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Everything posted by slaveofcum

  1. Yes…I have a pretty good schedule for the venues based upon past success but I must say it’s never too predictable …I agree about early mornings and afterword…of course late night always attracts @ good group.
  2. A brief escape from the banalities of day to day obligations …Sept 23-28, a rare opportunity to serve cock and better my skills as a dedicated faggot for 6 full days 24 hours a day. Caged and plugged, my plans are to exploit all my best venues, hitting the best ABS in the area twice a day, and working the parks and truck stops. Each day I will also host a late night 2Am until dawn open door anonymous blowbang and bukkake at a local motel…no one refused. Kneeling in a corner, blindfolded wearing a jock only and taking every cock that walks thru the door.…I will post on multiple sites, DL, Sniffies, Grindr, Squirt, Fet and of course BZ. I am hopeful to make this a record breaking personal best…is it possible I might be so used that faggot burnout occurs…?
  3. Beautifully stated, and I think a great synopsis of the faggot mindset…we clearly are not typical Gay men.. I suppose levels of addiction and need can run within a wide range within the faggot title..l have no bench mark for comparison but I feel like I may be unusual in my hunger and single point devotion
  4. My intent was not to set a requirement that was unobtainable nor do I wish to hold members to a threshold that cannot be obtained. But I did want the membership to be dedicated faggots whose pursuit of cock is the major focus in their daily plans. As opposed to guys who have an occasional fling . Perhaps I should revise the parameters…it is pointless to have stipulations that negate involvement…I want conversation, tips, techniques, successful venue ideas, ad ideas, sites of merit as a resource for the addicted few. I’m open to changing numbers …I wonder what the number of cocks weekly is that separates the driven from the hobbiest? That should be the threshold.
  5. Yes, it is a high achievement or aspiration, but a goal and a merit badge of a true faggot. My methods is daily time at the areas most active ABS and weekend marathons. I spend about 35 hours a week sucking cock. I’m lucky to have the freedom and time
  6. It’s clear that viewers of the Cock Sucking Discussion have some curiosity, fantasy, or craving to explore the desire. Maybe some have the desire but have not cleared the threshold to fulfillment, others may be casual and random in their needs and pursuits and others not fully dedicated. However some are committed addicts, every free moment dedicated to sucking, public, proud, skilled and comfortable with the reputation. While some may dedicate a weekend to serving as an escape, the addict seeks daily because it is his purpose. Their ads feature their faces, their address, their phone number. They are known at parks, truck stops and book stores…and relish the attention. A line of cocks waiting is our dream. For reasons unknown I find myself in that category. I’d like to connect with others….those who suck 100 cocks a week or more or are sincerely committed to the goal. Our drives are abnormal and to explore our practices, techniques, the target rich venues we have discovered, effective methods to connect, as well as our peak experiences would be informative, educational and fulfilling. if you are a 100 plus cock a week player…welcome to the century club. Share, learn, improve, empathize, and guide.
  7. Has anyone had luck connecting using the events calendar, I have tried twice with no responses…suggest or thoughts. here was my ad and post ”Looking for cock to suck, rim, swallow and please.;no one refused, discreet location. Drop by feed your cock into my mouth or jack it on my face…no load refused…oral faggot need to serve.”
  8. I found that locking and denying myself was the turning point. The truth that my destiny was to be a faggot…my only focus, hunting and soliciting for cock, sucking anything with complete abandon and swallowing sperm as my essential diet. I asked for honest reviews and for referrals. I have not peaked yet but am cognizant that cumdumpAmsterdams experience could be a possibility. I can’t imagine the void and emptiness of the absence of my daily protocol…but will face it when and if it comes…right now I’m looking for numbers, consistency and fufilling goals…100 cocks a week, every week. Sperm is my addiction and I have an insatiable appetite..I can’t imagine that changing.
  9. Has anyone had luck connecting using the events calendar, I have tried twice with no responses…suggest or thoughts. here was my ad and post ”Looking for cock to suck, rim, swallow and please.;no one refused, discreet location. Drop by feed your cock into my mouth or jack it on my face…no load refused…oral faggot need to serve.”
  10. Wish I could experience that, and could find a productive venue ! you are an inspiration
  11. 31 over the last 7 days, all taken anonymously, blind folded at my apartment. I too have started an excel spreadsheet to keep an accurate count, the source and the locale…only a faggot MBA would use statistics to improve his cock yield…but I have goals of a consistent 100 cocks a week..I think it’s possible.
  12. I wonder how many of us dedicated faggot cocksuckers set daily, weekly or monthly goals versus how many just go when the opportunity presents itself. I set goals to enforce the discipline. What do you do?
  13. I never refuse any cock…faggots don’t chose we are chosen. Advancement and commitment are realized when you suck the 2 inch cock of a 400 pound man with the same lust as that of a 8 inch trophy Twink. You crave and are addicted to cum, not the provider. Lately I have bern wearing a blind fold…totally anonymous. I have found this enlightening for several reasons. I crave and desire the pure lust of sucking the cock of anyone without evaluation, caveats, or determination of attractiveness, I find being totally oblivious is the essence of my purpose. The deprivation of visual inputs, being without knowledge of physical characteristics has centered my focus 100% on the only thing that’s important, the worship and service of cock. I find my focus is enhanced and concentrated only on the cock in my throat…there are no external distractions. Today I hosted all all day blow bang…blind folded, kneeling in a corner wearing only a jock strap, From 9 am, unknown men walked thru the door and fed me their cocks. They continued every 30 minutes for 5 hours… my only perception… the feel of their cock in my throat, their length, their girth, the taste of their pre cum and ultimately their cum….thick, watery, huge or a few drops. I felt like the faggot I want to be. I wonder who they were…the next door neighbor, the son of a friend, the homeless pan handler, or the elementary school teacher…I’ll never know, I like that.
  14. The advice and info provided has been incredible… 109 loads for the first 8 months…46 loads the last 9 days. I m loving the trend 😊
  15. Your comment is so appreciated, I feel like you have my back as I move forward and become what I now know I’m destined to be…some days are frustrating, but I never waiver from my path forward. Thank you.
  16. 380 since I dedicated myself to being a faggott…about 2 years
  17. The decision to be a committed faggott was an evolution of various experiences. I realized being used often, and randomly without caveat was my purpose. I pledged to deny myself future orgasm s, knowing that a high libido at all times is a requirement, and any focus on my pleasure was a breach of my purpose. The transition is complete…I have now denied myself for 20 months…my pledge any, cock, any time, any place… my holes are now public property, and no longer mine. My only metric of value is the cocks I worship, the cum I drain. I proud of what I am.
  18. I have been pimped out on three occasions…all for group events. Even though I received nothing, the fact that they paid my owner for the use of my mouth was a turn on. I guess I did ok, as I was asked back for a repeat date. For me A room of cock needing to be drained is a dream…the fact that $$$ exchanged just made me feel like a true slut. Loved it. On the flip side, I must confess I have offered and paid for young Twink cock in the past. At my age, the opportunity to slurp the shaft and balls of an 18 year old surfer are some what limited. I never have regretted any monetary arrangement .
  19. Multiple loads simultaneously is my favorite…my best is loads from 10 guys taken in one swallow. It is a drug that drives me to want more
  20. I’m a relative novice compared to the seasoned contributors to this thread. All the information is helpful and I will add many to my regime. For now my hookup recruitment is pretty basic. 1. I post daily across a minimum of 4 sites. 2. I vary my posts ti try to appeal to specific kinks, demographics, locales…host or travel, discreet hookups for those on DL, incentives for young twinks, BBC worship, bukkake, pump n dump, piss slut, swallow day goals. 3. I never refuse any one and note that in my ads…”no cock refused” 4. I provide my address immediately and try to hookup quickly. 5. I host motel marathons every two weeks. They are all open door with address and room number posted. 6. I spend free time at a series of adult book stores, parks and a Love’s truck stop. 7. I am consistent in my schedules…and cater to regulars. 8. I ask for referrals, or bring a friend. 9. Most importantly I put the pleasure of my guest as my top priority, a combination of good skills, dedication to,specific requests, and a sincere love and lust for serving. It shows and I find a true hunger is appreciated. Currently this results in hosting about 5 daily, motel marathons are averaging between 12-20, adult book store and other offsite meets, unpredictable. I might suck off 20 at a gh one day and 2 the next…but I remain committed to being offsite regularly. for my age, I feel blessed, but so much more to learn, I’m on a mission.
  21. Now a fully dedicated faggot submissive cock sucker, the pursuit of cock is my dominate activity. Living in the panhandle of Florida is a challenging venue, limited opportunities, a high degree of flakes, no shows and fantasy dreamers. Nonetheless dedication and diligence has provide a sustainable inventory of opportunities. My goal has been to be surrounded by multiple cocks, for multiple hours, however my hotel marathons have yielded a slow trickle of men, over multiple hours…and never the large group I covet at once. Yes as night ends and dawn breaks I have sucked and swallowed the cum of 15-20 cocks, but without the crowded room I crave. A recent trip to Ft Lauderdale resolved my desires. I rented a guesthouse in Wilton Manors (god what a place 😊) and posted a 24 hour blowbang bukkake on sniffles, and dl. To say the response was wonderful is an understatement,…attendance and timeliness were amazing.I started at 3pm with a series of one on ones.As night fell my tiny bungalow was soon filled with cock, and I finally was the true center of a blowbang. The experiences were varied from sucking multiple cocks one after another, to quick shooters who approached, shot their cum on my face and disappeared. After midnight I fulfilled a challenge that I thought elusive…a true cump dump….my mouth open as cock after cock emptied into my mouth…as the loads increased, my lust reveled in each load taken…after 10, my mouth was full to overflowing…I swallowed the sperm cocktail of 10 men, a rich blend like nothing I had every experienced…I convulsed in excitement as the thick mixed slide down my throat…amazing. I found the experience of swallowing multi loads simultaneously a peak experience..and I wonder if others have experience a similar feeling.
  22. My only interest is in pleasing others. I elected to deny myself any orgasam both as a sign of submission and so that my libido and need is always off the charts. I’m always craving a cock in my mouth 24/7…I love the constant desire and single focus. The life of a faggot is extremely rewarding and satisfying to me.
  23. Your post could have been written by me…I understand the need, hunger and total lack of control.it is an addiction which requires more and more…and our judgement, inhibitions and common sense are no match for quenching the need. I now rent cheap motel rooms in marginal areas…post the name, address and room number and will not refuse anyone who walks thru the unlocked door. A continual line of misfits needing a throat to cum in is now my sole purpose…the risks are immaterial and only briefly contemplated in a moment og guilt.
  24. When I became a dedicated cock sucker 2 years ago, I would gag on anything over 6 inches…a dead giveaway as a novice and beginner. My skills and abilities were a focus and a dedication…I like to be the best. There is a natural learning curve with experience…and clearly the more you suck, the better you get. I practiced with a toothbrush, inserting it until,I gaged…over time it has a natural desensitizing ability…breathing and relaxing your throat are key. I had a patient but persistent guy with 7.5 inch cock who made it clear that he would not accept less than a full deep throat…I was particularly attracted to him and our communication was good. Over about 90 minutes, my continued gagging and puking several times were tolerated, but no compromise was allowed. Magically, my throat relaxed, and my mental desire offered some magical tolerance and his cock slipped fully into my throat…my lips tight against his ball sack..he held my head tight until my natural reflexes expelled him in sloppy saliva, throat mucus strings…this excited us both and gave me the confidence I had been lacking. He throat fucked me hard for another 10 minutes ultimately giving me my first deep thread load…his cum eventually dripping from my noise…a peak experience. I am now up to 8.5 inches with medium thickness, my goal is to take the rare full 9.5. In summary…practice and find a cock who is insistent, demanding, non compromising but patient.
  25. It varies on the cock and man …there are shooters and there are oozers. I have had cock where the pulses and ribbons of semen are clearly felt and can be clearly counted…others where nothing is felt other than the realization of that my mouth is full. I like the variety but confess to a love for a youthful 7.5 inches pulsing his sperm into my throat in a series of convulsive jerks.
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