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Everything posted by curiousbiboi

  1. This is the story of my last hookup load, when a lovely top decided to donate his wonderful cock and thick pent-up load onto my face in a stall. It is a bit of a long story but I figure some set up is always helpful, I know I like being brought into the stories I read on here, about all the nasty sluts on this site. My started when I was at the hospital (as an overnight patient visitor) so I was hanging out in the room just browsing cruising sites, namely one in particular that I use for my local cruising needs. Had been basically on/off talking to guys who couldn't meet up or weren't anywhere nearby, don't get me wrong I love getting pics of yummy cocks and full balls, especially if there's a big man behind them but I spent a few hours that night before striking gold. Must've been around after midnight that I got a message, anon profile of course, no pic, no stats, just sent me a message of a really delicious looking cock. Not fully hard, not fully soft, sporting a nice semi and showing off how soft to the touch and captivating his cock was. Being the absolute faggot that I am, I messaged him back rather quickly asked what he was looking for that night. I was ecstatic when he responded that he had a load he'd been saving for just over a week. Apparently he was in town visiting his sister who had just given birth and he had seen my profile on the map in the same building. We kept talking until we shared face pics, stats, etc, then agreed to find a spot to meet up. He couldn't come up to my floor since it was a separate wing as was his visiting room so we agreed to meet on the 2nd floor pavilion. Got down there around 1am, sat on a bench until a bigger guy comes from the hallway behind me and we shared that cruising look. He was 5'11" to my 5'6", definitely beefier than me but I love being dwarfed by bigger guys. We had our masks on of course, safety first, and then I stood up and we went looking for a bathroom he had passed in this long ass hallway. This is where we almost got caught, as we were walking towards the end came across an intersection with cleaning staff crossing our path; we must've looked a little lost or perhaps a little suspicious cause she asked if we needed any help finding something. Of course he just told her we were looking for a bathroom and if there were any snack vending machines nearby. I remember her looking at us a little weird, cause we'd just come from a floor that had a cafe/vending machines but I guess since it was 1am she didn't care enough to dig. She gave up and kept going, and as she passed us my "date" grabbed my left cheek and squeezed it, I made sure to reciprocate and pushed my ass into his crotch, could easily feel him, that was a thrilling sensation to have seeing that lady walk by unaware that I was acting like a little slut for this random dude I just met. We didn't have to walk to much further and soon made it to the bathroom, checked all the urinals and stalls then went to the biggest stall and got in there. First thing of course, he unbuckled and dropped his pants down until they were at his thighs, his cock was already hard from our hallway escapade so I will say I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to make it hard with lots of kisses. One thing I'll tell you about myself is that I love to kiss the cocks dominating me, something about it, just deciding to give cocks a chaste kiss on the head before I start is so degrading to me. Makes me feel like I'm truly in my subservient place beneath whoever's cock I'm worshipping. As we were both still standing I gave his cock a few tugs, nice and hot to the touch, made up for the cold bathroom. Cock in hand I took to my knees, not the cleanest idea but in that moment I didn't care, I had a yummy cock in front of my face. Soon to be on my face, I pushed my nose and face into this balls, breathing deeply the scent of soap and musk, god it was hot and it only made my heart beat faster as I started licking up his already hard cock. Getting to the head I made sure to kiss it, letting it know that for the next 5, roughly 6 minutes that it was my master. With my gentle job done I got to work, I made sure to get a good amount of spit going, perfect for when you first wrap your lips around it and just sunk my mouth as far as I could before my throat said no more. My throat is never loose enough to start fully capable of getting to the base, but boy do I try my best. Once his head was in, I started tracing my tongue around it with my mouthful of spit, really getting it sloppy, building up plenty of lube before going deeper to french that cock, kissing, swirling, and suckling the head of it before opening further and pushing as far as I could down his shaft. He must've enjoyed it cause he was making his little happy grunts and putting his fingers through my hair, I'll be honest, sucking that cock made me happy too. I kept going until I couldn't get any further down, he wasn't overly large, but my reflex can be pretty strong so I took my mouth off his cock and as I slapped it against my face I told him to grab my hair and I would keep my head still for him to use my mouth like a fleshlight. Needless to say it was an offer he didn't refuse in the slightest, he grabbed a hold of some hair and got to fucking my slutty mouth. He really must've needed to get that load out cause he went to town, I'm glad the bathroom was empty because the "gluck" "guchhh" and sloppy wet sounds emanating from that stall would've made anybody think twice about entering. I made myself his toy, making sure to not touch myself during the whole event, but just let him go as hard as he could before the back of my throat started to hurt and I pulled my head away. I took a breather and took the string covered, slimy cock and wiped all the contents across my face, caught some spit in my beard but just let it coat my face in a film of hot and nasty spit from the heavy mouthfucking I had just been given. I rubbed it all over till it was slick and just let my hand take over for a bit, slowly squeezing as I went up and down his shaft, trying to coax out that thick pent-up spunk, I did my job cause he let me know what he wanted. Now some here may think it's a waste to not swallow or absorb every ounce of baby-batter from a dominant top but I let them pick what they want to do, and my anon date on that fine night decided he wanted to coat my face in his seed and told me to wear it under my mask so that I could just inhale it and stay horny all night. I honestly miss that hookup cause he was as freaky as I am. I made sure to keep tempo, stroking him and massaging his balls while I tongued the underside of his head. He started to tense his legs so I closed my eyes and opened my mouth as he unloaded every shot of his cum onto my face, and man that was some thick spunk. He got strings from my chin to just under my eye and while some got in my mouth I think he was just aiming for complete coverage of my slutty face. He got around 3 strong blasts and a couple of meager shots after but I made sure to squeeze the remainder out and rub all across trying to smear the rest of it into a nice lotion for my slutty 1am facial bathroom stall spa treatment. Using his dick the rub it all it left me some to clean off and slurp from the tap, making sure to vacuum every last bit of it before letting him shuffle up and pull his pants back on, thanking me before he made a quick exit out of the stall. The kicker in all of this is that I asked him to film it from the beginning, I don't normally film but something about that night just was making me so horny so I asked him to take his phone out and capture me being a slutty bitch for him and his cock. To this day I haven't seen it, I gave him my number and asked him to send it to me, then as a back up I went onto the site and messaged his account the same thing but his anon account was never logged back into. It was naïve of me to think he would follow through, but my guess was he was more in the closet and just immediately deleted it off his phone, kept it as private spankbank material, or maybe he uploaded it somewhere and I've just never found it. Rregardless I think that was my favorite cruising bj that I've ever given, he seemed so pleased that it just encouraged me to slut it up as best I could. So if you ever are searching for videos, and you come across a young bearded white otter giving sloppy head in a grey and blue baseball tee, giving passionate head with a medical mask beneath his chin, you may have seen it. But I wish you luck, searching for so long I've given up and I can only relive it now in memory, but just thinking there's another man out there who has seen that side of me and potentially has that video just gets me a little bit more excited. Who knows, I might have to try a sloppy bathroom bj again soon. XOXO
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  2. The taste can range from meh to yum for me, but I prefer the smell by far. That's one thing I know is always unique, and it's wonderful. But I would say knowing what I did with it certainly heightens my enjoyment overall.
  3. 1. I like the getting him there with my mouth or hands, but when he wants to finish I like it when he jerks off inches in front my mouth so I can be fed or nursed on it. 2. I like oozing cum if I'm suckling his head otherwise I enjoy the blasting for a nice glaze. 3. I would say his head resting on my tongue is best, but I'll happily take it with my tongue out 4. Thick is what I prefer, watery slides down too easy and gets mixed with saliva but thick means I get to feel the spunk sliding around on my tongue. 5. In the moment I prefer sweet, but hours after I tend to miss the musky taste and smell when it's still on my breath. 6. I like a nice tongueful or at least a gulp so I can swish it around and soak it up. 7. Haven't ever sucked more than 1 at a time, maybe one day. 8. Nothing too long that it punches the back of my throat, but a nice filling cock with an old built up load that is pretty thick and ready to be slowly milked out onto my tongue or face for me to savor or rub in.
  4. 1. The smell and texture of his cock and especially feeling his balls on my face 2. The little and sometimes not so little noises he makes when I do well 3. When the guy treats me either like a good boy or a dirty whore, I love being mocked and humiliated while at the feet of a real man
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