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  1. Long overdue pendulum swing in response to left-wing authoritarian social bent being the predominant political establishment worldwide for the past 30 years. Oh, and just to qualify? I mean left-wing auth in terms of culture and social politics. Nobody said that it's impossible to mesh that with right-wing neoliberal capitalist economics.
  2. I find it ironic that many of the people who are dunking on Trump being a "convict" now would also for anybody else be the first to say "don't judge someone by their past/society should be more accepting of ex-cons/some things shouldn't be criminalised/some records should be spent". I expect to see crickets and tumbleweed when Hunter Biden goes down for far worse stuff very soon. Frankly people who hate on Trump have gotten collectively to the point whereby they've forgotten why they chose to hate him, and what that hate was meant to achieve, if anything at all. p.s. Not an American, so miss me with all the name-calling about me being a MAGA-tard or something. Underestimate international support for Trump by the plebs at all your perils, and say what you want about him but he's the FIRST president ever since Reagan for whom the world actually held a degree of respect and FEAR for as POTUS. And that's a very good thing. Because it is better to be feared than be supposedly loved, but only in the way an old grandpa is in a hospice home.
  3. Should be fine @Cubbtm4poz. Syph is pretty much the oldest known STD to mankind, and also the most treatable with that one Doxycycline jab. The big needle they use is about the worst part of the whole process, but otherwise it's very much a "one jab and you're done and fine" thing. I see some others here have mentioned about the titre thing too. Can confirm from my last doctor who told me for most individuals who've caught syphilis before they will almost always show a false positive, but as long as you tell the doctor that you've had it in the past and you've been treated and recovered from it, they will know how to interpret your results accordingly.
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