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Everything posted by Slowly

  1. Hey fellas. First time breeding zone member and first time attendant of Fickstutenmarkt. I have a few questions for more experienced breeders and cumdumps. Do tops prefer furry holes or smooth at these sort of events? Lots of Dad types seem to enjoy the fantasy of an entirely smooth bottom, while other of the rugged guys that turn me on are really into furry holes. Feels hard to know who to appeal to there. Is there any way of preventing a top from forcing you to cum too soon? Assuming I can still walk after the event, where should I take my cummy hole next? I've always wanted to break double digit loads and I figure this is as good a time as ever. Any advice for maintaining stamina throughout the whole event? Whenever I offer my hole up for a community breeding, I've fasted a little the day before and the day of. Lastly, is the prevalence of monkey pox and hep C this year too much of a risk? I've always wanted to open my inner slut to all the cum he can take, but it seems like this year is especially risky. About to start a degree in a very small town, and won't likely have the same opportunities for quite some time. So maybe someone will enjoy talking into doing this after all. Pic of my butt as a thank you for responding.
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