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Game Changer



Well I don't know I sexy this blog post will be. But it will be a whole lot of honest. To say I like sex would be an understatement. Theres a thin line between lust and hate. My ex and I had a crazy sexual relationship. Group sex and all there in between. Public. Fucking fucking fucking but somewhere between him saying I love you. And me knowing the game always changes. He needed to control me. The tactic of no dick made me go and get dick. The world is full of. And out relationship was open. He then turned my friends against me so that it was a me and him against the world. But I love the world so id never just get in a box. Let you fuck me and who you want and watch with doe eye. I may have bottomed and took his nut but that doesn't mean I did nt know the power of sex. So he decided to try and destroy that which empowered me which was my sexuality. He videoed me and made my business public in the worse way. Bugged my phones and computer so he always knew one step ahead where I was gonna be. Bribed good people who turned and secretly made video. Even in my job my business was known. Its a bit uncomfortable. When sex between two people happen. I always get off on what the other person gets off on. Cause good sex is about going places that elevate the sex. Racial things at times were said which I have no issue if its ok between partner. but having it videoed and put out where others can make decisions about it. You see the point. I only write this blog to share. To give a lesson to someone young who may be listening. To tell a truth, There are people in the world who are users and get used. and truth we change parts from time to time. Im am part of new revolution that starts with the bz family. If the world must know. I am who I am. And there nothing wrong with sex. Just know your worth. Time to shut sex down cause everybody cant get into the club. #StockGoUp So say hey. Im looking to meet new people. New ideology. Pervs, Virgins, black white green, other shark (magicians) 1st post--- I promise when im in the mood I will share more

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