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Everything posted by lazr1023

  1. Clothes. Sites like MenatPlay, stunning guys under suits having bareback sex. Such a waste not being able to see skin and muscle.
  2. Gays have vastly more rights in Israel by far, BY FAR, than all other Arab countries combined. If any of us came out in an Arab country, chances are in most of them you'd be shot, tortured, or tossed from a roof top. Hamas runs Gaza and it's citizens, they are the oppressors. We see Israel as an advanced economy, their inventions in areas like tech, medicine, solar and agriculture help people worldwide. Imagine what Gaza could have been if they were friendly instead of being run by thugs. It boggles my mind that gays don't "get it" when it comes to the difference between life in Israel, especially for gays, and life in any of its neighbors.
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