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  1. Edit: trucker drivers or turkish man piss is a plus
  2. It makes me really horny the idea of setting up plastic cup/ bottles in urinals and wait some random guy piss inside it and then I would drink everything any urinals in Berlin you know where it is possible to do that ( drinking piss fron straight guys ) would be a plus
  3. I went to a piss party yesterday, and my chems that were inside my leather band wallet got wet 😞 how to you keep it safe when you know you gonna get wet? is there any water proof material that you guys use it? thanks
  4. hey guys, thank you for all the answers on my post. I started going to the gym, now for 1 month, also trying to eat healthy. I really wanna change my body to get more confidence. I think I have a little bit of social anxiety as well, but Im not gonna focus on that topic now. About me, Im Latino and ( at least in my case ) I don't think that my ethnicity plays a role in those sexual encounters at clubs like the LAB ( maybe that could be the case in smaller clubs that targets to an older german audience ), but in places like LAB more than 70% are probably international tourists Tonight I ll try going to a party where Im gonna be naked for the first time. I hope I can have a good experience to share with you guys. but from now, yes, Im gonna work on myself, I wanna have a body that Im not ashamed of
  5. but l' impact is more for twinks, no ?
  6. thank you for the comments guys, Im thinking about trying a Bear party in Berlin? anything you recommend me? also Im gonna be in Paris this weekend, would like to try something there
  7. I don't want you guys so think this post is superficial, but Im gonna be straightforward with the problem. Im on my late 30's ( 37 ), I consider myself a normal straight-passing guy, not ugly, not handsome, just normal. My body is something that I don't like. I never really made sports in my life, so I have almost no muscles, and a belly, that I hate. During my life and during my time living in the States, I don't remember lots of episodes of rejection, maybe, because I was meeting people on Grindr, or maybe because living in a small town in South Carolina the things work a little bit different. But then, last year, I moved to Europe. And I started going to sex clubs and their sex parties. So for the first time I experienced what is rejection. and what is like to be invisible. =( I went to party in Berlin last night and there were probably 1000 guys inside, and nobody wanted to do anything with me, nobody looked at me. It looks like everybody in that club was super young and super hot. and I feel that I was the only person there that was being totally ignored. I know the place is like a meat market and everybody can one day experience rejection, but it is something that really makes me sad. well, but my questions in this post ( and I would honestly want to hear the opinion of my > 35 guys who are not gym rats! ) - how do you deal with rejection in sex clubs / parties? - what should I do to improve my chances of getting laid? should I start going to the gym? is it too late for that? - I try to always wear a t-shirt at those clubs ( I don't wanna show my body naked ), is that also a turn off for guys? thank you
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