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Everything posted by jaredjock

  1. For sale: gay ThisVid account with Excellent! profile rank and 5K+ gay friends. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/members/4515265/
  2. N’cest Nest is a supportive, non-judgemental group of guys with real-life gay n’cest experiences. Join us via [think before following links] https://t.me/joinchat/p6-aSJLK3r4yODY1 .
  3. Actually, the bot specifically directs users to the admin after giving them instructions. You can go back to the bot now and see that it's true. If you didn't see it before, then I'm thinking you didn't actually visite the bot and is lying. Excuse you. Nothing was TAKEN from you. We ASK only for basic infos like age, sexual orientation, and country. If you gave your number without anyone asking you to, then that's on you. You're being unreasonably dramatic, it's making you look disingenuous to me.
  4. Hi. Where did you send your story to? Can you send it again? And not to the bot; send it to the admin. The bot is only for guiding users how to request to join and directing users to the admin. What private information of yours were collected, exactly? We only ask for age, sexual orientation, and country. And how exactly were you humiliated?
  5. N'cest Nest is an 18+ Telegram group exclusively for guys who have gay n'cest experiences. We exchange real n'cest stories, discuss fantasies, share videos, host live streams, arrange meetups, etc. It's a private, individually approved group where messages and media are protected— can't be forwarded, screenshot, or downloaded. You must have gay n'cest experience to get invited and must tell us about your experience to get your request to join to get approved. Get invited via [think before following links] https://t.me/nninvitesbot.
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