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Everything posted by samBE

  1. Hey guys, sorry for my English, it's not my native language. I would like to discuss this: I am bottom, and I love BB. But I also have a specific taste in men, for example I don't date openly gay men, I like discreet, straight guys, especially if they are married to women or have girlfriends. I often travel around Europe and have noticed that depending on the country BB sex is radically different. For example, in Western Europe and the UK, tops are talk about condoms very often (90%) and almost always demand it. While in Eastern Europe they are not talked about condoms (most often) and simply bringing them to a date. But for example in the Balkans there is a policy of "don't tell, don't ask" and BB sex with married guys is the best there. I myself never mention condoms before date (in app), but I have never managed to convince a Top to fuck me BB if he specifically asks for it. How to gently persuade / hint to the TOP that I want BB? What is your experience? How can I increase the number of BBs in Western Europe and the UK? Where I live (Netherlands) BB only possible with open gays who are on preps. But I'm not interested with this guys at all. What can you advise me? or share your opinion about different countries where BB worked best. Thank you in advance
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