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Everything posted by MrPolite

  1. The hell does that mean? you talk in book titles, that's obviously an indicator of why you can't see or refuse to accept what I'm talking about.
  2. So we're currently only in a jane Austen novel. Early 1800s. Will we be back in Islam's medieval times by... next week? No, actually, you're the one terrified by arguments, and you lack intellectual curiosity or liking for debate, indicated by how you won't say a thing or complain when this thread and my account is disappeared, just like so many others - even though you chose to participate in it. So, yes, it's you... who (assumes most nasal voice ever) HEH! *pushes glasses up nose* are like, heh *pushes glasses up nose* intellectually challenged. (spoken like a spotty geek who actually thinks Coen brothers movies are entertaining)
  3. Try what? The fairground "test-your-might" game that is your head? There's only one Jewish country, they "expressly ignore" it. Just like everyone should do to you
  4. Hell of a retort. Anyway here's another example of lefties saying "you're gay". So, um, sucking up to the world's least liberal religion (Islam) gave this midget blond haired bimbo some kind of feeling of being "manly"...? Just so weird, it's clear we will all die before any psychologist investigates this.
  5. I've been less bored during Woody Allen movies. Can you take this somewhere else. Thanks, wheelchair bruh. Um really... you think you understand my own country's dialogue better than I do? You really believe the chances of that are like, as high as 7 out of 11?
  6. Those people can be defined in a single word: "Asufutimaehaehfutbw"
  7. I was watching BBC news this summer, when this supposedly "respectable" political reporter woman called Sarah Smith, made a totally weird comment when covering the Republican convention, This was when Vance had just been unveiled as the VP pick. She finished the coverage of his speech by making a comment suggesting that J.D. Vance's wave looked 'gay'. She didn't say the word but it's clearly what she was implying. There couldn't have been anything else. It's just so lame. She's a Scottish woman the daughter of a former UK party leader, for those of you who don't know (which will be the vast majority) I don't have a clip of this, I couldn't find it on YouTube and the BBC don't have long-time availability of their news broadcasts, cause they don't want intelligent folk actually analysing their output and being able to complain in the same way people do about other networks. BBC news is supposed to be the most "respectable" and "mainstream" form of getting your info. But this woman was making playground insults like a nasty 12-year-old girl. So what about that? Also, when Vance said something about UK's (painful) relationship with Islam, our now "Deputy Prime Minister" called him "fruity" which also basically means gay. If it's acceptable for two talentless Eurotrash cows to say or imply this kind of thing, where does that leave us? Calling a bearded man 4,000 miles away a "gay" gives them a giddy thrill to them for some reason...
  8. Woke is when you ask random people on the internet for an answer or definition of a word, instead of asking a lexicologist or other academic. (and the people you're asking the answer of, you've already previously banned them all)
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