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Kane Rider

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Everything posted by Kane Rider

  1. really they have one in Philly wow nice what is it called
  2. i read a review saying that the ESC and WSC both have changed because know the staff does not let people have sex out in the open and also if you have a room you have to close your door if you two or more people are in there and that the staff walk around making sure the rules are being followed. If it is like that i don't think i want to come to NYC anymore. This use to be the place to have fun what happen?:(
  3. Thanks guys for the info you guys are great.
  4. That is kind of sad. So how many bath house are in NYC? or how can i find out where they are?!
  5. Was wondering if the bath houses in NYC where any good and where are they? and i was wondering if i could get really fucked up and go in there and get loads dumped in me or would it not happen like that because people are more conservative ? and if so where would be a good place to do it?!
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