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If For Nothing, But A Chuckle

Well, I've never thought of myself as a blogger, but I have dabbled in writing over the years. Lotsa sappy poetry when I was younger. Over the past 10 or 15 years, lots of "Letters to the Editor" (some even published). But I've always loved song parodies. I even bought Weird Al Yankovic's first album when it came out (vinyl). You could say I fancy myself a sort of Queer'd I'll YankYerDick. :P

Some of the stuff I've written, I've saved. Some of it was what I call "the sperm of the moment", where I did it on the fly, posted it in whichever forum I was writing it for, but didn't bother to save a copy.

I had a few different profiles on Manhunt, depending on whatever my "kink of the day" made me horny for. And I'd sometimes do it "with a song." Keep in mind, I have a very small target audience. Me! By that I mean, I mostly write for my own entertainment. If anyone else happens to enjoy, "icing on the cake." Anyway, if you like it, great. If not, I'm already over it. :-) But enough rambling. Here's one I was rather fond of.

Eminem? M & M’s? Mmm mmm good?

Now this is a blowjob from me

Yo everybody, I swallow pee

Cuz ya need some head, no re-C-I-P

Jes' let your testes empty into me

Hey, here's a cocksucker that works

To make 20 million white sperm cells emerge

So no matter how big your load may be

Jes' let your testes empty into me! ;-)

Hmmmm...I wonder if Eminem's really would melt in my mouth...


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