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Posts posted by AlB

  1. On 8/29/2023 at 1:54 PM, ellentonboy said:

    Moderator's Note: This discussion was begun in response to a story in ChemSex Stories. If you are interested in reading the story, you can find it here. 

    I wonder if any of our black members are offended by threads that mention race In particular🙄? I sure hope not...

    Is it fetish when a white guy prefers BBC?  Is it racist if a white guy prefers only white men?  I can honestly say that I don’t have a racist bone in my body; certainly not my boneR!  But I have preferences and looks/types that appeal more than others.  Don’t we all?

  2. 9 minutes ago, RickBayman said:

    I definitely don't feel masculine or macho or manly when submitting myself to fucking,  starting when I was young with a cousin-bf who is four and a half years older, leading me, teaching me, loving me like his little boyfriend. 

    I wouldn't say I feel feminine per se ... 

    Thinking of being junior,

    I still cannot see how I can give thumbs-up or a heart or applause to any posts in Breeding.Zone.  I'm still too new, too junior to up-vote guys' posts?!

    You’ll get there; I recently was granted the reactions in very small limits.  Little by little. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    Sounds to me like your "rules" are really more like "things I do so my partner doesn't find out I'm sleazing around behind his back"? Are you looking for additional ways to make sure your betrayal isn't discovered?

    This was my thought exactly:  the only “rule” was kissing and that was excepted for “older white guys;” the rest are methods.  

    Since I would never cheat on anyone much less my husband I am unqualified to contribute further on the topic.  Tangentially I will add that on the rare occasions I or my husband play separately the “guest star’s” cum and sweat on or in whichever of us played is a HUGE attraction for the one left out.  

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  4. On 3/13/2023 at 7:27 AM, BeefyRawLoadBottom said:

    Do crossfit 3x week..Getting older so its vitally important to keep moving and building/maintaining muscle. You can wear out or rust out...I will wear out! 

    PLUS my ass looks AMAZING for guy my age!!!

    I’ll bet it does!  And I’d love to give it a good go!!!  Having said that … dude “guy my age” just hurts on so many levels; my 54th is in two days, so we’re only about four years apart.  🥸

    In answer to the question: yes for my husband and I the gym is our religion.  We are avid CrossFitters, cyclists, and runners.  Our CrossFit may be adverse selection as it is a beach town and many straight surfers are fellow devotees; many more straight men than gay and many women.  When we went to the regular gym* the male clientele we observed was probably half gay at minimum; and men:women ratio was about 3:1 or occasionally 3:2.

    * I was involved in a serious auto accident four years ago; I was in the hospital for just short of three months during which I underwent three heart surgeries.  I had been an avid gym goer for the entirety of my adult life and was at a dead stop (pun unintended) for three months.  My rehabilitation was the better part of a year; including recovering the fifty pounds of muscle I lost.  Two years in we returned to CrossFit with the doctors’ blessing.  

  5. This is a problem I never thought of; I just wake and go to sleep thanking god for a husband who feasts on me every day!  Has there been any problem for me to keep myself ready all the time?  None!  Maybe I’m just the lucky genetic recipient and taking fiber tablets and deep-cleaning regularly doesn’t affect my health the way some mention.  Yay me!

    It’s more than just the frequency of sex; we’re a married couple still (maybe more) deeply in love.  We fuck other guys recreationally often too; but my hunky younger husband looking at like dinner and going hard when he does it is a huge turn-on for me.  And days away from turning 54 he makes my body function like a teenager.  An example: when we’re not together he’ll often send me a test with a selfie of his obscene bulge in his clothes or his hard-on out and tell me what his intent is for when we’re together again; often that is when we’re meeting-up someplace.  He always follows-through.  

    Yeah it’s worth every bit of the effort to keep my hole ready and to live with being sore.  EVERY BIT!  ❤️😈🐷🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

    Not bad for capitalizing on the randos that come along either; gym and other places!  🐷😈🍆💦

    • Upvote 2
  6. The saddest part is not Justin Heath Smith or the probable loss of Austin Wolfe as a source of entertainment.  The saddest part is that many misinformed and homophobic straight people have reinforcement to their anti-gay beliefs that gay men pose a threat to boys and children in general as pedophiles.  When you think about it why the fuck couldn’t he just be a felon by virtue of fraud, extortion or other non-pedophilia crimes?  Ryan Rose, Sargent Miles and others showed us how that should be done! 

    I stand with @PrisonbaiT and confess that while I enjoyed him aesthetically and enjoyed his Alpha male energy his bottoms in this latter stage of his performing career seemed to be surrogates for boys instead of men.  While I’m not so deluded as to think that a person’s performance is always or usually their preference his acting never seemed good enough to be that convincing; it seemed like his more recent work was playing to type. 

    Being a man who has had a son die in prison I hope Heath/Wolfe has a better fate than that.  But (again in my opinion) sex with children should be a capital offense.  

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  7. The poll is faulty; there should be a “Yes” answer for those of us to whom the characteristics are equally important.  The dick that is most often in me is my husband’s: truly gargantuan; but I’ve seen both girthier and longer.  Of course preferences and logistics like everything to do with sex and particularly man-to-man sex is highly circumstantial and individualized.  

    Example: girth is amazing for the sensations of the stretch and fullness.  To the average or tight bottom who doesn’t take many dicks the challenge and sense of accomplishment may be pleasurable enhancements; conversely it may be a burden, an impediment, or a source of harm.  To a highly experienced or even slack overused hole the effects of girth may be a requisite for any significant sensation.  And a buhzillion more scenarios. 

    There is also the aspect (among those categories within the buhzillion scenarios) of what one is used to if one has a regular partner or partners and whether a preference has developed because of the regular partner(s)’s characteristics or a need for variety.  And the need for variety may be preference or fulfillment of deficiency.  

    Or it may just be a wild streak that made the particular characteristic very favorable at the time or the opposite.  

    I will say that I enjoy the above-average girth and far-above-average length of my “daily dose” (along with all the many other of my husband’s characteristics) every time, every way, and hopefully many more to come (and to cum).  

    • Upvote 1
  8. On 6/26/2024 at 12:04 AM, Ieatcumholes said:

    There are many more scenarios than breeding and monogamy (which I would equate to black and white)... Considering black and white, the other scenarios would be "shades of gray..." I firmly sit in one (probably many) of those shades of gray... (FTR, I have ZERO interest in monogamy! And I have ZERO interest in breeding purely for the sake of getting off because I can jack off with less effort... Bore me! 🥱)

    Yes, I want to get off when I top! But even more important to ME is ensuring that the bottom enjoys himself as much as I can make him enjoy himself. If the bottom's enjoyment doesn't include him coming (cause the fucking and/or my loads were all he needed), fine. But, if his enjoyment includes his own orgasm, I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that he has an orgasm...

    >> I << believe that it takes two to have sex, and BOTH people should be satisfied (however they define satisfaction) when the sex is over. For those tops who believe, "it's all about me and what I want, and the bottom should be happy with that!" more power to you! I'm not one of those tops though!

    I'm not going to "yuck your yum," so please don't yuck mine... I try to remember that there are "different strokes for different folks" when I post. I'm not always successful at that though. There is no one monolithic way to have sex, much less gay sex. I think we all need to remember that...

    There is no one monolithic way to have sex, much less gay sex.

    Truer words, yet also the under-statement of the known history.  Layers and variations and opportunity converge to make plotting the potential categories and scenarios a Monte Carlo simulation which would challenge even the most advanced AI. 

  9. My husband and I had met this young(er) couple; early thirties for both of them.  We had planned to meet for dinner tonight but they were delayed.  We had a healthy storm this afternoon and they took a lightning strike; they said they had significant problems and were stressed about the damage they’d sustained.  We texted back trying to lighten their mood that blowjobs were the best stress relievers; we meant them blowing each other.  “Would you be willing to have cum for dinner?” was their response; again we thought it was just a joke.  We answered that it wasn’t our first cum-for-dinner rodeo.  “Fuck this clean-up shit.  We’ll be there in 30 mins!”

    Kent and I were surprised. We talked about it and said WTF Why not? (We’re gay men; of course we did!)

    They arrived and we met them at the door naked; we rarely wear clothes at home.  They wanted to get naked and we told them fuck that; they came for a blowjob and all that takes is a zipper!  As we said it we both went to our knees and were getting their shorts down; they got into it. 

    Both have decent dicks; above average, neither as big as me and I’m not as big as my husband, uncut, one shaved and one full bush.  I had the full bush and dove in face-first.  

    Neither of them took long; our sucking game is top-notch.  😈🐷  Mine blew first and the pungent blast nearly knocked me off my knees.  Absolutely the worst thing I’ve ever tasted; I went at it and savored and swallowed as I struggled to fight my gag relex.

    A later round had my husband sucking him and my husband yelled out, “Jesus H!  Ever hear of pineapple or celery?” as his forceful cum-shots flew wildly.  His boyfriend told us, “Yeah, I could have warned you.  I haven’t tasted that nasty boy batter in forever but it stinks enough to know it’s no better.”  Then he looks at me and says, “How the fuck did you do it?”  I told him, “I like my men manly!”

  10. 8 minutes ago, jz48811 said:

    Considering I don't often bottom as an adult, I certainly tried to put a lot of my things in my ass when I was, um... younger. Let's just say especially  in those 3 or 4 years before I started college;)
    Of course every vegetable I could think of.
    Eggs. Thank god they never broke!
    My favorite...a mini souvenir baseball bat. Though it was mini, the wide end was still pretty sizable and it was tough for my hole to take, but I did! And the smaller handle end...I would fuck myself silly with that!! To this day I remember the intense orgasms and wonderfully sore butt hole afterward!!

    I had one of those and I did that; my results were not as exciting as yours, except the sore part.  😳

    All I can say is thank god for my husband’s monster dick!  🐷

  11. Before my husband I’d only ever felt a guy’s cum shooting in my ass once; it was a strange feeling at first but then it made me almost euphoric.  My husband shoots like a cannon each and every time.  He’s also hung like a champion stud stallion.  He was inches up into my colon when he shot; he didn’t need to yell, “Here it comes,” because I felt it like rapid-fire stinging spray.  Of course he lied to me and told me nobody had ever made him cum that hard!  lol  Later when we started playing with others the first guy he fucked jumped like he’d been shot when Kent started blasting inside him; he yelled, “Dude fuck you shoot to kill!”  Yup always!

    • Like 2
  12. I think that in these post-plague days when PrEP is the norm for those who aren’t chasers or poz that the receiver’s default is in the hole where he is (wasn’t that a Rodgers and Hammerstein tune from Sound of Music?).  The option is always there to negotiate otherwise just as the option is there to tell a guy he can’t top you unless he wears a bunny suit.  🤣

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