIDS, i would never have knowingly even considered playing with someone that was poz.

The one bathhouse attendant and I got to be close and were attracted to each other. We spent down time talking and playing video games. When his shift was over, he came by the open door to my room and was quite welcome to come in--it wasn't our first session. We enjoyed playing together - our cocks were pretty much equal in size and both of us were versatile.

I would BB guys at the club (back then, IT was called Club Columbus) but I did not cum in them and would allow them to BB me with the same expectation. The attendant and I would switch off fucks and that night/early morning ended with him fucking me. We were resting for a bit until my room time was up, i'd go home and see him the next weekend.

I checked out (he was able to just stay in the room since he worked there and would be on duty again in a couple of hours cleaning the facility). I went home to discover Dean's creamy jizz leaking from my ass. I panicked and started douching frantically and told myself things would be ok. Medical professionals would say later that probably made infection easier).

Years later, when i was diagnosed, i thought back and realized that-although perhaps unintentionally-Dean had bred me. Reflecting on my status after diagnosis with AIDS (High VL & Low Tcells), and the circumstances under which it happened, I was glad it was Dean. Our sex was amazing and we had a deep connection to each other in that moment.

The Fuck Flu - yeah, i had it. And from the same bath house i would also later have gonorrhea and Hepatitis A from rimming the hottest guy in the place for hours one night (about 1995).

I saw Dean working at a big box store about 5 or 6 years ago. I'm not sure if he recognized me. I considered going back to ask him for a recharge.


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