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Posts posted by BadBob214

  1. The boy told James his name was Sean. He had come to London from Cork in Ireland after he'd be caught with another boy in the naive of the local church after choir practice by the priest. He'd been sucking the boys cock and the priest was enraged when he saw them. He'd thrown the other boy out and then proceeded to force Sean to suck his stinky old fat cock. If he had refused the priest said he would tell Sean's parents what he had caught him doing with the boy. It wouldn't have been any good telling anyone the truth, what the priest had done as they wouldn't have believed him. They'd always believed any shit the priest told them. Anyway the priest made Sean suck his cock several times over the next few weeks, making Sean swallow his muck and on the last occasion tried to rape him. "He forced me over a table in the vestry pulled up my cassock and tried to mount me. I just felt his cock on my whole. I knew what he wanted to do" Sean said he was petrified as he'd never done it with anyone before and didn't want the priest to do it. He'd kicked the priest so hard in the balls,  he'd left him writhing in pain on the floor of the vestry. Sean had run home, packed his clothes, stole money from his father's bedroom and got the first boat to Liverpool. He'd earned a little cash from doing the odd 'Favour ' for sailors and made his way to London. He'd met the other boys in a hostel, the only place he could afford in London. 

    James felt for the boy. Although the priest had been unsuccessful in attempting to mount the boy he wondered if he had allowed any of the sailors, he done favours for,  to de-flower him. He'd told James that he hadn't. It was only lately, since he'd been in London, that the desire for it, to have full sex with a man, had become strong enough to want to do it. James had felt his cock beginning to stir as Sean told him his story. As rampant as he felt now he wouldn't force the boy. He knew if not now, he would have him soon.  

    Most of the clientele had departed. Their were a couple in one dark corner. One was giving the other oral sex. The one being sucked was holding back. He was moaning and holding his partners head as he thrust his cock down his throat.  Other couples were kissing and fondling each other in various states of arousal. This was about par for the course at this time in the morning in The Falcon. He couldn't see Richard and seached the remaining faces for him, then saw him flat out on an old mat. He was totally drunk, laying next to a handsome fellow who was similarly inebriated. It looked like they'd started to get friendly, as his partners trousers were down around his knees, then been so pissed they'd given up and fallen asleep. Typical of Richard, he'd been there himself. James ready and Richard too drunk to perform. He laughed and Sally, seeing what James had seen shrugged her shoulders. 

    James looked at Sean. He was so young and vulnerable. He was pretty, no he was beautiful. He reached a hand to Sean's cheek and felt the soft warm tender skin. Sean looked at him and smiled. They both moved toward each other at the same time. The kiss was gentle and sweet. Sean tasted good. James pushed his tongue into Sean's mouth and felt him go a little weak in his arms that were now holding the boy. Sean's hand slid down James body and found his sex. He was a little surprised how big James was. Sally shouted "Right you horrible lot, I'm locking up. If your still here in five minutes your staying. If you want to fuck off, nows time. Either way I don't give a fuck" Three couples made their way to the door, holding each other and kissing before venturing out into the cold night and public view. Not that there would be anyone out there to view them. That left Richard and his friend, the couple in the corner still involved in sucking each others cocks and James and Sean. "You want to stay" said James. "Yes please" said Sean.


    To be continued. 


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  2. Officiallly 'Molly' was the term used to describe an effeminate homosexual in 18th and 19th century England. A Molly House was a pub, club or building where homosexual men met. 

    This story is set in London during the middle of the Victorian era in the mid 19th Century. 


    The evening was raw with cold. The bitter North East wind cut through the clothing of any souls brave enough to venture out in the bleak darkness. The Thames had frozen over and as James crossed Lambeth Bridge to the South he noticed the small cargo boats still iced in, marooned on The Embankment. There was a strange silence over the city. No bird song, no horses trotting along pulling their Hackney Carriages, no souls voices breaking the silence. The gas lamps barely illuminated through the mist that hung low over the bridge and the frozen river below. 

    His destination was a short walk from the South Bank along Lambeth Bridge Road and left into Penny Street. The Falcon lay half way along Penny Street and backed onto small warehouses that dealt with imports and exports from the ships traversing the river. It had once been busy with workers from the docks but they now frequented a tavern along the river that was adjacent to the new entrance to the loading area.

    Tha Falcon had fallen into decline for the past couple of years but now, due to its remote and somewhat secluded location from dwellings, factories and other business premises, had become a meeting place for the Mollys and their gentleman admirers.

    It was almost midnight when James crossed the threshold of The Falcon. The warmth of the open fire immediately began soothing his face although as the rise in temperature reached his ears they ached as the blood began to circulate again. A few men turned and some smiled and nodded a welcome.  He was a regular here and had found relief and comfort with a couple of them. This wasn't the only Molly House he visited but this was his favourite. He approached the bar and saw Sally attending to another customer. She saw him a smiled and when she'd finished serving the gent with a beer came to him. "Hello Jimmy, cold night out there, bet your cock has all but disappeared or has it dropped off" She gave a raucous laugh and James laughed along with the joke. They knew each other very well. Sally had a taste for the ladies and occasionally would entertain some of her 'Friends' in her dwelling upstairs. James thought it strange that some of his friends here, all other men, thought two woman together was odd, even obscene, when the men here had a fondness for members of their own sex. James had no such reservations. He liked and wanted other men. What was wrong with a woman wanting another woman. 

    James ordered a large brandy and Sally poured him something larger than four fingers. He thanked Sally and moved to warm himself by the fire. He noticed a young fellow talking with a group of three other young men sat at a small round table. The young fellow was of about twenty years and his friends possibly a little older. He was very attractive. His face was smooth, blemish free and had abnormally long eyelashes for a boy. His hair was long and worn in a ponytail, as was the fashion of the day. They were all drinking ale and their behaviour leant James to believe they had indulged in more than one glass and probably several. Sally caught his eye from behind the bar and she gave him a knowing grin. She knew the type he favoured well enough. James himself was a handsome man. Now in his early 30s he looked slightly younger and had a kind,  if slightly gaunt face. At nearly 6ft he was taller than most. He had large brown doe like eyes and had cut his hair so it swept back off his face. He was middle class and wore clothes to reflect this. The young man noticed James attention of him and smiled. James reciprocated ànd raised his glass slightly. The heat from the fire and the brandy had revived him. James noticed a man enter the bar, Richard, a good friend of his. He raised a hand and joined Richard at the bar. Richards face was scarlet red from the cold and the sudden warmed inside made him flush further. "How's it going you old scoundrel" said James. "Less of the old you cheeky fucker or I'll have to sort you out. You know I can" as he reached over and grabbed James by the arse. James said "I've got other plans for tonight" and nodded his head towards the young man at the table. "Just your type, young, tight and innocent. At least he looks innocent. I wouldn't mind some of that myself" Said Richard. James laughed. "After I've been there you wouldn't touch the sides" Richard smirked "I could go first" They both laughed heartily. They had more drinks and after an hour or so the four young men stood as if to leave. Now was James chance. He and the young man had made eye a couple of dozen times and knew he would fuck him tonight. James made his way through the tables of men kissing and fondling each other to the small group making ready to leave. He noticed how the young man three companions were rushing to put coats and hats on but the young fellow seemed in no rush. He turned as James approached and smiled. "You took your time, I didn't think you were coming " He said in a slightly effeminate cheeky voice" James smiled "Oh I haven't come yet" They laughed as did the three fellows the boy was with. "Take it you staying of a bit" said one of the boys friends and they all laughed again. 


    To be continued. 




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  3. First I swallowed piss I wasn't expecting it. I was giving a guy a blow job when told me needed a piss. I wasn't expecting him to piss in my mouth and didn't really want to swallow it but, I was still wearing a T-shirt, kneeling on the ground with my jeans around my ankles. All I could think was, if I don't swallow it, he's probably going to piss all over me and my clothes and I have to get the tube home! Afterwards I thought how incredibly sexy it was. Complete submission. He gave me a good fuck and load Afterwards, so it was worth it.

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  4. I grew up in the 70s & 80s during the peak of the AIDS pandemic. During that time most people were afraid of having unprotected sex, gay or straight. I'm 70/30 bottom so the risks were always greater. I always felt it was unnatural and desperately wanted the close contact between myself and my partners. It wasn't until about 1990 that I had a regular boyfriend. We were both healthy and got tested regularly. We began having BB and were totally exclusive. It was really the first time I actually felt sexually satisfied knowing he'd cum inside me. Purely psychological I know. From then on I just never went back, accepted the risks and enjoyed sex alot more. I'm still neg having had multiple partners and still accept the risk.

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  5. ******2******

    A few weeks have past. I  have no signs or symptoms to suggest his seed has impregnated me. I'm convinced the bug hasn't taken. I'm disappointed as I was sure he was massively toxic. He told me he felt he didn't have long left and wanted me to carry his dna and pass on his seed.

    I'm very busy at work and have had no time for any sex. I'm gagging for some intimacy, cock and a fuck.

    My usual sauna, in Brick Lane, is always busy on Friday nights. Loads of guys who want to start the weekend off with a bang!

    It's summer and the building is crammed with guys and it's hot. There's a strong smell of sweaty testosterone and cum. I leave my clothes in the locker and put the towel round my waist. There are a few guys sucking cock in the cinema and in the jacuzzi. All but one of the dark rooms have their doors closed. In the one remaining room there's a young guy lying on the padded bed face down with his towel covering his head. From his firm arse I deduce he's in his mid twenties. I enter and run my hand over his firm buttocks. There's a light covering of fair almost blonde fur on his arse cheeks. He groans a little as I pull his firm cheeks apart and look at his hole. It's beautiful and his starfish is pink. My cock is already creating a tent in my towel. Thoughts are racing through my head. If I was fertile with poz seed now and bred him I would have been able to keep the promise I made to my, wannabe, gifter.

    I lick the middle finger of my left hand and gently probe his hole. He moves his legs apart intuitively and I insert my finger in past his sphincter. He moans a little. He's very tight. Fertile or not, I'm going to fuck him. I take one of the sachets of lube from the bowl in the corner of the room and drip it onto his gorgeous opening. The cold fluid makes him flinch and draw breath. I'm pushing two fingers into him now. His hole feels like it's trying to suck them inside. Even if I'm not poz I can fantasise what it would be like to seed him with my toxic sperm.

    I pull the  towel from me and throw it to the bottom of the bed. More lube in his hole and I get on the bed and lay ontop of him. He hasn't mentioned using a condom so, I mount him, sliding my cock into his tight hole. It feels so good. He sighs as I begin to fuck him slowly. The hot, wet walls of his arse are caressing my penis. He feels like a virgin. I'm laying right on top of his body, my arms underneath his arms and my hands on each side of his head. We haven't seen each others faces so, have no idea what each of us looks like. Sweat is dripping off my body onto his. I plough his are for five minutes then lift myself onto my arms so I can see my cock sliding in and out of his cunt. 

    I do not believe in god, ghosts, or the supernatural, although I do know a few fairies but, none of them have wings. However I can actually hear a voice telling me to breed him, impregnate him, ejaculate my gifters dna into him. It's as clear a sound as I've ever heard. I must be hallucinating. I don't care. I'm in automatic fucking mode now, losing all control. My only focus, purpose in life is to fuck this young guy full of my seed, to empty as much of my seamen into him as I can. The pressure is building up. I'm fucking him as hard as I can and he's moaning, squirming, breathing hard. I have an overwhelming feeling that I'm really going to knock him up, impregnate him. The pressure is just too much. My ejaculation feels magnificent. Easily the best orgasm I ever had. My balls have been drawn up to my body and my cock is continuously pumping my sperm into him. I'm in ecstacy. My testicles must be empty by now but my cock is still pumping. Slowly, very slowly my body begins to relax. I roll onto my side, completely spent. The receptacle of my seed casually gets up and without looking at me thanks me and leaves the room. I need to recover and have just enough energy to stand and bolt the door. I crash on the bed for, I don't know how long.

    I'm aware that the attendant guy is banging on the door telling me the sauna is closing up and whoever is in there needs to get dressed and get out. I know the place closes at 4am on Saturday morning.  That would mean I'd been asleep for at least five hours.

    It's now three months since my attempted conversion and a good few weeks since I fucked the young guy in the sauna. 

    Sitting here in the clinic waiting for my test results I'm bored. It's just my regular six monthly check up. I'm not expecting anything out of the ordinary. 

    The Dr is standing at his office door asking me to come in. This isn't unusual. He usually gives me the safe sex talk, some condoms, lube and a card with prep info on it.

    "I'm afraid you've tested positive for HIV" He continues talking but I can't really hear what he's saying. It's muffled and completely unintelligible. My mind is going back a few weeks, to the young man I fucked in the dark room at the sauna and the voice in my ear.



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  6. I can feel the warmth of his boney body. The downy hair of his legs and chest and course pubic hair against me. His boney hands holding my head. My hands are around his skinny waisted torso feeling his warm skin and the hair on his back. The weight of him pressing me into the soft bed. We're urgently pressing our lips together and his soft wet tongue is in my mouth exploring everything within reach. He tastes and smells of mint from the toothpaste he's used before my arrival. His cock is hard and laying between our stomachs. It's feels hot and there's a slightly wet feeling of his pre-cum on my belly. My own penis is soft and laying downward, his testicles resting on it. 

    His right hand moves slowly and gently down the left side of my body. He has hard calluses on his boney fingers and hands. The hands of a manual worker. He reaches my left buttock and intuitively I lift my leg so he can slide his hand and probing fingers underneath me and find my hole. My breath quickens as he finds it and rubs a finger over the around the rim. He pulls his tongue from my mouth and lifts his head slightly to look into my eyes. He has dark brown eyes, almost black. They are smiling and gazing into mine. I feel a finger probing inside me. I am totally his. I move my left leg a little further to my left and away from my body, a signal that I want him to explore further inside me. He understands this and slowly inserts a digit as deep as he can. I'm incredibly aroused. My mind blank, except for the here and now. 

    He lifts himself off me and I open my legs, bend my knees and pull my feet up towards me. He takes hold of his member and I feel the head at the entrance to my body. Precum is leaking heavily from it and he rubs it around the rim. He's still looking into my eyes as he says gently "Your sure" I'm unable to speak. The want, need,  excitement and trepidation has made me unable to reply so I nod my head. 

    He pushes himself slowly inside me. My sphincter is still tight and causes me pain as he pushes past it and further inside me. He's big. I'm not used to anything this big. It's stretching the walls of my arse. He pushes it all the way inside me and holds it there, leaning forward to kiss me. The passion in me reaches a new high. I'm breathing deeply, I feel hot, my body craves him, my mind is totally captivated. I want his sperm inside me, to fertilise me, make me pregnant. I know that this can only happen once between two men and its going to happen now. He begins to move inside me. All the way out then all way inside. There is no  lubricant other than his precum which has little effect on the friction between his cock and the soft walled tissue inside me. The friction is good. It was cause abrasions that will allow us to procreate more easily. Allow his seed to enter my body. 

    He picks up speed. Fucking me, breeding me as it should be done. My arse feels wonderful sore and full. We're both sweating. He's working hard at his task, ploughing into me, the need to plant his seed is his only purpose in life. He knows it maybe his last chance to pass on his dna. He's is very thin, boney and his face is gaunt. Physically he doesn't look capable of the fucking he's giving me. It's obvious all the energy he has left is being used and its pure determination to reproduce is all that's driving him on. He fucks me for at least ten minutes then his eyes widen and he looks into mine. I can't tell if he's smiling or crying as he cries out and thrusts his cock as deep as he can and ejaculates a huge wad of thick creamy hiv infected sperm into my guts. He collapses onto me and we frantically hold onto each other tightly. I'm overwhelmed by the feelings I have and ejaculate my negative sperm between us coating our stomachs. We kiss passionately and lay still recovering from our orgasms. We lay like this for a time reflecting on what we've done. We have both achieved our goal. Rest is what we need. We both fall asleep. 



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  7. This is absolutely true. Not only was it the first time I was fucked it also the first time I had any real homosexual feelings or physical contact. Ive never actually l told this anyone. Needless to it changed my life.


    When I was 17 I was really into motorcycle (I still am) A friend came over to see me on his bike and said he was going to see his cousin in Chiswick West London and asked if I fancied a spin over to see him. It was only a short ride, about 30 minutes so, I accepted the invitation. We arrived at his flat and I was immediately struck how his cousin looked like Anthony Andews, an English actor who had been in a TV drama based on the Evelyn Waugh book 'Brideshead Revisited'  I had always thought I was completely straight until I'd watched that series but his character was obviously gay and I was surprised to have a bit of a crush on him. Any how my friends cousin looked alot like him. We went out for a drink in a local pub then returned to his flat where we had a few glasses of wine. I'm not and never have been much of a drinker. My mate said he had to go but, his cousin seeing I was very slightly inebriated said I could stay if I didn't want to ride my bike. Drink and motorcycles don't mix and even at that age I was fairly sensible. After my friend left his cousin poured more wine and the left the room returning a short time later wearing a dressing gown. I was sitting in an armchair and he sat on the floor infront of me. I was very taken with him and kept glancing under his dressing gown to see if was wearing anything underneath. We chatted and due to the alcohol I lost some of my inhibitions. We were both smiling and chatting, about what I can't remember and I continued trying to see under his dressing gown. He obviously noticed me looking several times and eventually said he thought I had enough to drink and he'd show me the bedroom. I quickly discovered there was only one bedroom in the flat. He told me to put my clothes on a chair. I turned round to do so, keeping my underwear on. When I turned round he was naked on the bed. I remember turning as red as a beetroot and was very embarrassed. He just smiled and told me to come to him. I told him I'd never done anything with another man and he told me I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. Of course once we held each other and kissed we did everything. It was painful the first time I was penetrated but he was the gentlest of lovers and the whole experience was absolutely wonderful. I fell for him big time but, he was a little older than me with different interests but, I will always have a huge soft spot for him, his gentleness and consideration.

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  8. On 1/20/2011 at 7:26 PM, Hotload84 said:

    This was salvaged from bugshare.net, from the "Strictly Stories" section. The original posting promised the story would be continued. If I find the continuation, I'll add it to this file.


    I was spending New Years Eve in a little town somewhere in Georgia. Definitely boring. Well, it was a grey Sunday and, of course, no gas-station was selling liquor. I was staying at some (straight) friends I hardly knew. Could it get any worse? Sure. No fireworks. What�s New Year�s Eve without fireworks and alcohol? Okay, okay back to the story. So this was my all-time favourite celebration: no alcohol, no close friends, no fireworks, no car, stranded in a small town somewhere in Georgia. After a very short party we all said good-bye and went back to our rooms. I was so pissed off but I managed getting even a little drunk (finally I found some). I went online and checked my messages on my favourite gay site, and ended-up talking with a guy from Atlanta with whom I previously exchanged IMs.

    He also was at a very boring party and asked me if I wanted to hang out with him. Sure, I said, but that he had to come down to my place, 'cause I didn't have a car. To my surprise, he responded he was enroute. An hour later he made it to my apartment complex, and jeez, he was black. Turns out he never told me 'cause he didn't want to disappoint me. C'mon whatï's going on with gay people in Georgia? So many prejudices out there to be ashamed of your skin color?

    He came up to my apartment and we sat down on my bed. I had no furniture in this room except my bed, which encouraged us to sit close to each other. He had brought a six-pack which we finished quickly. We were talkin' about this and that, and differences in gay culture, favourite sex positions, etc. when he suddenly came closer and kissed me. Five minutes later we were all naked and kissing, touching and exploring our bodies. After a lot of kissing (I love foreplay), we finally moved to the more interesting parts. I started to suck his huge black dick. It tasted so nice...pre-cum was oozing out of it but who cares? It tasted so good. I had to get more of it. But shit! No lube, no condoms - forgotten at home. Damnit. But his beautiful dark cock, this sweet taste and it was obvious he wanted to fuck me bare.

    I was sitting on his waist. His dick throbbing with pre-cum, moisturizing my crack. He was trying to get the head of his pole inside my ass and I was trying to relax and making myself comfortable with my decision of a bareback fuck with an unknown black dude. An unknown athletic black guy in his early 20s with a hot and smooth body and a beautiful 8 or 8.5 inch dick. The situation was scary but also made me rock hard and leaking pre-cum. I was so fucking horny! Riding his big black dick bareback was all my brain was able to think about. About him fucking my ass bare and pumping his hot semen in my ass.

    Eventually I loosened up and he finally produced enough pre-cum to lube my hole up good. The dark and nice sized head slide in to my ass. Slowly, his dick entered my hole inch by inch. It felt so damn good. When his shaft was fully inside my sweet neg white ass, he pulled out and flipped me over, lying on my stomach he plunged back in. I was shivering with anticipation and ready to get fucked by him when he asked me "Aren't you afraid about a stranger fuckin' you bare?" I froze in my motion. Excuse me? "Aren't you afraid of getting stds?" "Sure, I am! But do I have to?" He started to fuck me slowly. I don't know why but I started to moan. I couldn't help myself but his dick slowly thrusting in & out of my ass felt so incredibly good. Damn, I was horny as hell and still a little drunk.

    "I could stop if you want me to" he said in a soft and calm voice while kissing my neck. "Jeez, please stop" I moaned like a bitch in heat. "Should I really stop grinding your ass?" "Please stop" I was still moaning from the sensation of his pre-cum oozing pole inside my now sticky ass. "Do you really want me to pull my poz death stick out of your with my pre-cum dripping hole? Do you really want me to stop fucking you bare? My toxic black dick and balls slappin' against your ass? Don't you want this load in your hole?" he asked while tweaking my tits.

    What should I do? I mean, he was drilling my hole bareback with lots and lots of his pre-cum as lube. Should I really stop him? But why, I might already have it and he was a damn good top. Why should I stop him from fucking me? And the thought of changing my whole life within seconds and giving up my secure and boring college student career turned me on. Yeah, it turned me on and I wanted him to decide on my life. "Damn it! Yes, fuck me bare! Please, I want your come in my hole" That was what he was waiting for: his thrusts became more and more intense. I could feel how his orgasm was building up inside his balls. "You ready for my babies, you fuckin' slut?" "Yeah, breed me, man" I cried. "I'm making you my bitch - now!!!" he groaned as his dick erupted deep inside my ass and spurts of hot toxic semen flooded my hole.

    My body was still shivering when he wrapped his arms around me, still keeping his dick inside my hole. "Welcome" he said in a warm voice. "What have I done?" was my response. "Your first step to the darker site of hot gay sex. Now, you can have man to man sex as much as you want and always skin on skin without hesitating or thinking about status. It's real sex as it was meant to be, now. This pure and intense feeling only a good old bareback fuck can give you. And Now it's my turn to get your last negative load."

    Hope you find the rest of this story. Very hot.

  9. **** Part 2 ****

    The sleet and snow was pattering against the bedroom window now. The outside world was cold, hard and uninviting. Inside was warm, cosy and the bed comfortable. 

    Peter lay on his side propping his head on his arm still spent from breeding me and watching us. I was now face down, Paul behind me prising my arse cheeks apart greedily felching his lovers seed from my hole. It felt so good, so intimate. I was able to move over slightly, without disturbing him, and took Peters now semi hard cock in my mouth. It tasted of his poz sperm, my arse and slightly of the lube he'd used on me. At the root of his cock and on his scrotum there were traces of my blood. As eagerly as Paul was cleaning my hole I was cleaning Peters cock. I was in heaven. 

    Paul began rubbing his hands along the crack of my arse and then inserted a couple of fingers inside me. With his fingers covered in the mix of fluids he offered them to Peter who took his hand and greedily sucked his fingers clean. Paul began to move up onto my back and Peter gave us both a cheeky lustful grin. He knew his lover well and I suspected the whole scenario we were playing out this afternoon had be planned and acted on before. 

    I could now feel Paul's cock head on the entrance of my hole. Then he slowly pushed himself inside me. He was slightly bigger than Peter and even that slight difference was noticeable in my tortured hole. My sphincter felt as if stretched to its limit and his length seemed to reach a part of me deeper than any man had reached before.

    Peter moved around so his head was now at the same end of the bed as ours. He said "The initial purpose of your visit has been achieved. You have our babies inside you. They'll grow and occupy you body forever.  Now it's time to celebrate the conception and and fuck for pleasure" He leaned forward and we began to kiss passionately as Paul began to fuck me.

    He moved himself in and out of me, slowly at first before picking up speed. I felt totally under the spell of these two men. Completely and willingly dominated by them. Paul fucked me for around ten minutes. The sensations I was getting from his cock inside me were glorious. Peters sperm was the perfect lube.  Then he couldn't hold off any longer. I felt his body tense and he pushed his cock as hard and deep as he could before he cried out and injected a huge wad of his poz sperm into me, mixing his own seed with Peters ejaculate. He seemed to orgasm for a few minutes before collapsing beside me the bed. Peter leaned over and cleaned his lovers cock. I joined Peter and licked the mix of juices from Pauls balls. Then Peter and I kissed sharing the succulent combination and mixing it in each others mouths with ours tongues.

    Peter caressed my cock and then began to stroke it gently. "We want to milk you of your negative seed, so your balls can start making seed with our DNA" This got me as hard as I have ever been. Paul shuffled over on the bed and took my cock in his mouth. "Just let it go, your last neg load" It didn't take long. Both men took turns in sucking my cock before I couldn't hold off any longer. Peter was recipient of the first of the sperm I ejaculated then Paul got the rest. There was quite alot so, more than enough for both of them.

    By now it was early evening. The light outside had gone and weather deteriorated further. The mixture of sleet and snow anywhehad turned purely to snow and was accumulating on the road and pavement. Thankfully I wasn't going anywhere. I was very happy to stay right here. 

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  10. The weather that afternoon was miserable. Sleet, snow and an ice cold wind blowing down the narrow streets as I made my way from Earls Court tube station to the address I'd been given. Although well wrapped against the cold I was shivering from the cold, or the anticipation I couldn't decide. Probably a little of both.

    I was a nervous as I could possibly be. I still could change my mind and go home but I'd come this far, not in distance, but in my determination and desire. As I got closer to the address both seemed to be disappearing and the shivering and nervousness increasing dramatically.  I turned into King Street and now shacking visibly. If anyone had seen me they would have thought I was going through serious drug withdrawal. 

    I was outside number 72 now, my intended destination. It was a large Edwardian terraced house with half a dozen steps leading up to an imposing front door with peeling green paint and a large brass door knocker.

    I was here to meet, we'll call them Peter and Paul as to give their real names would be inappropriate. A middle aged married couple who were HIV positive, not on meds and detectable. I had been corresponding over a few weeks after contacting them on NKP. They said they wanted to pass on their genes while they could to men who would be sure to then intern pass it onto to other willing participants. 

    I had been contemplating being converted for a very long time. At first just as  fantasy, a fetish, then as time went by a real desire which became stronger and stronger. I started having risky bareback with random guys occasionally then regularly. It had still been a fantasy and afterward felt guilty and regretted I taken the risk. However the more I took the chance the more the desire grew. I was convinced that each time I was tested at the clinic I would be positive. The relief I wasn't was real and yet still the desire was there. The last two times I attended the clinic I was actually disappointed I was still negative. It was after the last test that I decided I wanted to chase properly. 

    Now, outside the address, it wasn't a fantasy anymore. If I used the old brass door knocker and went inside the tatty green door there was no turning back.

    I used the knocker.

    The man who answered the door was about my height and incredibly thin. His blue/grey eyes were slightly cloudy, his grey hair was thinning and as he shook my hands I could feel the bones in his fingers. He wore a dark silk dressing gown and I noticed that the front was beginning to tent where his cock would be. "So you really came. Not many do you know. I'm Peter, Paul is upstairs come on up" He was incredibly well spoken with a sleazy twang to his voice. 

    The house inside did not bear any resemblance to how it appeared outside. The interior was very tastefully decorated, although a little dated, with plush carpets, light expensive looking,  wooden furniture and as we entered the lounge, a huge black leather sofa and two chairs. Paul was reclining on the sofa and was completely naked. He had a larger built than Peter but was of a similar age. I later leaned Peter was 68 and Paul 66. He was completely shaved and hairless and his cock which was semi hard was about 8". 

    "So, you really came" said Paul, with a similar sleazy upper class accent. "Not many do" At which point Peter laughed and said he'd uttered exactly the same words at the door.

    Paul said "So, you know there's no going back after this" a his cock jumped a little all the time stiffening. I was still shacking a little with apprehension but the heat of the room was comforting. "I know what I want, I'm desperate to be converted, I've never wanted anything so badly" Peter had moved to the arm of the sofa and sat on it. As he did so, his dressing gown fell to one side and his now fully erect cock was visible. For such a slight man his phallus looked out if proportion with his body. He was at least 9" and thick. 

    "You'd better take your clothes off then" said Paul. "Yes, let's see what we're dealing with" said Peter. I could feel my face reddening but I wanted their cocks badly. My own was stiffening in my tight jeans, so much so it was getting painful. I knew I was a little chubby and purposely removed my jeans first as so as not to have to  bend over with my coat and top off as my belly would look worse. They made no comment as I removed my sweater and stood in my briefs. Then Paul said "Come on don't be shy we're going to see alot more of you soon" I dropped my briefs. I was fully hard now as I stood in the middle of the room. Peter stood and walked towards me. "I'll ask you once more and I won't ask again. You want us to poz you, your sure" I felt hot and was sweating and very turned on. I knew it was my destiny and looking at these two waisted men, I knew I wanted them more than anything I have ever wanted. "Yes, I'm positive" Peter laughed "Well hopefully you will be after today" Paul gave a giggle as well. I could see the humour and it made me feel a little more at ease. Peter stroked my cock very lightly underneath and it jerked from the attention. Then moved his hand and slid his finger between my buttocks, leant forward and kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into mouth. I actually felt a little weak at the knees and completely submissive. Paul came over and took my right hand in his and began leading me out of the lounge and into a bedroom with a super king-size bed in the centre of the room.

    Both men were fully erect now and clearly ready to breed me. Peter pushed me onto the bed face down. He knelt behind me pulled my legs and my buttocks apart a immediately stuck his tongue in my hole. Paul knelt in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. It really was beautiful.  I eagerly took it into my mouth tasting the salty pre cum. Because I knew it was poz it tasted wonderful.  Peter roughly pushed a couple of fingers deep into my hole without any warning. His nails tearing at the soft tissue inside me. I let out a small gasp at the inevitable pain. "No pain, mo gain" said Peter as he repeated the procedure then reached into a bedside cabinet and produced a bottle brush. Paul removed his cock from my mouth and Peter roughly inserted the round brush into me. He quickly pushed it in and out causing a burning pain inside me and bringing tears to my eyes. He did this about a dozen times then removed it. He then held it so Paul and I could see it. The bristles were mostly pink with a few dots of bright red blood on them. "That should be sufficient " said Paul. 

    Peter then grabbed my legs and pulled me downward to the edge of the bed so my knees were on the floor and my body prone on the bed. I was so turned on now. God this is it, this really happening, I'm going to impregnated, bred, pozzed, given the gift. I was surprised to feel a squirt of lube on my hole. I thought they would fuck me dry. It felt cold and wonderful as Peter pushed it inside me with two fingers then three, adding a little more lube as he did so. Then he mounted me. I felt the head of his poz cock push past and stretch my sphincter. He pushed in right up to the hilt as deep as he could, then began fucking me in earnest.  Hard and fast. In my minds eye I could see his cock inside me, thrusting into soft, bloody tissue. Paul was encouraging him "That's it give it to him make him ours. Give his our babies" I could sense the excitement in his voice as he watched his partner ruining me. Peter stopped and both of them turned me over so I was now now on my back. Paul pulled me further up the bed by my arms and Peter got between my legs, lifted them onto his shoulders and mounted me again. Sweat was glistening on his AIDS emaciated body as fucked me. He was beautiful. He fucked me like this for at least another ten minutes before it was obvious he was about to ejaculate his sperm, his poz sperm inside me. His face screwed up and he gave one more hard thrust as his sperm impregnated me. In my minds eye I could see individual sperm swimming inside me and finding the small cuts and abrasions. Their tiny tails forcing themselves into my bloodstream, the virus inside them eventually inhabiting every cell in my being. Peter lay on me completely spent. His mouth found mine and we kissed passionately. Paul joined us and the three of us kissed. 

    I felt satisfied, free, complete.

    *****To be continued**** *****

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